Irate residents pickets at MLM
Unhappy residents from various wards in Wesseolton demands answers from MLM.
Unhappy residents from various wards in Wesseolton demands answers from MLM.
Unhappy residents from various wards in Wesseolton demands answers from MLM.
Unhappy residents from various wards in Wesseolton demands answers from MLM.
9 September 2020
“I care for a disabled family member, which makes it difficult to travel within Wesselton. Everything is falling apart, an nobody is listening to us. We are without electricity a lot of the time. Innocent residents are suffering due to illegal connections. Not all of us are part of the “izinyoka”, yet some of us have no other choice. We will wait for municipality technicians until Jehova comes,” a picketer lamented.
Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) has seen their fair share of irate residents and business owners lately, and today it no different. A group of residents from various areas of Wesselton are picketing in front of the MLM building, with SAPS keeping a close eye on proceedings. The residents in question expressed their dismay regarding a court order of removal issued recently.
Amongst other concerns, service delivery, electrical supply and disconnections, employment issues and supply chain dissatisfaction issues were raised. “It’s terrible. We are treated like nothing, like we are not human beings. We are all suffering, we need to provide for our families, and we are being blocked by unlawful proceedings,” a picketer told the Tribune. Wesselton has come under the spotlight for the lack of maintenance, especially regarding the roads, electrical and water supply infrastructure.
“I care for a disabled family member, which makes it difficult to navigate within Wesselton. Everything is falling apart, an nobody is listening to us. We are without electricity a lot of the time. Innocent residents are suffering due to illegal connections. Not all of us are part of the “izinyoka”, yet some of us have no other choice. We will wait for municipality technicians until Jehova comes,” another picketer lamented. Residents are advised to exercise caution when conducting business at MLM during the course of the picketing, as the group awaits feedback from MLM.
This is a developing story. Read the full article in the next publication of the Tribune Newspaper.