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  • Carolina man sentenced to life behind bars for rape

    Carolina man sentenced to life behind bars for rape Carolina man sentenced to life behind bars for rape 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 1 September 2020 According to Sgt Mokwana, the child told the teacher that she and her older sister was sexually abused by their father, and the school reported the case to the police. Sgt Gloria Zulu, Family Violence, Child Protection, and Sexual Offenses Unit (FCS) member interviewed the children’s mother after the father was arrested, and discovered that the mother knew that her husband was sexually abusing the children, but failed to report the matter to the police. Sgt. Thabang Mokwana, spokesman for Carolina Police, stated that a man from Carolina, who raped his children, aged seven and 11, has been sentenced to life in prison. The incidents occurred between 6 June 2017 and 22 August 2017, with the 44-year-old man being arrested on 22 August, and the children taken to a place of safety by a social worker. A teacher noticed a sudden change in the child’s performance and behavior at school, and interviewed her out of concern that something may be wrong. According to Sgt Mokwana, the child told the teacher that she and her older sister was sexually abused by their father, and the school reported the case to the police. Sgt Gloria Zulu, Family Violence, Child Protection, and Sexual Offenses Unit (FCS) member interviewed the children’s mother after the father was arrested, and discovered that the mother knew that her husband was sexually abusing the children, but failed to report the matter to the police. Subsequently, the mother was sentenced to five years imprisonment for failing to report the abuse. Both sentences were handed down by the Carolina Regional Court on 24 August 2020. “This sentence will serve as deterrence, especially during this time when gender base violence (GBV) is a concern in the country,” Sgt Mokwana concluded. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MLM classified as dysfunctional

    MLM classified as dysfunctional 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 28 September 2021 MLM forms part of the 31% of municipalities countrywide that are classified as dysfunctional. Municipalities are tasked by the Constitution to structure and manage their administration, budgeting and planning processes to be able to carry out service delivery in a timely, acceptable, efficient and fitting manner. This is not the case for many targeted municipalities in Mpumalanga, which includes the floundering Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM). MLM has been fingered in governance performance reports as being classified as dysfunctional. This means that MLM, along with 3 other municipalities, are viewed as high risk in light of service delivery and management failure. In total, seven municipalities are under scrutiny by the National Department of Cooperative Governance (COGTA). This entity has announced Municipal Intervention Plans, which is focused on underperforming and distressed municipalities within the Gert Sibande District Municipality’s area of governance. The lack of capacity in local government is a recurring theme as is the lack of impact on the current initiatives. The Department plans to put in place priority interventions jointly with SALGA and LGSETA for coordinating support, capacity building and training initiatives to ensure that the necessary impact is realized. During the stabilization phase, the Department will engage with National Treasury to facilitate the reprioritisation of the capacity building grants to implement immediate priorities. The Department will also deploy financial technical capacity in targeted districts to improve financial management. Technical support will be provided in several areas, including the roads and storm water drainage, energy, water and sanitation, solid waste, revenue enhancement as well as the construction of roads. However, the continued failure to effect turnarounds in several municipalities requires further more intensive, dedicated and radical interventions. Several of these municipalities, including MLM, either misuse or fail to implement and manage the MIG funds, and implement the infrastructure projects that will improve the lives of the people. The report also states that the overall performance of these municipalities is below expectations. MLM forms part of the 31% of municipalities countrywide that are classified as dysfunctional. The report also states that the situation within these municipalities indicate that there is limited inhouse experience for managing infrastructure projects, handling tender documents and meaningfully interacting with contractors. There is also limited scheduled maintenance of infrastructure taking place. These challenges make it difficult for municipalities to spend the funds they obtain from national government to assist them with infrastructure development. It has been advised that the dysfunctional, high risk municipalities, namely Msukaligwa, Lekwa, Govan Mbeki and Dipaliseng Local Municipalities all be placed under administration. This advisory is still under consideration by the MEC. Mkhondo and Dr Pixley ka Seme Local Municipalities have been classified as medium risk, while Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality has been touted as low risk. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • VF Plus vereis antwoorde vanaf GMM

    VF Plus vereis antwoorde vanaf GMM 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 2 Junie 2020 Daar vind tot ses onderbrekings per dag in Bethal plaas. Tydens 'n aanlyn-portefeuljekomiteevergadering oor die aangeleentheid, het verteenwoordigers van Eskom gesê dat hulle weens uitstaande skuld van R1.7 miljard van Govan Mbeki Munisipaliteit, nie bereid is om die uitset van die substasie te verhoog nie. Persverklaring - Dit het onder die aandag van die VF Plus gekom dat die gereelde beurtkrag wat in Bethal plaasvind, die gevolg is van ‘n substasie wat nie die aanvraag na Bethal sowel as Emzinoni, 'n aangrensende dorp langs Bethal, kan voorsien nie. Daar vind tot ses onderbrekings per dag plaas. Tydens 'n aanlyn-portefeuljekomiteevergadering oor die aangeleentheid, het verteenwoordigers van Eskom gesê dat hulle weens uitstaande skuld van R1.7 miljard van Govan Mbeki Munisipaliteit, nie bereid is om die uitset van die substasie te verhoog nie. Die situasie is onaanvaarbaar, en die munisipaliteit se optrede is ʼn belediging vir die inwoners van Bethal wat wel gereeld hul rekenings betaal, maar wat nou weens die wanbetaling van ander en van die munisipaliteit moet boet. Die ANC moet aanvaar dat daar 'n probleem in Bethal is, en moet dringend optree teen onwettige aansluitings en wanbetalers. Agterstallige skuld moet ingevorder word, en vrugtelose en verkwistende uitgawes van openbare fondse moet stopgesit word. Die VF Plus dring aan op antwoorde van die munisipaliteit, en van die departement oor die aangeleentheid. Wetsgehoorsame betalers kan nie gestraf word weens die onbevoegdheid van die munisipaliteit en die wanbetaling van ander nie. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Thugs having a royal of a time in Ermelo

    Thugs having a royal of a time in Ermelo Thugs having a royal of a time in Ermelo 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 20 April 2021 Phoenix Liqour Store was held up by seven men, of which one was armed. The thugs made off with cash and liqour, and fled the scene on the back of a bakkie. During the course of the week, ACSU and the SAPS had their hands full with criminal elements troubling local businesses. Three robbers, of which one was armed, targeted Casual Affair and Tekkie Town. At MFG Undertakers, an unknown male threatened the owner with a knife, and made off with undisclosed goods. Phoenix Liqour Store was held up by seven men, of which one was armed. The thugs made off with cash and liqour, and fled the scene on the back of a bakkie. Anyone with information regarding these cases may contact D/CST Mdlalose on 082 373 8389 or 017 819 2321. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Aan my liefste ouma, my laaste brief | tribune-newspaper

    Aan my liefste ouma, my laaste brief 1/1 Share Supplied Content 14 June 2022 "Ons het ouma lief, hierdie is my laaste brief aan my oumie. Ek is jammer, ouma." Brief - My hart is seer, my oë moeg, ek was nie gereed om ouma so te groet nie. Ek is so ongelooflik jammer dat ouma se laaste paar maande op die aarde, ouma se maande van hel was. Ek wens ek kon tyd terug draai, maar al wat ek nou kan doen is om ouma se verhaal te vertel met die hoop dat ander kinders en kleinkinders mooi dink voor hulle ooit hulle oupa’s en ouma’s in Ermelo SAVF ouetehuis sit. Ek is jammer ouma se mond was goud geel, aangeplak en vrot van die plaak toe ouma uiteindelik opgeneem is in die hospitaal, na dae wat ouma nie kon eet of drink het nie. Ek het gedink ouma is vol nonsens, maar toe die dieëtkundige moes jaag om ouma se mond met koeksoda skoon te probeer skrop, en sy vir ons sê dat ouma nie sou kon eet nie want met so aangeplakte vuil mond proe alles wat ouma ineem letterlik vrot, en soos uriene, het ek my hart voel breek! Ouma het letterlik net swakker en swakker geword omrede ouma nie kon eet nie, nie omdat ouma nie wou eet nie. Toe ons die tehuis vra vir ouma se tandeborsel was daar nie eers een in ouma se “frail care” kamer nie! Ek het keer op keer waneer ek kom kuier het ouma se vol kateter sak op die vloer opgetel, waar die sak oop en bloot net op die grond langs ouma se bed gelê het. Die pyp van daai sak is ook net so lank! Ek kan nie dink hoe seer dit in ouma se privaat dele moes wees nie! Dit moes vreeslik getrek het! Watse verleentheid dit nie vir ouma moes wees nie! N eens mooi statige, altyd netjiese vrou, nou ‘n verwaarlose tannie, met haar uriene op die grond langs haar bed! Sou dit so baie moeite wees vir die verpleegsters, of selfs bestuur, om dit net toe te maak met ‘n deel van ouma se laken, en op die hak van die spesiale bed waarin ouma gelê het te hak! Dis tog immers waarom die bed een het! Ek’s so jammer ouma moes sulke vernedering deurgaan. Vir dae aaneen kon ouma ook nie eet nie, omrede die kos wat vir ouma gegee is nie gepas was vir ouma se behoeftes en swak stadium nie... wat my die seerste maak is dat daar nie eers iemand was wat ouma probeer voer het nie! Ouma was bedlêend, maar ouma se naels was bruin vuil van die aangepakte kos soos ouma self probeer eet het! Plat op ouma se rug moes ouma probeer oorleef. Snags het boeta gery om ouma se water bottel, wat dae en ure lank leeg was, by die kraan vol te maak. Hoeveel keer het ek nie by ouma se bed gekom en gesmeek, asseblief, maak net my ouma se water vol nie. Hoeveel ure voor ons kon kom kuier, selfs soms dae, het ouma sonder ‘n druppel water deur gegaan nie? Ek is jammer ons kuier is kort geknip die dag wat die tannie twee kamers weg van ouma op die koue teëls geval het. Ek kon haar gehuil en geroep na hulp nie meer ignoreer nie, en het na die susters stasie, direk oorkant haar kamer, gegaan en die personeel gesmeek dat hulle my asseblief moet kom help haar optel. Jammer ek kon nie langer sit en ouma se naels ,wat bruin van vuil was, skoon maak nie. Ouma, ek weet ouma het ‘n skoon netjiese kamer verdien, dis waarom ons maar beurte probeer maak het om ouma se kamer op te ruim, en ouma se asblik wat altyd oorvol was, leeg te maak. Dit het my gebreek toe ek die hoeveelste keer pille onder ouma se bed op die vuil vloer moes kry... Tot vandag toe kan niemand vir my sê hoekom niemand seker gemaak het ouma drink ouma se pille nie! Hoekom niemand ouma gehelp het as ouma dit laat val nie. Ek kan net dink hoe frustrerend dit vir ouma moes wees, ouma was bedlêend en kon dit nie eers self optel nie. Ek weet ouma het ‘n hele paar keer probeer kla, maar elke keer is ouma se klagtes uitgemaak as ouma se eie skuld. Hoeveel keer het ouma nie my hand gegryp as ek gegroet het nie, en my gesmeek om aseblief net ouma saam te vat, ek wens ek kon, maar ek kon nie. Ek is net bitter bly, maar met ‘n seer hart, nou kan ek ouma se verhaal van hel vertel want nooit weer kan hulle op ouma pik omdat ouma praat van wat aangaan in daai gebou van hel nie. Ek wens ek het ouma eerder in Hendrina Ouetehuis gesit, maar ons het geglo wat die nuwe bestuur in Ermelo ons belowe het! Ons het geglo dat ouma met liefde en respek behandel sou word, en die beste diens en 24 uur hulp in die “frail care” eenheid na ouma se operasie sou kry! Dat die personeel “top”opgelei is om ouma die nabehandeling te kon gee van die operasie. Ons het ten duurste betaal vir al die mooi beloftes! Mamma en pappa kon ouma nie invat nie, hulle is self nie meer vandag se kinders nie. Ek en boeta werk voldag, en sou nie ouma kon versorg 24 uur ‘n dag nie, maar ouma hoe spyt is ek nie vandag ons het nie geweet wat vir ouma wag nie! Ouma is letterlik net in die ouetehuis gelos om dood te gaan. Die ou, maer tannie wat in die hospitaal gelê het, se nalaat op haar liggaam bewys die hel waardeur ouma is! Nuwe oor geverfde gange en gordyne, opgedonste kamers, 5-ster professionele diens, beste gehalte gesonde kos gepas vir ouma se toestand en al die nuwe bestuur se mooi beloftes is nie wat ouma beleef het nie. Die jaar 2022 was ouma se laaste jaar, op 24 Mei 2022 is ouma hospitaal toe. Dokter het gesê hy gaan ouma nie terug stuur as ouma hier uit kom nie, want hulle kan nie vir ouma sorg nie, ouma was in ‘n walglike kondisie. Op 2 Junie 2022 het Liewe Jesus ouma kom haal. Of dit ouma se tyd was, weet ek nie, maar dokter kon nie ouma se infeksie telling afkry nie, as gevolg van ouma se bakterieë in ouma se mond wat alles binne ouma aangetas het! Ouma, ek weet ouma is nou pyn vry by Liewe Jesus, maar moes ouma so mishandel en verwaarloos word, so seer hê voor ouma se dood? Is dit waarvoor ons so bitter duur betaal het? Ons kan ouma nooit terug bring nie! Ek kan nie eers vir ouma sê ek is jammer nie, al wat ek kan doen is om ander oupa’s en ouma’s te red met ouma se laaste paar maande se gebeure! Al wat ek kan doen om die seer, die lelik beter te maak, is om ouma se waarheid van hel te deel! Al help dit een persoon om twee keer te dink voor hulle hul geliefdes in daai gebou in druk, dan is ouma se lyding ten minste iets werd! Jammer ek kon nie vroeër praat nie, ek was te besig om my ouma te sien uit teer en doodgaan. Ons het ouma lief, hierdie is my laaste brief aan my oumie. Ek is jammer, ouma. - Hartseer Kleinkinders < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Irate residents pickets at MLM

    Irate residents pickets at MLM Unhappy residents from various wards in Wesseolton demands answers from MLM. Unhappy residents from various wards in Wesseolton demands answers from MLM. Unhappy residents from various wards in Wesseolton demands answers from MLM. Unhappy residents from various wards in Wesseolton demands answers from MLM. 1/4 Share GK CRONJE 9 September 2020 “I care for a disabled family member, which makes it difficult to travel within Wesselton. Everything is falling apart, an nobody is listening to us. We are without electricity a lot of the time. Innocent residents are suffering due to illegal connections. Not all of us are part of the “izinyoka”, yet some of us have no other choice. We will wait for municipality technicians until Jehova comes,” a picketer lamented. Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) has seen their fair share of irate residents and business owners lately, and today it no different. A group of residents from various areas of Wesselton are picketing in front of the MLM building, with SAPS keeping a close eye on proceedings. The residents in question expressed their dismay regarding a court order of removal issued recently. Amongst other concerns, service delivery, electrical supply and disconnections, employment issues and supply chain dissatisfaction issues were raised. “It’s terrible. We are treated like nothing, like we are not human beings. We are all suffering, we need to provide for our families, and we are being blocked by unlawful proceedings,” a picketer told the Tribune. Wesselton has come under the spotlight for the lack of maintenance, especially regarding the roads, electrical and water supply infrastructure. “I care for a disabled family member, which makes it difficult to navigate within Wesselton. Everything is falling apart, an nobody is listening to us. We are without electricity a lot of the time. Innocent residents are suffering due to illegal connections. Not all of us are part of the “izinyoka”, yet some of us have no other choice. We will wait for municipality technicians until Jehova comes,” another picketer lamented. Residents are advised to exercise caution when conducting business at MLM during the course of the picketing, as the group awaits feedback from MLM. This is a developing story. Read the full article in the next publication of the Tribune Newspaper. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Cassim Park residents have had it in chunks

    Cassim Park residents have had it in chunks 1/5 Share GK CRONJE 20 July 2021 "Why do we even bother paying these people, if they don’t deliver the promised services. They never have enough money, and they always want more. The community only receives false promises from the municipal managers and staff. " The Tribune ePaper has received a barrage of complaints from residents of Cassim Park, who are, according to complaints, getting the short end of the stick. An alarming amount of unfinished worksites, dubious connections and crumbling infrastructure are but a few of the complaints. Another major complaint from a resident was that of the streetlights that are out of order, and have been for the longest time. Additionally, the road conditions in Cassim Park leaves much to be desired, with focus shifting to Littledale Street and Nelspan Road. The condition of these roads, and the roadway in general in Cassim Park is horrendous, with a mixture of rubble, chipped bricks, stone and other materials that have been used as makeshift patches in an attempt to make the roads traversable. Unwary motorists could easily suffer great damage to their vehicle if not alert. The majority of streetlights are either damaged and leaning dangerously towards the roadway, or completely out of order. This, in turn, contributes to a high crime rate and opportune conditions for criminals to lurk and sneak in the yards of residences. A large number of residents in Cassim Park have already suffered damages as criminals pounce, with any items of value not bolted down or locked up, being nabbed from yards. Uncollected refuse litter the sidewalks, grass on municipal grounds are long and unkempt, and council buildings, covered in graffiti and obscene spray painted images, rot away in glorious non-maintenance. Residents are also irked by the fact that they face electricity issues on a daily basis, often being left for hours without electricity, with a very slow response rate from municipal departments. According to complaints, the electricity are often not restored in a timely manner after the load reduction had been implemented by Msukaligwa Local Municipality. “We pay our bills and pay our taxes, but this municipality never fixes the issues we have in the area, or Ermelo as a whole. The street lights have been off for years, and all we get are weak excuses of the trees being a problem. Most of the lamps don’t even have bulbs in them. The roads are falling apart, water leaks are all over the place, and then every other week there is a stream of sewage running down the streets. Why do we even bother paying these people, if they don’t deliver the promised services. They never have enough money, and they always want more. The community only receives false promises from the municipal managers and staff. The upkeep is so neglected that even the tennis court is no more, and the sportsground is falling apart. All this is due to poor management. Enough is enough,” stated one angry resident. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Mirror Trading International collapses, R5B worth of bitcoin lost | tribune-newspaper

    Mirror Trading International collapses, R5B worth of bitcoin lost 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 20 April 2021 CEO, Johann Steynberg, fled the country with over R5 billion worth of investors’ bitcoin. BTC Global, better known as Mirror Trading International, was a bitcoin investment scam that ran from mid-2017 to early 2018. It claimed to offer clients a way to invest in a trading pool managed by a “master trader”, Steven Twain. Social media was flooded with recruitment posts, with many of the posts being flogged by residents in and around Ermelo, hoping to get rich quick. Many residents in Ermelo and surroundings foolishly touted MTI as the golden goose of the ages, and condescendingly looked down upon those who saw it as a scam. A reported 27 000 people were scammed by BTC Global, including South Africans, Americans, and Australians. MTI went through a few iterations, but its surge in growth came after it adopted a multilevel marketing referral system and switched away from more conventional “copy trading” to purportedly using an automated trading program, or “bot”. Several warnings were issued from official bodies, including the Texas State Securities Board, Canada’s Autorité des Marchés Financiers, and South Africa’s Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA). South Africans, however, decided to look the other way. In its warning from August last year, the FSCA recommended that people withdraw their money from MTI as soon as possible. “Mirror Trading International is another example of why the industry must spread the word that algorithmic trading platforms promising unrealistically high returns are nearly always scams. When cryptocurrency exchanges and other services learn of these scams and receive their cryptocurrency addresses, they should discourage users from sending funds to those addresses or at least warn them that financial losses are highly likely.” cryptocurrency observer and venture capitalist, Dovey Wan, said in a statement. This follows the final collapse of MTI after its CEO, Johann Steynberg, fled the country with over R5 billion worth of investors’ bitcoin. According to the South African common law, liquidators are in a position to claim money back from participants of this illegal scheme. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Sign the service delivery petition

    Sign the service delivery petition 1/13 Share GK CRONJE 20 September 2022 The link to the petition can be obtained on by contacting the MBCF. On 10 August 2022, the Msukaligwa Business & Community Forum (MBCF), spearheaded by the chairperson, Janice Conradie, hosted a meeting with the residents and businesses of Ermelo. The aim of the meeting was to discuss and plan a way forward amidst the lack of service delivery provided by Msukaligwa Local Municipality. One of the larger issues that the community and business sector faces is the non-functional billing system of the municipality. This, coupled with the wholly illegal practice of the municipality’s departments billing consumers according to shockingly inaccurate estimations, have put more and more pressure on the community to finally take a stand against Msukaligwa Local Municipality. Despite the MBCF’s roundabout of meetings with various roleplayers and government officials, including Gert Sibande District Municipality, no amicable solution could be found. Conradie has now launched a petition in order to exert pressure on the municipality to provide services to the community. The petition will then be used by the Democratic Alliance Shadow Minister for Small Business Development, Henro Kruger, in his presentation before parliament. The petition closes 24 October 2022, and all community members are urged to sign the petition. The link to the petition can be obtained by clicking here -, or by contacting the MBCF on the number below. A public meeting at the Ermelo Inn will be held on 26 September 2022 at 18:00, where additional information will be provided. The MBCF urges all interested parties, irrespective of individual or business, to join the MBCF. This will strengthen the hand in dealing with these service delivery issues, and various other issues. For more information, or for the petition link, contact Janice Conradie on 072 401 1449. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • GMM residents in for a tough time

    GMM residents in for a tough time Ms Thandi Ngxonono, accused of poor leadership, also decided to duck and run, and resigned as executive mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality. Ms Thandi Ngxonono, accused of poor leadership, also decided to duck and run, and resigned as executive mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality. 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 10 November 2020 Ms Thandi Ngxonono, accused of poor leadership, also decided to duck and run, and resigned as executive mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality. The embattled Govan Mbeki Municipality(GMM) have had their water pressure reduced by another by 20% due to the poor servicing of their account to Rand Water. The utility’s Justice Mohale said they were in talks with the municipality, with little success. GMM is one of 3 municipalities who have had their pressure reduced in an effort from the utility to recover millions owed. Residents in the GMM service area are already experiencing near constant water issues, which will be further aggravated by the pressure cut. “Rand Water has reached out to these municipalities on many occasions and entered into repayment agreements with them, but they have failed to honour these agreements.” Emfuleni municipality is in arrears of nearly R100 million, Victor Khanye stands at R185 million, while GMM takes the cake, owing Rand Water a boggling R314 million. According to Mohale, should Rand Water reach out to the municipalities again, and if they fail to adhere to the agreements amde, they would again reduce water pressure by another 20%. All residents within GMM’s service area will e adversely affected by this reduction in pressure. This comes as another blow to the failed municipality, which has also been placed under administration due to rampant fraud, corruption and financial mismanagement within the entity. Ms Thandi Ngxonono, accused of poor leadership, also decided to duck and run, and resigned as executive mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality shortly before the municipality was placed under administration < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Pet Dam water siphoned into tanker labeled for consumption | tribune-newspaper

    Pet Dam water siphoned into tanker labeled for consumption 1/3 Share GK CRONJE 18 August 2021 Washing or swimming in contaminated water causes rashes, pink eye, respiratory infections and hepatitis. Concerns have been raised by residents regarding a trio of water tankers that siphon water from the Pet Dam on a daily basis, usually in the early mornings. While one of the tankers is clearly a construction tanker, and the water presumably utilized for such purposes, the remaining two is a darker shade of worry. Most concerning is the fact that one of the tankers that siphon water from the Pet Dam is labeled as “drinking water”. While it is, at this stage, unclear whether the water is actually implemented for providing potable water to the community, is unclear. The municipal spokesman has stated that if the tankers are not branded with Msukaligwa Local Municipality emblems, they do not fall under the municipal framework. The Pet Dam has been a sight for sore eyes, as well as a major health hazard for the community, fauna and flora for the past decade. Constant sewage pollution due to the municipality’s lack of addressing key overflow issues have only exacerbated the issue faced. The Pet Dam is notorious for its foul smelling water, and has also come under the spotlight due to a large-scale fish kill that took place. To date, the municipality has failed to provide the results of the water tests that were supposedly conducted at the time in order to determine the cause of the fish kill. Additionally, the Pet Dam faces a constant flow of raw sewage into the body of water, which has been ongoing since circa 2009. The collapsed sewerage network along President Fouché Avenue, as far up as Camden Avenue, sees kiloliters of rew sewage flowing towards the Pet Dam on a weekly basis. Collapsed and inadequate sewerage lines in these areas, as well as in the field between both Presient Fouché Avenue, Mauritz Read and Wes Streets also causes raw sewage to contaminate the dam. A large overflow of sewage near Autumn Ridge also flows down towards the Pet Dam. Consumption of sewage contaminated water can lead to a range of illnesses and defects to both humans and animals. Drinking fecal-contaminated water can expose you to E. coli, resulting in fever, watery or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting. It can also cause gastroenteritis, more commonly known as the stomach flu. This infection causes fever, watery diarrhea, headaches, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. Waterborne pathogens, in the form of disease-causing bacteria and viruses from human and animal waste, are a major cause of illness from contaminated drinking water. Diseases spread by unsafe water also include cholera, giardia, and typhoid. Annually, thousands of people struck by Legionnaires’ disease, which is a severe form of pneumonia contracted from contaminated water. This disease is potentially fatal if left untreated. Washing or swimming in contaminated water causes rashes, pink eye, respiratory infections and hepatitis. The community is urged to refrain from accepting water from any tankers that are not officially employed and commissioned by the municipality, in order to avoid receiving contaminated water that is unfit for consumption. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Real estate fraudster sought

    Real estate fraudster sought Real estate fraudster sought 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 27 April 2021 She defrauded the buyers by not transferring the properties to their names and had to pay for home loans of the properties they never acquired. Annica Van Staden (46) is sought by the Hawks' Serious Commercial Crime Investigation team in Mpumalanga for alleged fraud. It is alleged that between October 2014 and July 2015, the suspect had a registered business called Housing First Property in Mpumalanga. Her modus operandi was to sell Reconstruction and Development Programme( RDP) houses, repossessed houses as well as private property in the vicinity of Middelburg, Witbank, Secunda and Kriel. It was established that the houses she sold were not for sale. It is further alleged that the buyer had to pay the deposit on a house or the selling price into her business, Housing First Property trust account. She defrauded the buyers by not transferring the properties to their names and had to pay for home loans of the properties they never acquired. Van Staden allegedly transferred money to other agents she employed, although none of them including herself were registered with the Estate Agency Affairs Board. Cases of fraud were registered in Middelburg, the suspect is no longer residing in Middelburg and her whereabouts are unknown. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Hawks' investigating team, Lieutenant Colonel Hanlie Coetser, on 082 303 9881, Constable Masangane on 068 466 9873, or Sergeant Mosete on 072 329 9315. < Previous Article Next Article >

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