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  • No heed paid to municipal by-laws

    No heed paid to municipal by-laws 1/3 Share GK CRONJE 11 May 2021 MLM spokesperson, Mandla Zwane, simply ignored the enquiry submitted by the Tribune ePaper. Lawless business owners and individuals are wreaking havoc on municipal structures by plastering their advertisements on every imaginable service, often with glue that leave residue on these surfaces for months on end. Although the by-laws regarding these acts are crystal clear, no heed is paid, and most unfortunately, no action against perpetrators are taken by Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM). The by-laws published by MLM states that any person who displays or erects any advertisement or sign for which no approval has been granted by the Council, which approval has expired, has been withdrawn, or which advertisement or sign does not conform with the approved application or any of its conditions, or does not comply with or is contrary to any provision of these by-laws or to any other applicable Act or Regulation, shall be guilty of an offence. Any person who displays or erects any advertisement or sign which contravenes or fails to comply with any provision, requirements or conditions as set out in any notice issued and served in terms of these by-laws or other applicable legislation, or who knowingly makes any false statement in respect of any application in terms of these by-laws, shall be guilty of an offence. The Council may serve notice on the person/s who is displaying the advertisement to recover the expenses incurred as a result of any removal, action taken, repairs to Council property or for any other costs incurred from any person(s) to whom the notice was issued. No compensation shall be payable by the Council to any persons in consequence of such removal, repairs or action taken. Any person who fails to remove any poster, banner, flag or election advertisement within the prescribed period shall be guilty of an offence. Provided further that when any such poster, banner or election advertisement is removed in terms of these by-laws, the Council shall be entitled to destroy any such advertisement without giving notice to anyone. Any person who, in the course of erecting or removing any advertising sign, causes damage to any natural feature, electric structure or service, or any other Council installation or property, shall be guilty of an offence and punishable in terms of section 15 of these by-laws and shall be liable for damages so incurred. Any form of bill-sticking by means of posters or placards to any existing structure without the approval of the Council contravenes the by-laws. Any person who contravenes any provision of these by-laws shall be guilty of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to a fine or imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or both the fine and the imprisonment. At the time of publication, MLM spokesperson, Mandla Zwane, simply ignored the enquiry submitted by the Tribune ePaper. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ryan het dringend jou hulp nodig | tribune-newspaper

    Ryan het dringend jou hulp nodig 1/1 Share SM Hattingh 11 Oktober 2022 Ryan en sy vriende het Saterdag aand uitgegaan in Pretoria, waar hy toe beval was in twee aparte insidente. Vroeg Sondag oggend, 3 Oktober 2022, het die familie en vriende van Ryan Alves skokkende nuus ontvang. Ryan en sy vriende het Saterdag aand uitgegaan in Pretoria, waar hy toe beval was in twee aparte insidente. Ryan was na die bevallings onbewus, waarna sy vriende hom probeer by bring het en ‘n ambulans ontbied het. Ryan was toe na die naaste hospitaal geneem, waar hy onmiddelik opgeneem is. Later dié Sondag aand het die dokters aan sy familie bevestig dat hy kritiek is, al die bene in sy gesig is gekraak, hy het ‘n breuk op sy skedel, infeksie in sy longe en swelling op die brein. Na wese was Ryan Maandag middag in vir ‘n noodoperasie op sy brein, en 15cm van sy kop been was verwyder om te help met die drukking van die swelling op sy brein. Hy is daarna onder sterk sedasie geplaas, en die wag tydperk het begin. Tans is Ryan nog kritiek, en fondse word dringend benodig. Sy hospitaal rekening al klaar yslik groot, en Ryan se herstel proses gaan nog ‘n lang pad wees. Die fondse vir dit lê ook nog soos ‘n berg voor die familie. Daar is ‘n rekening geskep vir hom vir enige donasies deur Mnr. Danie van der Walt by Botha & Van Dyk Prokureurs. Alle en enige donasies sal hartlik waardeer word, en sal ongelooflik baie help. Die bank besonderhede vir donasies is as volg: Nedbank Trust Rekening, Rekening Naam: Botha & Van Dyk Trust Acc, Rekening Nommer: 1468 116 924, Tak Kode: 151644, Verwysing: RYA/3/1naam. Die familie wil graag die gemeenskap bedank vir elke boodskap, oproep asook die gemeenskapslede wat alreeds ‘n donasie gegee het, die familie waardeer dit opreg. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • More pollution added to Pet Dam

    More pollution added to Pet Dam 1/5 Share GK CRONJE 24 August 2021 In an environmental study released, MLM, amongst three other Mpumalanga municipalities, is explicitly fingered as a main culprit in the years-long pollution of the Vaal River. Amidst Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) approving new construction projects, building plans and residence extensions left and right, the environment, fauna and flora, as well as residents get the shortest end of the stick imaginable. Since circa 2014, the sewerage system in President Fouché Avenue and the surrounding wards have been on a downward spiral, with municipal managers from three iterations back’s promises still remaining unfulfilled. The impact on the wildlife and wetland animals, especially notable the Egrets that grace Ermelo, is a cause of great concern, as the spillage eventually flows down to the Pet Dam, leaving a trail of pollution and wildlife death in its wake. From the Pet Dam, which is already polluted beyond measure, the overflow ties in with the Klein Drinkwater stream, ultimately ending up in the Vaal River. In an environmental study released, MLM, amongst three other Mpumalanga municipalities, is explicitly fingered as a main culprit in the years-long pollution of the Vaal River. Alas, to date no upgrades, nor action have been taken, with the situation being inexplicably worse than before. The frequent blockages and overflow of the sewerage line in President Fouché Avenue clearly indicates a larger problem factor with the network area, as residents near the President Fouché Avenue and Roberts Street intersection live in a near constant cloud of putridity, as the overflowing manholes in this section is a constant issue, with feaces, sanitary products, condoms and toilet paper being left to bake in the sun. The fields in this area is constantly drenched with sewage, and also holds serious health implications for residents and learners from the nearby schools. The issue of the pandemic further proves problematic, as MLM barks at residents to practice hygiene, but back at the ranch, they are the main culprits of unhygienic practices. While MLM’s authority figures, as well as various ward councillors are well aware of the problems faced by residents, it would seem that little is being done to provide a permanent and viable solution. The Gert Sibande District Municipality had also been informed of the issue on several occasions, but claim to have no jurisdiction in the matter. The Democratic Alliance (DA) has noted that the party had sent a letter to the Premier of Mpumalanga, by the time response is received from provincial level, the damage will be immeasurable. You may view more photos and videos on our Facebook page, Tribune Ermelo. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Watch your tyres!

    Watch your tyres! The shoddy state of the road. The shoddy state of the road. 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 16 June 2020 The jagged edges of the protruding broken bricks that have been placed in the potholes pose an imminent danger to your vehicle’s tyres and sidewalls. Residents are urged to drive carefully in Roberts Street, as the roads in this area are riddled with potholes that are multiplying like rabbits. As pictured, the jagged edges of the protruding broken bricks that have been placed in the potholes pose an imminent danger to your vehicle’s tyres and sidewalls. While potholes filled with debris is marginally better than potholes that are 10cm in depth, it still posed a danger to road users. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Air Liquide take hands with Sasol | tribune-newspaper

    Air Liquide take hands with Sasol 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 20 April 2021 Both companies are targeting the first capacities to be operational by 2023 and individual projects must demonstrate a generation capacity of at least 70MW. Air Liquide and Sasol will launch a Request for Proposal (RFP) to supply 600 MW of renewable energy to their operations on the site of Secunda in South Africa, as part of their joint commitment to procure 900 MW of renewables by 2030. This will be the largest corporate RFP in South Africa for the supply of renewable energy. These capacities will in particular supply the biggest oxygen production site in the world, which Air Liquide is in the process of buying from Sasol pending the Competition Commission’s approval. The use of renewable energy will greatly contribute to the objective to reduce by 30% to 40% its CO2 emissions by 2030, in line with Air Liquide Climate Objectives and Sasol’s commitment to lower its carbon footprint. Air Liquide and Sasol will launch a common RFP to the market later this month for the procurement of the first 600 MW capacity, of which 400 MW will be allocated to Air Liquide and 200 MW to Sasol, and want to finalize the signature of long term Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) before the end of 2021. Both companies are targeting the first capacities to be operational by 2023 and individual projects must demonstrate a generation capacity of at least 70MW. The final signature of these PPAs will depend on the completion of the acquisition by Air Liquide of Sasol’s oxygen production units, which remains subject to approval by the Competition Commission. Air Liquide announced its intention to acquire and operate Sasol’s Secunda oxygen plants in July 2020. In this context, Air Liquide would operate the 16 air separation units (ASU) of this site, with an installed capacity of 42,000 tons/day, in addition to the unit it already operates today. Present on the site since 1979, Air Liquide had initially built and sold these 16 ASUs to Sasol and will invest in their modernization. In addition to the benefits this would bring in terms of safety, reliability and efficiency, the solution provided by Air Liquide would allow for a targeted reduction of 30% to 40% in CO2 emissions arising from the oxygen production within 10 years from the implementation date of the deal. Ronnie Chalmers, Air Liquide Vice-President Africa Middle East and India, said: “This call for tenders, the largest launched by the private sector in South Africa, is a major lever to the decarbonization of the Secunda air separation units. Combining operational efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions, our partnership with Sasol illustrates our capacity to work with our customers to help them lower their carbon footprint and to act in favor of the climate and local ecosystems. Climate action is at the heart of Air Liquide’s growth strategy, and we will continue to Act for a sustainable future.” Lebelo Lukhele, Sasol Chief Procurement Officer Energy Business, said: “Due to the highly integrated nature of the Secunda site and the high GHG footprint associated with the ASUs, collaboration between the companies is necessary to ensure optimal GHG reduction benefits. It is anticipated that a collaborative approach will not only result in the original Sasol commitment for the Secunda site being met, but will also be exceeded through the combined efforts.” Interested bidders may apply for access to the RFP by forwarding their company profile together with contact details to and . Applications of interest will be accepted until 23 April 2021. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Morgenzon bied aan... Afrikaans is Groot

    Morgenzon bied aan... Afrikaans is Groot 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 16 March 2022 Die program het van een hoogtepunt tot ‘n volgende hoogtepunt gevloei, en het die gehoor op die punte van hul stoele gehou. Na maande se oefen en onsekerheid met die COVID pandemie saam, het MLA se Revue – AFRIKAANS IS GROOT – op die planke gerealiseer. Die hele skool se leerders, Graad R tot Graad 12, is die geleentheid gebied om te sing en dans op die maat van Afrikaanse musiek. Sangopnames van die sang groep is professioneel laat doen, en dit, saam met die klank en beligting wat deur ‘n buite maatskappy gedoen is, het tot die sukses van die twee aande se opvoerings bygedra. Die gehoor is op elegante wyse deur die program begelei. Pierre Venter en Nelanie Smith het verdere kleur aan die geleentheid verleen met hul pittighede en amusante staaltjies. Die program het van een hoogtepunt tot ‘n volgende hoogtepunt gevloei, en het die gehoor op die punte van hul stoele gehou. Wat ‘n belewenis om ‘n hele skool se kinders op een verhoog te kon sien. Dit was duidelik dat almal wat deelgeneem het die aand net so veel as die gehoor geniet het. “Baie dankie aan elke Landtie, sowel as elke onderwyser wat hard gewerk het. In besonder ook aan mnr. Pierre Venter, me. Almarie Broekman en me. Judy Power wat aan die stuur van sake gestaan het. Dit was MLA se spog geleentheid waar almal, ouers, grootouers, vriende en deelnemers, in Afrikaans kon lekker kry. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Dros staff now fully vaccinated | tribune-newspaper

    Dros staff now fully vaccinated 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 19 October 2021 The Dros wishes to thank all of the personnel at the Civic Centre for all of their patience during this day. The management and waitrons, as well as all the kitchen staff received their vaccinations on Thursday, 14 October 2021. The team was very nervous, but the whole procedure had been explained to them, as well as all of their questions has been answered. The Dros wishes to thank all of the personnel at the Civic Centre for all of their patience during this day. Dros would like to invite all of their loyal, as well as new customers, to come and support them, offering great food, bar and televisions for sports. On the photos are all the personnel after they received their vaccine, as well as Elias, the manager, when he received his vaccine. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Andrea en Flip groet Ermelo | tribune-newspaper

    Andrea en Flip groet Ermelo 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 10 November 2020 Tydens ‘n onderhoud met die Tribune het Andrea gesê “Ons gaan almal se gesiggies baie mis, en al die vriendlikheid van die Ermelo gemeenskap maar ons sal al die oomblike vir altyd koester”. Andrea en Flip Raaths, eienaars van Blomme vir Almal, sluit hulle deure na 17 jaar van besigheid. Die egpaar het dit beter gedink om nader aan hulle kinders te trek, en ‘n lekker rustige lewe op hul oudag te kan hê. Hulle het vir 17 jaar Blomme vir Almal gehad te Kerk Straat 12. Dit is met hartseer dat hulle Ermelo verlaat na soveel jare. Hulle wil graag van die geleentheid gebruik maak om die Ermelo gemeenskap te bedank vir 17 jaar se getroue en lojale ondersteuning. Tydens ‘n onderhoud met die Tribune het Andrea gesê “Ons gaan almal se gesiggies baie mis, en al die vriendlikheid van die Ermelo gemeenskap maar ons sal al die oomblike vir altyd koester”. Die Tribune wil graag vir die Raath egpaar net seën toewens vir hulle pad vorentoe. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MLM announces R3.5 million service delivery drive

    MLM announces R3.5 million service delivery drive 1/3 Share GK CRONJE 20 September 2022 Some residents claimed that blatant grandstanding by municipal officials impacted the protocol and quality control that should be followed. The Jetpatcher team was spotted in Horster Road, Netherland Park, last week, providing some much needed TLC to the dilapidated roadway. This roadway, which had been slated for overhaul in February 2022, fell victim to political infighting at the municipality, and the planned project was put on ice. A section of the roadway has now been patched, although more serious intervention is needed to alleviate the shoddy road conditions in Netherland Park. The Jetpatching initiative takes place periodically as the district vehicle and materials become available, and is a joint venture between Msukaligwa Local Municipality, Gert Sibande District Municipality and other roleplayers. On videos and photos shared by the municipality, the executive mayor, Cllr MP Nkosi, as well as Gert Sibande Distrit Municipality (GSDM) executive mayor, Cllr MW Mngomezulu, also attended the announcement of the so-called “integrated service delivery programme”. Heide Avenue was also targeted by the Jetpatcher team. According to the municipality, the district will assist with a road resealing initiative to the value of R3.5 million. According to the municipality, the programme will include, amongst others, patching of potholes, cleaning and removing of illegal dumping, disconnecting and removal of illegal electricity cables, unblocking of sewerage main holes, the repair of water pipe leaks and public lighting, such as streetlights and high masts. “Is not that we are concentrating in town only, we are going to rehabilitate Msheveni- and Mthambama Streets in Wesselton in this financial year,” Cllr Nkosi stated. The reaction from the community has been a mixed bag, with some members of the community lauding the attempts by the municipality, while others questioned the workmanship of the projects, claiming that blatant grandstanding by municipal officials impacted the protocol and quality control that should be followed. Other concerns were also raised that the infrastructure failure such as roadways are not addressed at root level, and is instead just patched to feign effective service delivery and provide short term solutions. At this stage, the timeframe of the project is unknown, and the areas that will receive attention is yet to announced. See more photos and videos on our Facebook page, Tribune Ermelo. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ermelo besighede loop deur onder gewapende rowers

    Ermelo besighede loop deur onder gewapende rowers Ermelo besighede loop deur onder gewapende rowers 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 11 May 2021 The suspects fled in a charcoal color BMW, and remain unidentified at this time. Gedurende die afloop van verlede week het besigheidseienaars in Ermelo gekners op hul tande en gehoop dat hul nie geteiken word nie, na ‘n vlaag gewapende rooftogte. Op Woensdag, 5 Mei, het Markham in die Oak Shopping Centre weereens die kort end gekry toe vier gewapende mans die winkel binnegestorm het, en klante en werknemers na die agterkant van die winkel gedwing. Daarna het hul die bestuurder gedwing om die kluis oop te sluit, en ‘n onbekende bedrag kontant, asook verskeie selfone gebuit. Die rowers het gevlug in ‘n wit Honda. Geen beserings was aangemeld nie. Enige persone wat informasie het wat kan help met die ondersoek, kan die ondersoekbeampte, Inspekteur Konstabel BM Mbatha kontak by 017 819 2321 of 082 373 8389. - On Wednesday, 5 May, two businesses in Ermelo suffered damages due to armed robberies that took place on the same day. After an earlier armed robbery at Markham at the Oak Shopping Centre, brazen criminals targeted Six Pack Cash & Carry just before 17:00. Five masked, armed men stormed the store, and forced clients and managers to the ground. They forced the management to hand over cash, as well as the cellphones of the staff and clients in the store at the time. The robbers made off with the cellphones, and an approximate cash amount of R20 000. The suspects fled in a charcoal color BMW, and remain unidentified at this time. If you have information that can assist the SAPS in their investigation, please contact Detective Constable BM Mbatha on 017 819 2321 or 082 373 8389. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Eskom takes swift action against apathetic management | tribune-newspaper

    Eskom takes swift action against apathetic management Kriel power station, one of the plants causing the load shedding. Kriel power station, one of the plants causing the load shedding. 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 8 September 2020 There are 5 000MW of capacity currently on planned maintenance, and 10 950MW (12 units over the past seven days) on unplanned breakdowns. This has culminated in an approximately 3 000MW energy demand deficit, aggravated by very high demand during the cold front. The Board is pleased that some units have since returned to service, but is aware that the level of failures is unacceptably high. In response to the escalation of load shedding to Stage 4 recently, the Eskom Board is working closely with the Executive Management to speedily resolve the matter. There are 5 000MW of capacity currently on planned maintenance, and 10 950MW (12 units over the past seven days) on unplanned breakdowns. This has culminated in an approximately 3 000MW energy demand deficit, aggravated by very high demand during the cold front. The Board is pleased that some units have since returned to service, but is aware that the level of failures is unacceptably high. Whilst it is true that the aging fleet is plagued by legacy issues of neglect and omitted maintenance and is therefore susceptible to unpredictable breakdowns, it is also true that the situation is exacerbated by serious issues of apathetic behavior by some management staff. It is for this reason that the Board has come out strongly in support of Group Chief Executive (GCE), Mr. André de Ruyter, in his action yesterday morning of summarily suspending the Tutuka and Kendal power station managers pending disciplinary inquiries. Further interventions are ongoing at the Kriel and Duvha power stations. Engagements have been held with other power station managers to ensure that the previous culture of weak consequence management will no longer be the norm and will no longer be tolerated at Eskom. The Executive has, in the meantime, deployed three senior generation managers to the sites in question (Duvha, Kriel, Tutuka and Kendal power stations) to provide leadership and oversight in person. The Board and executives are fully cognizant of the substantial strain that load shedding exerts on the wellbeing of citizens, on an already depressed economy and are committed to attaining sustainability and reliability of the Eskom generation plant. The Board and Executive Management have met twice in the past two days, with the Minister of Public Enterprises, Mr. Pravin Gordhan, to interrogate the systemic causes of the load shedding and the measures being taken to repair breakdowns. In these meetings it has been agreed that an urgent culture change and high-level competence enhancement across all 44 000 staff, which the GCE began upon his arrival, should be accelerated, promoted and strongly supported. < Previous Article Next Article >

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