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  • EHS-Musieksentrum bied prysuitdeling aan

    EHS-Musieksentrum bied prysuitdeling aan 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 17 November 2020 Al die leerders het hard gewerk en ekstra ure ingesit. Daar is onder andere eksamens gespeel, Unisa eksamens gespeel, en leerders het deelgeneem aan Con Spirito. Ondanks die feit dat COVID-19 die hele jaar op sy kop gekeer het, het die Hoërskool Ermelo-Musieksentrum steeds uitstekend gefunksioneer. Al die leerders het hard gewerk en ekstra ure ingesit. Daar is onder andere eksamens gespeel, Unisa eksamens gespeel, en leerders het deelgeneem aan Con Spirito. Op 5 November het die EHS-Musieksentrum hulle prysuitdeling aangebied. Hier het elke leerder ‘n sertifikaat ontvang. Daar is ook spesiale- en eretoekennings gegee aan spesifieke leerders. Die volgende leerders het spesiale toekennings ontvang in die vorm van ‘n wisseltrofee vir die beste kandidaat in die onderskeie afdelings: Blokfluit Junior: Zanlie du Plessis; Houtblaas Junior: Talita Jansen van Rensburg (Dwarsfluit); Kitaar Junior: Megan Möller; Kitaar Senior: Jake Hoffeldt; Klavier Junior: Johandi Bezuidenhout; Klavier Senior: Tamar Randell; Klawerbord: Isabelle Moussier; Koperblaas Junior: Henroux Robberts (Trompet); Perkussie: ZJ Fourie; Sang Senior: Michelle van der Linde; Strykers Junior: Annemae Manders (Viool); Strykers Senior: DaniellAppelgryn (Viool); Ukulele: Lana Herholdt; Musiek teorie Junior:Yatteer du Toit en Musiek teorie Senior: Nikao du Toit. Ere-toekennings is ook by dié geleentheid aan sekere leerders gegee: Beste Unisa Prakties, Junior: Nikao du Toit en Beste Unisa Prakties, Senior: Tamar Randell. Op grond van die teorie-uitslae wat na verlede jaar se prysuitdeling eers ontvang is, is besluit om hierdie kinders ook erkenning te gee vir Unisa Teorie 2019: Beste prestasie Unisa teorie, Junior 2019: Nikao du Toit; Beste prestasie Unisa teorie, Senior 2019: Tamar Randell; Laerskool Dux Junior: Luan Odendaal; Laerskool Dux Senior: Kerené du Toit en Yatteer du Toit deel dié prys; Hoërskool Dux Junior: Nikao du Toit en Hoërskool Dux Senior: Tamar Randell. Tamar Randell ontvang ook die besonderse EHS-Kunssentrum-wisseltrofee vir die mees uitstaande bydrae tot die kunste. “Die personeel van die EHS-Kunste sentrum is met reg trots op elke leerder wat die ekstra myl gestap het in die jaar, om steeds die melodie van die lewe ‘n positiewe een te hou. Dankie vir elke leerder, ouer en onderwyser se harde werk.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Eskom discourages building near power lines | tribune-newspaper

    Eskom discourages building near power lines 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 15 September 2020 Eskom staff needs to remove or replace pieces of equipment when they maintain these lines, and these pieces of equipment, which are often heavy, could fall on the dwellings or people below the line. Eskom uses various types of heavy machinery to maintain its power lines, which require enough space to access the structure. Eskom has noted in a statement that it has seen an escalation in homes being built within power line servitudes, without Eskom approval. This is not only against Eskom regulations, but also poses a number of safety risks. Eskom appeals to the public to refrain from this illegal activity. The ground below and adjacent to a power line is called a servitude, and belongs to the relevant landowner in that area. However, Eskom has sole rights to this portion of land as they have to perform periodic maintenance or repairs. “The perception that power lines are harmless due to their size and overhead distance could not be more wrong. In order to ensure the safety of communities, residents are not allowed to live within power line servitudes, because it is almost impossible to ensure their safety,” says Miranda Moahlodi, Senior Manager for Occupational Health and Safety at Eskom. Electricity transmitted or distributed on power lines can be up to 765 000 volts. A fault anywhere on the power line may cause very high current to flow down to the ground. If somebody is close to the line, fault current can flow through the person and instantly kill. Also, a conductor may break due to strong winds or bad weather, and land on a shack, house or a person, which could kill or seriously hurt the inhabitants. There have been incidents where residents have been injured due to metal objects that have come into contact with live electricity. Metal is a conductor of electricity, and there is a possibility of an arc to a shack built within a power line servitude. If lightning hits the line, as it does in many cases due to the height of a line, a flash of electricity may occur to the homes in the servitude. “If Chiefs or traditional authorities want to give pieces of land to their people and these stands are in an Eskom servitude, they must speak to the local Eskom office. The traditional leaders and Eskom can then together make sure that all the people get pieces of land away from the power lines, ensuring their safety,” continues Moahlodi. At the same time, developers should make sure that the required clearance is maintained when access roads are built crossing servitudes. Beyond the direct safety issues this can cause, building close to power lines makes it difficult for Eskom to conduct infrastructure inspections, which can affect the supply of power in an area and hinder the early detection of issues that could cause major damage. In many cases, Eskom staff needs to remove or replace pieces of equipment when they maintain these lines, and these pieces of equipment, which are often heavy, could fall on the dwellings or people below the line. Eskom uses various types of heavy machinery to maintain its power lines, which require enough space to access the structure. Eskom also often uses helicopters to perform live line maintenance, and as such it becomes risky to the people living under the lines. “We hope that the public will heed this call and assist us by only building in designated areas that have been approved by the local municipality and government. We will continue to educate communities about electricity safety, ensuring that we all use electricity safely and responsibly, remains one of our central goals.” Moahlodi concludes. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MLM sheds light on municipal load shedding

    MLM sheds light on municipal load shedding 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 7 July 2020 “The Executive Mayor of MLM has been on Community radio stations several time explaining load reductions, and it also forms part of State of Municipal Address which was streamed live on the Municipal Facebook page, and simulcasted in community radio stations. No one said the load reductions is permanent solution. The Tribune recently communicated with Msukaligwa Local Municipality, regarding the remedy to the load shedding situation, and posed a number of questions to the communication department. As municipal load shedding is not a long term solution to the issues faced by the municipality, it is not acceptable to appease the community with statements claiming that “they are working on a solution”, but no further indication as to the way forward. The reply received to the aforementioned is as follows: “The Executive Mayor of MLM has been on Community radio stations several time explaining load reductions, and it also forms part of State of Municipal Address which was streamed live on the Municipal Facebook page, and simulcasted in community radio stations. No one said the load reductions is permanent solution. Load reduction is due the power demand that has spiked, during winter months which is exacerbated by the illegal connections a fact that is denied by good-self. In averting possible power blackouts, the municipal implement the load reductions which is standard norm in situations like this, Eskom is doing it and individual households does it when there’s overload. The municipality on an ongoing program is implementing the cutting off of the illegal connections from grid. The municipal has engaged for an increase Notified Maximum Demand (NMD) for all strained substations, it must be noted that the process is a cumbersome and long process that will also have huge financial implications. The municipality has developed electricity infrastructure master in order to address capacity and infrastructure challenges within Msukaligwa Local Municipality. The projected funds needed to address the capacity and infrastructure is R81 416 785.21. The municipality has since submitted the plan to national and provincial government,” Mandla Zwane, MLM spokesperson, stated. The Tribune also enquired as to will be held responsible for damages suffered by residents who are left without electricity extended periods of time. Rotting meat, deep freezes running down, and food spoiling in fridges, as well as damage to electronics are included, amongst others. MLM dodged elaborating on the question, and simply stated “anyone who has a complaint with municipality, referred such to municipality.” Therefore it can be assumed that residents who suffer damages due to lack of service provision from MLM must approach the legal department to submit a claim against the municipality. Lastly, the Tribune enquired as to what MLM plans to improve communication during electrical outages, as a myriad of residents complain that either the call centre does not answer the phone, or the outage is not attended to in a timely manner. Updates on restoration times often do not reflect the actual restoration of electricity. “During the power outages, sometimes the Call Centre is also affected, the calls are get in as the telephone system at the Call Centre function only when there’s power. The municipality has proactively issued schedules for the load reductions. The municipality is in the procurement process of a new hybrid telephone system, and hosting of the contact Centre is at the advanced stage. The municipality urges the public to have patience, as this matter is been addressed/resolved. The incessant power outages put a strain on the Municipality as well.” Zwane concluded. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • News (All) | tribune-newspaper

    Inwoners genooi na jaarlikse e-Rommel insameling 15 November 2022 Kom ons neem verantwoordelikheid, en pas ons omgewing op. Read More Brace for year of increased load shedding 15 November 2022 Generating units at Grootvlei, Hendrina and Camden power stations will also be taken offline over the next five years. Read More Duvenage represents MPU in reality show 15 November 2022 The show is filled with all the emotions, drama and suspense one would expect from a world-class reality show. Read More Missing man sought by family 15 November 2022 Willem was last seen traveling from Morgenzon in his white Toyota Hilux Dakar bakkie, with registration number FBH 948 L. Read More Chaos in Havenga Road as trailer snaps 1 November 2022 The entire community is getting the short end of the stick. Read More Merino Mall - A boon for the community 1 November 2022 The vision for the mall includes making a meaningful contribution to the local economy on an ongoing basis. In this regard, it has also created 450 permanent job opportunities. Read More Shoprite launches bigger carrier bag for taxi commuters 25 October 2022 Shoprite’s new red, 60-litre bags are 60 microns thick and more resilient, and costs R4. Read More Eagan Engelbrecht crowned as Little Mr. World 2022 25 October 2022 “Eagan, the Ermelo community is very proud to call you our own Ermelo super model.” Read More Aksiegroep dreig om R33/34/66 roetes te sluit 19 October 2022 Volgens die groep word die areas se padoppervak deur swaarvoertuie vertrap. Read More Ryan het dringend jou hulp nodig 11 Oktober 2022 Ryan en sy vriende het Saterdag aand uitgegaan in Pretoria, waar hy toe beval was in twee aparte insidente. Read More Kiette Rekenmeesters verwelkom NJ Robbertse 13 September 2022 Myburgh en Robbertse Inc is ook ‘n SAICA opleidingskantoor wat klerke die geleentheid bied om hulle klerkskap te voltooi by die firma. Read More MMM displays the power of prayer 13 September 2022 The CPF, SAPS & MMM have pledged to continue visiting schools. Read More Load More Articles

  • ACSU fnuik kriminele

    ACSU fnuik kriminele ACSU fnuik kriminele 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 5 July 2022 Die swaarvoertuig is in Ermelo, Merinostraat voorgekeer deur ACSU, asook plaaslike SAPD lede. Op Dinsdag, 28 Junie 2022, het daar ‘n boodskap deur gekom op ‘n WhatsApp groep, wat laat weet het dat die Ermelo gemeenskap moet uitkyk vir ‘n swaarvoertuig wat vanaf Panbult in die rigting van Ermelo reis met gesteelde sleepwaens. Die swaarvoertuig is in Ermelo, Merinostraat voorgekeer deur ACSU, asook plaaslike SAPD lede. Die sleepwaens is reeds in November 2021 gesteel, en daar was ‘n saak geopen. Tydens ondersoek is daar gevind dat die VIN nommer op die lisensie skywe, en die VIN nommer wat gemerk is op die swaarvoertuig deur die fabriek, nie dieselfde is nie. Die eienaar van die sleepwaens is dadelik gekontak deur Mnr. Bester Maree van ACSU. Ermelo SAPD lede, saam met ASCU, het die swaarvoertuig geneem na die voertuig diefstal eenheid. Die eienaar van die sleepwaens was spoedig op die toneel, en het die nodige bewyse gestaaf dat die waens wel aan hom behoort. Die twee waens, asook die swaarvoertuig, is gekonfiskeer vir verdere ondersoek in die saak. Die eienaar van die waens wil graag vir ACSU, asook Ermelo SAPD, bedank vir hul vinnige en flinke reaksie om die waens te kon terug gekry. “Wel gedaan, ACSU en Ermelo SAPD!” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Wessel Road ready for action | tribune-newspaper

    Wessel Road ready for action 1/4 Share GK CRONJE 21 September 2021 The resulting court order entailed that repairs to Wessel Road, by Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM), had to be completed within 180 days within the date of the court order. The rehabilitation of Wessel Road has reached its finishing stages, and was officially opened to road users on Thursday, 16 September 2021. Businesses and motorists alike have expressed a sigh of relief, after years of struggling with the ghastly road conditions. The rehabilitation of the road came after Burlec Electrical had it in chunks with the conditions of the road, which had led to many businesses in this area experiencing a loss of clients due to issues of accessibility. A resulting court order entailed that repairs to Wessel Road, by Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM), had to be completed within 180 days within the date of the court order. Burlec Electrical had been the sole funder of all the legal costs, inclusive of the costs of the Traffic Engineer that was appointed to assess Wessel Road. In a twist of fate, the court order also held Msukaligwa Municipality accountable for Burlec’s taxed costs. Read more in next week’s edition of the Tribune ePaper about the the future of Wessel Road. An enquiry will be sent to MLM regarding the cleanup of the worksite and removal of the building rubble in the adjacent field, rounding off of the roadway (curbs and sidewalks), as well as the maintenance plan from MLM to ensure that the newly reconstructed road is kept in shape, and not left to the dogs. See more photos and videos on our Facebook page, Tribune Ermelo. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ermelo businessman imprisoned for fraud

    Ermelo businessman imprisoned for fraud Ermelo businessman imprisoned for fraud 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 24 August 2021 Mphethi submitted duplicate claims to the DOE, where he changed the invoice numbers and the dates when submitting the claims. The department suffered a loss of R830 000 on the first entity, and R1997 964 on the second one. Senyane Alton Seropane Mphethi (55), a former president of a political party an a prominent and influential businessman in Mpumalanga, allegedly lost his presidency status after he was arrested and sentenced to eight years imprisonment for defeating the course of justice on a murder case where he was sentenced for being an accomplice. The accused had a contract with the Mpumalanga Department of Education (DOE), to transport school children in Gert Sibande District Municipality. Mphethi submitted duplicate claims to the DOE, where he changed the invoice numbers and the dates when submitting the claims. The department suffered a loss of R830 000 on the first entity, and R1997 964 on the second one. The matter was reported to the Hawks, and Mphethi was arrested by the Mpumalanga Serious Commercial Crime Investigation team in 2015. He was convicted on 31 July 2021 on 34 counts of fraud by the Ermelo Regional Court. On 20 August 2021, Mphethi was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, wholly suspended for five years on condition that he repays R3 million, with the first installment of R50 000 on or before 30 August 2021. His two companies, Ngwato and Barudi, were fined R100 000 each. Asset Forfeiture Unit was involved on the sentence proceedings < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Home Affairs services suspended | tribune-newspaper

    Home Affairs services suspended Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi. Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi. 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 13 January 2021 The suspension of applications for ID cards, passports, and marriage services follows President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that the Level 3 lockdown will be extended. All 20 land ports of entry are also closed until 15 February “We will not entertain an application for a smart ID unless you are a matriculant. Applications for passports, except for people falling into the categories who are permitted to travel, are suspended. Marriage services, including the solemnization and registration of marriages have been included, with immediate effect.” These were the words of Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, who has announced the suspension of applications for ID cards, passports, and marriage services to curb the spread of COVID-19. The minister stated that visits to home affairs to collect new ID cards should be restricted, unless invited via SMS to do so. Another intervention to protect home affairs officials is to change the way deaths and births are registered. “We are proposing that all births and deaths are registered at the health facilities where they took place,” Motsoaledi said. The suspension of applications for ID cards, passports, and marriage services follows President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that the Level 3 lockdown will be extended. All 20 land ports of entry are also closed until 15 February for entry and departure until the rate of transmission has fallen sufficiently to warrant relaxing restrictions. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ermelo Community Police Forum new committee | tribune-newspaper

    Ermelo Community Police Forum new committee 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 22 February 2022 On Saturday, 19 February 2022, the community of Ermelo were invited to attend the Community Police Forum (CPF) meeting. On Saturday, 19 February 2022, the community of Ermelo were invited to attend the Community Police Forum (CPF) meeting. During the meeting, community members were able to talk about their concerns inside Ermelo, as well as the rural areas. The biggest concern from all the people of the community were the crime that takes place during the day, as well as at night, and all the people that walk so freely in town and injecting each other with the same needles, coupled with all the drug use. During the meeting there was an election for a new committee that wil assist the community and SAPS for the next 5 years. The Chairperson is Raphael Mthetwa, Deputy Chairperson is Jaco Kirk, Secretary is Sweetness Thela, Deputy Secretary is Sesi Msibi, Treasurer is Jenny Venter, P.R.O is Rulph Basson, Co-ordinator is Sue-Marie Hattingh. The following are the three additional members - Dumisani Mkhabela, Priscilla Nkosi and Themba Vilakazi. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • E.Coli and fecal coliform detected in Pet Dam

    E.Coli and fecal coliform detected in Pet Dam 1/3 Share GK CRONJE 16 November 2021 While E.Coli presents mild symptoms in most cases, some strains can cause severe symptoms and even life-threatening complications. For over a decade, the Pet Dam has been the topic of discussion amongst residents in light of the constant pollution that the dam suffers. Human excrement and urine from residents who use the Pet Dam area as a makeshift party site, coupled with years of raw sewage flowing into the dam from all directions, is fast leading the Pet Dam’s ecosystem towards catastrophic collapse. The issue of the Pet Dam’s pollution has already taken its toll, with a large-scale fish kill incident that occurred in 2016. Scores of fish inexplicably died and washed ashore, much to the shock of the community. The most common cause of fish kill is reduced oxygen in the water, due to algae bloom and water hyacinths, an invasive plant species, which has long plagued the surface of the dam. Infectious diseases and parasites can also lead to fish kill, and are often the first visible signs of environmental stress. Officials who handled the matter at the time, Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) manager, Lindiwe Mthombeni, and Species Protection Unit conservation ranger, Lief Mavimbela, has since been a missing link in the ongoing pollution. The MTPA had stated that the fish kill was the result of a drop in water temperature (flash) due to the weather patterns. This dubious explanation, coupled with the alleged water quality tests done by authorities, which never saw the light of day, had raised more than a few eyebrows in the community. More recently, businesses surrounding the dam had complained of a sickening stench eminating from the dam. The cause of the stench was a massive overflow of raw sewage flowing directly into the dam from manholes near Joubert Street. Msukaligwa Local Municipality has since taken it upon themselves to excavate the area and remove the blockage, which had been attributed to tree roots obstructing the pipeline, coupled with a wide variety of foreign objects in the pipeline, which included blankets and clothing, amongst other materials. However, it’s too little too late for the Pet Dam’s ecosystem and water quality. Water quality tests conducted by Regen Water Laboratory has indicated that the water in the dam is not safe for consumption by any stretch of the imagination. Chlorination of the water samples has been recommended to achieve total disinfection. According to the report from the laboratory, the heterotrophic plate count (1240) and total fecal coliform count (≤10) have been found to be unsuitable for consumption, and thus polluted. Heterotrophs are organisms, including bacteria, yeasts and moulds, that require an external source of organic carbon for growth. The presence of fecal coliform bacteria (or E.Coli) in the water sample, in this case the entirety of the Pet Dam, indicates that the water has been, or is still contaminated with the fecal material of humans or other animals. Fecal coliform bacteria indicates the presence of sewage contamination, and the possible presence of other pathogenic organisms. Pathogenic diseases that coincide with fecal coliform contamination include ear infections, dysentery, typhoid fever, viral and bacterial gastroenteritis, and hepatitis A. While E.Coli presents mild symptoms in most cases, some strains can cause severe symptoms and even life-threatening complications, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome, which can lead to kidney failure and death. The above bacteria are all disease forming, and results in the water being unsafe for consumption. The troubling water test results further aggravate the fact that MLM, amongst three other Mpumalanga municipalities, had been explicitly fingered as a main culprit in the years-long pollution of the Vaal River. The Gert Sibande District Municipality had also been informed of the issue on several occasions, but claim to have no jurisdiction in the matter. The Democratic Alliance (DA) has noted that the party had sent a letter to the Premier of Mpumalanga. To date no feedback had been received. The Tribune ePaper requested a statement from MLM regarding the stoppage and the steps that they have taken to resolve the matter. At the time of publication, no reply had been received from the municipality. Videos can be viewed on our Facebook page of MLM teams attending to the blockage at the Pet Dam last week. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Planned Water Shutdown on 17 November 2020

    Planned Water Shutdown on 17 November 2020 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 10 November 2020 The municipality appeal to all affected people to bear with us during period. The municipality also urge the community of Msukaligwa to report any water leaks to the municipal call centre for instantaneous response and to use water sparingly. As supplied by Msukaligwa Local Municipality - Notice is hereby given of the Usuthu River Government Scheme (Department of Water & Sanitation) has planned water shutdown due to an urgent work needed to be done in order to avert catastrophic failure at Jericho Pump Station. The specific scope of work during the shutdown include inter alia the following: isolate valves from the dam wall, then scour the pipeline; divers seal off leaking isolating valves and inspect the grids / screens; inspect manifold and the process will then will be reserved in order go back to normality. The water supply will be interrupted as indicated below: Date : 17th November 2020 (Tuesday) Starting time : 07h00 AM Finishing date : 20th November 2020 (Friday) FinishingTime : 23h59 PM Affected areas will be: • Ermelo South (John Vorster Park and De Bruin Park) • Portion of Cassim Park • Portion of Nederland Park • Extension 32, 33, 34 and New Ermelo The following restrictions are to be complied with during this period: • No use of irrigation system for gardens and lawns • Washing of paved areas with a hosepipe is prohibited • Washing of vehicles is only allowed from a bucket • And any other water wastage activities. During this period the affected areas / high lying area will be supplied with water through water tankers. Communities are urged not to pay water from water tanks as this water is for free. If they are made to pay for the water they must report this to their councillors. The municipality appeal to all affected people to bear with us during period. The municipality also urge the community of Msukaligwa to report any water leaks to the municipal call centre for instantaneous response and to use water sparingly. For more information contact Municipal Call Centre Toll Free 0800 00419 03 < Previous Article Next Article >

  • TWK Mpumalanga School Cycling XCO League

    TWK Mpumalanga School Cycling XCO League 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 21 September 2021 Die Liggies het Saterdag aan die liga bergfiets wedren deelgeneem, wat in Lydenburg plaasgevind het. Die Liggies het Saterdag aan die liga bergfiets wedren deelgeneem, wat in Lydenburg plaasgevind het. “Baie geluk met uitstekende uitslae!” Men (29 Riders): Wildo du Toit 4th, Pieter van Aardt 13th, Roeland Minnaar 27th, Youth Men (40 Riders): Ian Swart 3rd, Stephan Jacobs 8th, Marthinus Stoop 9th, Jonathan Swart 10th, Thiardt Ferreira 15th, Jacques Eksteen 16th, Will van de Venter 21st, SJ van Eck 22nd, Wernand Nel 26th, Xander Labuschagne 29th and SP van Aswegen 30th, and in the Sub Junior Boys (16 Riders): Xander van Aswegen 12th. “Well done to all of the Liggies.” Op die foto verskyn die Liggies in aksie tydens die wedren in Lydenburg < Previous Article Next Article >

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