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- Uiteindelik klap die krieketkolwe weer
Uiteindelik klap die krieketkolwe weer 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 31 August 2021 Die o/15's speel ook teen HPR, en kolf eerste. Ruben Kruger (23) en Adrien Sturgiss (21) teken flink lopies aan voordat Ligbron op 112 uitgeboul word. Die lang sport droogte is weer gebreek, en die krieketspelers kon laat waai tydens die eerste wedstryde teen Piet Retief. Die o/14's stuur HPR eerste in om te kolf, en hulle teken 124/1 op die telbord aan. Ayden Lehmgrubler staan 12 lopies in 4 beurte af, en De la Rey Barnard neem 1 paaltjie vir 10 lopies in 2 beurte. Ligbron neem die kolf op, en steek die telling verby in die 14de beurt met 10 paaltjies staande. Renier van Staden (48) en Janco Kleynhans (44) blink uit met die kolf. Die o/15's speel ook teen HPR, en kolf eerste. Ruben Kruger (23) en Adrien Sturgiss (21) teken flink lopies aan voordat Ligbron op 112 uitgeboul word. HPR steek die telling verby in die laaste boulbeurt, met 9 paaltjies plat. Kyle Goslin neem 3 paaltjies in 4 beurte, en Ruben Kruger 1 paaltjie vir die verlies van 7 lopies in sy 4 beurte. < Previous Article Next Article >
- CPF and SAPS visit communities
CPF and SAPS visit communities CPF and SAPS visit communities 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 12 July 2022 The biggest scam is the company called Ermelo Auctioneers. On Saturday and Sunday, the Community Police Forum (CPF) with SAPS held a meeting with the community. On Saturday, the meeting was held at Nyibe Sport Grounds, where the community of Nyibe could raise their concerns regarding all the crime in the area. During the meeting, the community raised their voices about, rape, murder and illegal shebeens and taverns. The biggest concerns are the shebeens and taverns that doesn’t have legal liquor licenses, and that stay open the whole night. The community members requested the SAPS and CPF member to do patrols in the area. After the meeting, quick arrangements were made from the SAPS, and a patrol was done. Several tuckshops was asked by SAPS members to close their shops. During the night, alcohol was confiscated from shebeens that couldn’t show their license to the SAPS. Patrols were done through all the informal settlements to search for illegal taverns and shebeens. On Sunday, the second meeting was held at School of Rail, TransNet in Klein Street. Sector 3 community attended the meeting, and every community member raised their concerns in Sector 3. The biggest concerns are the use of drugs, and the prostitution. The chairperson of Sector 3, Mr. Dumisani, told the community members that there is an action plan regarding all the issues in the sector, and that they will be doing all the patrols and all the necessary planning to stop all of issues in the sector. The SAPS would also like to inform the community of Ermelo about all the online scams that are currently doing the round on the internet. The biggest scam is the company called Ermelo Auctioneers, that sell vehicles for a ridiculous good price, but before you can see the vehicle you need to do a deposit so that they can keep the vehicle for you. Remember, if its to good to be true, its not true. Please be aware of all the scammers on the internet. CPF and SAPS members would like to thank the community members who joined the meeting and raised their concerns, and assured everyone that they will make a point to work on all the concerns. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Pensionarisse gelaat aan hul eie genade
Pensionarisse gelaat aan hul eie genade 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 24 November 2020 Die plafonne van die huise loop deur, en begin al inmekaar val te danke aan die vog. Ten spyte van verskeie klagtes aan MLM, word ‘n dowe oor gedraai, en inwoners word gelaat met hul hande in hul hare. Die Tribune het na die onlangse reënval verskeie klagtes ontvang vanaf inwoners van die munisipale behuisingskema in Jan van Riebeeck Straat, ten opsigte van Msukaligwa Plaaslike Munisipaliteit (MLM) wat geen ag toon aan klagtes nie. Klagtes sluit in watertoevoer probleme, aanhoudende rioolverstoppings, en die groot doring in die vlees van inwoners, daklekke. Verskeie inwoners van die behuisingskema, wat nie meer jong bokkies is nie, moet skarrel tydens reënbuie om emmers, bakkies en handdoeke neer te sit terwyl die water in hul huise in stroom. Die plafonne van die huise loop deur, en begin al inmekaar val te danke aan die vog. Ten spyte van verskeie klagtes aan MLM, word ‘n dowe oor gedraai, en inwoners word gelaat met hul hande in hul hare. Ten tye van pers was daar geen terugvoer vanaf MLM rakende die kwessie nie, en inwoners word gelaat om te worstel met die aanhoudende probleme. < Previous Article Next Article >
- AfriForum-takke in Mpumalanga help gemeenskappe tydens COVID | tribune-newspaper
AfriForum-takke in Mpumalanga help gemeenskappe tydens COVID 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 16 Junie 2020 Die takke in die provinsie – Bethal, Delmas, Ermelo, Leandra, Lydenburg, Machadodorp, Middelburg, Nelspruit, Piet Retief, Secunda, Standerton, Witbank en Witrivier – het altesaam meer as R150 000 se voedsel, handreiniger en maskers versprei. Hierdie projekte is gefinansier vanuit skenkings, takfondse en die taknoodfonds wat tydens die inperking op die been gebring is. AfriForum se takke in Mpumalanga het die afgelope maand meer as 30 ton voedsel aan behoeftige gesinne uitgedeel. Die aksie is in samewerking met Solidariteit Helpende Hand, Saai en verskeie ander organisasies aangepak om gemeenskappe tydens die staat van inperking te ondersteun. Groot nood het in gemeenskappe ontstaan nadat sommige mense nie tydens die inperking salarisse ontvang het nie of selfs hul werk verloor het omdat ondernemings hul deure moes sluit. ’n Taakspan wat uit AfriForum, Saai en Solidariteit Helpende Hand bestaan, is op die been gebring om die verspreiding van voedsel na gemeenskappe op ’n georganiseerde wyse te bestuur. Die takke in die provinsie – Bethal, Delmas, Ermelo, Leandra, Lydenburg, Machadodorp, Middelburg, Nelspruit, Piet Retief, Secunda, Standerton, Witbank en Witrivier – het altesaam meer as R150 000 se voedsel, handreiniger en maskers versprei. Hierdie projekte is gefinansier vanuit skenkings, takfondse en die taknoodfonds wat tydens die inperking op die been gebring is. “Dit is wonderlik om te sien dat gemeenskappe saamstaan en mekaar in dié moeilike tyd ondersteun. Baie van die kospakkies wat versprei word, is moontlik gemaak danksy skenkings wat ons by mense in die gemeenskap ontvang het. Dit sou nie moontlik gewees het om dié projek te dryf sonder die hulp van die gemeenskap nie,” sê Hennie Bekker, AfriForum se distrikskoördineerder vir die Laeveld. AfriForum het ook ’n noodfonds vir elke tak geskep wat gebruik word om hierdie aksies volhoubaar voort te sit. Lede van die publiek kan skenkings aan die noodfonds maak wat weer gebruik word om noodsaaklike produkte vir behoeftiges aan te koop. Mense wat skenkings wil maak, kan hul naaste tak kontak vir meer inligting of die taknoodfonds-blad op AfriForum se webtuiste besoek. Sluit vandag nog by AfriForum aan en help ons om ’n daadwerklike verskil in mense se lewens te maak. SMS jou naam na 45350 (R1) en word deel van die oplossing. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Party hard, crash harder
Party hard, crash harder Party hard, crash harder 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 18 May 2021 The Tribune ePaper received information from the SAPS that no incident has been reported, and no case opened. On Saturday, 15 May, a collision took place between a BMW and Volkswagen at a local watering hole in Oosthuise Street. After a rough night, the driver of the BMW, allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol, smashed into the Volkswagen. According to reports, the driver of the BMW subsequently attempted to flee the scene of the accident, but his vehicle wasn’t up to the task. No serious injuries were reported. All City Towing Service was on scene in a flash, and assisted the drivers, accompanied by the relevant emergency services. The Tribune ePaper received information from the SAPS that no incident has been reported, and no case opened. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Erries jet off to the USA
Erries jet off to the USA 1/1 Share Content Supplied 1 November 2022 The Erries are grateful to have been part of this unforgettable, sublime, confounding experience. From 29 September to 10 October 2022, three Erries, Ina Mathebula, De La Rey Hattingh and Pieter Landman, made their way to America for an educational tour. This particular tour's unique nature lies firstly within the tour group: a group of like-minded academic achievers from across South Africa who get to interact, network and learn together, often forcing new and lasting friendships. The Erries are grateful to have been part of this unforgettable, sublime, confounding experience. Meeting these learners was amazing, and every second spent with them was worthwhile. The tour offers students the opportunity to further their quest in developing their skills and fulfilling their potential through attending private, thought-provoking lectures based on topical subjects, hosted by thought-leaders at world renowned universities namely Harvard, MIT, Yale and Princeton University. The learners also got time to explore the cities New York, Boston and Washington DC which was truly astonishing, being exposed to new foods, environments and people. It wasn't just tours and lectures, the learners had their fair share of fun times. “Going to America was truly a blessing on its own and I will forever be grateful for my parents for making it happen. America truly opened my eyes in knowing how much more there is to this world,” said Ina Matebuhla. - Content and photo supplied by EHS < Previous Article Next Article >
- Merino Mall construction moving at blistering pace | tribune-newspaper
Merino Mall construction moving at blistering pace 1/3 Share GK CRONJE 12 October 2021 Prospective tenants have showed immense excitement and support in the project and familiar favourites are already on board as anchor tenants. Property developers Moolman Group and Abland, the developers of the Merion Mall, don’t let grass grow under their feet. Bulk earth works for Merino Mall commenced on1 July 2021, and have progressed splendidily towards the completion date of October 2022. The development will positively impact the local economy and stimulate further growth and development, as well as enhance and supporting the town’s current infrastructure. The developers makes use of the local workforce during the construction phases, and will create long-term job opportunities for residents and businesses alike. Prospective tenants have showed immense excitement and support in the project and familiar favourites are already on board as anchor tenants. They include Checkers, Pick n Pay, Woolworths, Clicks, Crazy Plastics and Dis-Chem. Crazy Plastics and Dis-Chem being especially exciting new additions in the area. The mall will also bring stores like Crazy Plastics, Cape Union Mart, Old Khaki, Cross Trainer, Queenspark, Primark and Refinery to the Ermelo community for the first time. Truworths, Identity, Mr Price, Jet, Ackermans, Foschini, Sportscene, Totalsports, Mr Price Sport, PEP, Exact, Markham, Miladys, Tekkie Town, Studio 88, The Fix, Sheet Street, Crazy Store, Mr Price Home, Pep Home, @home, and a host of others will join the Merino Mall family. Banks will include Nedbank, Capitec and FNB. Merino Mall is set to enhance the current retail offering in Ermelo, and will bring convenience, value and pride to the town’s visitors, residents, and its surrounding communities. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Jabu Ndlovu obtains MPRE certification | tribune-newspaper
Jabu Ndlovu obtains MPRE certification 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 4 May 2021 Jabu achieved the status of Master Practitioner in 2021 after completing his PDE 5 exams. Jabu Ndlovu, principal and owner of Candid Properties, a well-known and respected estate agency in Ermelo, has risen to new heights after obtaining Master Practitioner in Real Estate status. A Master Practitioner in Real Estate (MPRE) is a full-status professional estate agent, practicing as a Principal estate agent who has been issued with a valid fidelity fund certificate, as well as a certificate of professional recognition by the Estate Agency Affairs Board. The holder of such designation is accredited as being a knowledgeable, competent, and skillful principal estate agency practitioner, who is able to perform all estate agency activities, as defined in the Estate Agency Affairs Act, 112 of 1976, with the necessary degree of care and skill in the interest of protecting consumers of estate agency services. Jabu Ndlovu, a resident of Ermelo for more than 20 years, was born in Davel, grew up enjoying the farm life, attending high school at Lindile Secondary School. After completing his school career, Jabu started his upwards trajectory as estate agent at Remax Properties, and then moved to Vleissentraal, where he worked for five years. Candid Properties was established in 2010, with a branch in Ermelo. At first with association with RI Scholtz Estate Agency, but later spread his wings to find its feet in Ermelo. Jabu completed his NQF Levels 4-5 at UNISA, with the PDE 4 board exam following after that. Jabu achieved the status of Master Practitioner in 2021 after completing his PDE 5 exams. “My plans for the future is to create employment for as many aspiring practitioners as I can, and to build bridges to the future. My ultimate goal is to establish Candid Properties as a franchise, and become a household name in South Africa.” Candid Properties currently has branches in Ermelo, Secunda and Emalahleni, creating it’s footprint of real estate excellence.” Jabu would like to thank all his loyal clients for their support, and would like to invite all existing and new clients to contact him regarding their real estate needs on 079 134 2733, or info@candidproperties.net . < Previous Article Next Article >
- Corrupt Home Affairs trio nabbed
Corrupt Home Affairs trio nabbed Corrupt Home Affairs trio nabbed 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 17 November 2021 The trio allegedly demanded money from foreign national shop owners in Ermelo, as from January 2021, claiming that they are illegally in the country. Two immigration officers and an assistant director from Department of Home Affairs in Ermelo were arrested on Tuesday, 9 November. The trio allegedly demanded money from foreign national shop owners in Ermelo, as from January 2021, claiming that they are illegally in the country. The complainant reported the matter to the SAPS, and an investigation was launched by the Anti Corruption Unit. An operation was conducted, where the three suspects were arrested after receiving trap money, and it was found in possession of the suspects. The three suspects made their first appearance before the Magistrate's Court in Ermelo on Wednesday, 11 November on the charge of corruption. The Provincial Commissioner of Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela, has been adamant that the SAPS will do everything in their power to root out corruption in the province. “No one is above the law. Anyone found to be in breach of the law will be arrested irrespective of the position he or she holds. Mpumalanga must be a crime free province;” she said, while applauded the sterling work by the SAPS. The three suspects, Khulekani Innocent Zulu (27), Yolande Pretty Ngomane (39) and Mavis Minah Mthetwa (48) appeared before the court, and the case had been postponed to 10 December 2021. The suspects were granted bail of R2500 each. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Jag wenners sê dankie | tribune-newspaper
Jag wenners sê dankie 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 31 August 2021 Ons Van Graan’s het absoluut elke oomblik geniet, wat ‘n groot bederf en ons was skoon moeg Sondag toe ons 14:00 die middag die plaas verlaat. Brief - Waar kan ons begin? Ons gesin het die Jagnaweek kompetisie gewen, en wat ‘n surprise. Die dag toe ons die oproep ontvang het, het ons nie presies geweet wat die naweek gaan inhou nie, maar ons is opgewonde. Vrydag pak ons die kar en begin ry. Elke persoon in die voertuig is opgewonde maar skrikkerig (ons gesin het nog nooit gejag nie) wat, waar en hoe? Vrydag - Western Breeze. Mooiste uitsig vanaf ons chalet, ons is verwelkom en Oom Dirk (van Western breeze) begin reëlings tref met ons vir Saterdag se GROOT jag. Ons geniet die stilte (Let wel ons is van Centurion en dis maar ‘n gewoel) van die natuur en ons longe trek elke bietjie vars lug in, vir die naweek is ons masker vry en COVID is vergete. Ons gesin lê langs die swembad, en vat elke oomblik in en die son strale val op die koppies rondom ons en dis so mooi. Die aand gaan lê ons 4 buite op die lê stoele langs die swembad en skakel al die ligte af. Sjoe, dis net sterre. Ons verwonder ons aan die nag se stilte en die hemel ruim se skepping. Ons is bevoorreg en dankbaar. Saterdag is almal op, en die jag begin al 07:00, en 19:00 die aand is ons tuis. Adrenalien loop nog hoog, en ons dag was ongelooflik lekker. Ons sluit die dag af met ‘n vuurtjie by die boma en besef weereens hoe amazing dit was. Ons Van Graan’s het absoluut elke oomblik geniet, wat ‘n groot bederf en ons was skoon moeg Sondag toe ons 14:00 die middag die plaas verlaat. (Amper ‘n hartseer gevoel). Ja die jag gogga het gebyt en hy het hard gebyt! Ons voel uitgerus, maar ook opgewonde vir die ervaring wat ons beleef het. Iets wat ons gesin nooit ooit sal vergeet nie. Ons hoop julle hou weer so trekking… Dat nog ‘n familie so bederfie kan geniet en dit was amazing (ons sal weer kaartjies moet koop want wie weet…) Baie dankie Morgenzon Landbou Akademie vir die awesome prys en al die reëlings rondom dit en die geleentheid! Dit was wonderlik. Western Breeze. Wat ‘n ongelooflike juweel met sout van die aarde mense. Baie dankie aan almal. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Ouma Toys rus sag by die Here se voete | tribune-newspaper
Ouma Toys rus sag by die Here se voete 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 3 August 2021 Die familie bedank graag vir Kobus Taljaard, AEA, en Xolani Ngomane, BAA, van Life Care Response Ambulansdienste vir hul flink hulp en bystand tydens ‘n vreeslike deurmekaar en hartseer tyd. Anna Cecilia Cook, meer bekend as Ouma Toys, gebore op 10 Maart 1942, is op die oggend van 27 Julie 2021 huiswaarts geroep deur haar hemelse Vader. Ouma Toys sal deur die gemeenskap en haar vriende onthou word as ‘n ystervrou met ‘n hart van goud, altyd bereid om haar laaste te gee om ander te help. “As die somer se eerste reën val, en die vars,vrugbare grondreuk tref die aarde, sal ek Ouma altyd onthou. As die vlinders vry vlieg, en op ‘n kosmos tot rus kom, sal ek Ouma altyd in my hart en siel vashou. As die trane val, en die waarom’s kom, sal ek Ouma se glimlag koester, en altyd die beter tye in my geheue laat ontvou. Liefste Ouma Toys, die trane val in vlae soos ek hierdie huldeblyk skryf, maar nie net trane van hartseer omdat ek Ouma se liefde, omgee en altyd verstaan sal mis nie, maar ook trane van blydskap omdat ek weet Ouma is gelukkig en veilig in Ouma se hemelhuis. Ouma se vlamrooi hare van Ouma se jong dae wapper weer in die wind soos wat Ouma in die goue strate van die hemel baljaar. Rus sag, my liefste Ouma Toys. Ouma was die beste Ouma waarvoor enige iemand kon vra. Hou my plek in die hemel vir my, tot ons weer ontmoet.” - Oneindige liefde, “Ouvrou” (Tanya). “My mom was a very extraordinary person, which in turn made her well loved by all. As a mother, she was always super protective, and was always concerned about everyone’s wellbeing. Her passion was to pray for the needy and the helpless, in each and everyone’s quest to find and to need the Lord Jesus Christ in each of their lives. As a Grandmother, she always kept each of the kids in her prayers everyday. She loved them dearly, and the desire of her heart was to do this task, if you can call it until the day she rest her head. She has completed the task, and according to us, she graduated with honors. We also know that she has been received with open arms, as Jesus was with her all the way in the last hour. Mammy, rest sweet and rejuvenate your strength in the arms of our Lord Jesus.” - Love, Charles. “Mammie... Hoe begin mens dankie sê vir mammie? Vir 'n lewe van liefde en omgee, van opofferings sodat ons kon hê. Dankie sê vir mammie wat ons die regte pad gewys het om te stap, sodat ons ook die kroon van die lewe kan ontvang. Ek sê dankie dat Vader God my ma se enigste dogter gemaak het, dankie vir die seën wat mammie in my lewe was, en altyd sal wees. Jubel en dans voor die Koning van die heelal, want ma het tot die einde toe uitgehou. Ek sal na mammie verlang totdat ons weer ontmoet.” Baie liefde, Michele. “Ma was ‘n wonderlike ma vir my, en vir ons, en ons was, en is steeds, ontsettend lief vir ma. Ek gaan ma se gesprekke en geselsies vreeslik mis hier by die huis. Ons sal altyd vir ma lief wees.” Diepe liefde, Tony. Die familie bedank graag vir Kobus Taljaard, AEA, en Xolani Ngomane, BAA, van Life Care Response Ambulansdienste vir hul flink hulp en bystand tydens ‘n vreeslike deurmekaar en hartseer tyd. Hul bedank ook graag AVBOB se personeel vir hul bystand. Laastens, maar nie die minste nie, bedank die familie die Tribune ePaper personeel vir hul hulp en meegevoel. Ouma Toys se finale totsiens was klaar deur familie gedoen, en die kerkdiens se datum en besonderhede sal persoonlik aan nabye vriende gestuur word. < Previous Article Next Article >
- SA Jagters - Nuwe verwikkeling rakende groen lisensies | tribune-newspaper
SA Jagters - Nuwe verwikkeling rakende groen lisensies 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 9 Septmber 2020 Na die beste inligting beskikbaar is daar ongeveer 670 000 ou groen lisensies wat nog geldig kan wees. SA Jagters dink nie dit is haalbaar om die huidige amnestie te gebruik om hierdie wapens in te handig en vir nuwe lisensies aansoek te doen nie. SA Jagters het laatmiddag op 8 September 2020 (gistermiddag) ’n skrywe ontvang van die staatsprokureur waarin hy ons inlig oor die staat se voorneme om die hofinterdik van Junie 2009 wat die ou groen lisensies geld gehou het, te laat herroep. Die staatsprokureur is van mening dat vuurwapeneienaars met ou groen lisensies meer as genoeg geleentheid gehad om hul lisensie te hernu gedurende drie geleenthede waar amnestie aangebied is. Die huidige amnestietydperk is die laaste van die drie waarna hy verwys. Lees die volle artikel in die komende uitgawe van die Tribune Koerant. < Previous Article Next Article >