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  • Aksiegroep dreig om R33/34/66 roetes te sluit

    Aksiegroep dreig om R33/34/66 roetes te sluit 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 19 October 2022 Volgens die groep word die areas se padoppervak deur swaarvoertuie vertrap. Die aksiegroep R33/R34/R66 JOC het ‘n kennisgewing gerig aan alle eienaars en bestuurders van die horde abnormale vrag en kantkip steenkoolvragmotors wat tans die N2 by Pongola, Ermelo, Piet Retief, Paulpietersburg, Vryheid, Melmoth en Utrecht gebiede deurkruis, dat die roete vanaf Donderdag, 20 Oktober 2022, gesluit sal wees vir die bogenoemde voertuie. Volgens die groep word die areas se padoppervak deur swaarvoertuie vertrap. Die groep voer die toestand van verval van die R33 en R66 aan as 'n rede waarom steenkooldraende vragmotors nie hierdie roetes gebruik nie, en het die R33 tussen die Pongola-brug en Vryheid uitgelig as nie ontwerp om die die hoë aslaste te hanteer nie. R33/R34/R66 JOC het gesê dat, vir die kort termyn, moet steenkoolvragmotors opdrag gegee word om alternatiewe roetes na Richardsbaai te gebruik, en op lang termyn, moet steenkool via die Richardsbaai-spoorfasiliteit vanaf die steenkoolvelde na die Baai vervoer word. “In ’n desperate poging om te keer dat die huidige onaanvaarbare situasie langer voortduur, sal die R33, R34 en R66 vanaf Donderdag 20 Oktober 2022 gesluit wees vir alle vragmotors wat steenkool op hierdie roetes vervoer. Die situasie het egter so gevaarlik en skadelik vir die betrokke gemeenskappe geword dat hulle met geen ander opsie gelaat word as om tot vreedsame siviele stappe te wend in ’n desperate poging om verdere skendings van hul menseregte, die bedreiging vir menselewens, te voorkom nie. en die onomkeerbare skade aangerig aan die padinfrastruktuur waarvan hierdie gemeenskappe afhanklik is vir hul sosio-ekonomiese voortbestaan,” lui die verklaring uitegreik deur die aksiegroep. Hulle het gesê versperrings sal op verskeie plekke langs hierdie roetes opgerig word, en het gesê hierdie optrede word genoodsaak deur die uiters verwoestende en gevaarlike gevolge wat die huidige stand van sake op die mense en infrastruktuur van die betrokke gemeenskappe het. In hierdie stadium is dit onduidelik of die groep wettige prosedures rakende roetesluitings sal volg. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Change the policy, not the level, says TLU SA

    Change the policy, not the level, says TLU SA 1/1 Share CONTENT SUPPLIED 6 October 2020 Even though the country moves to level one in terms of COVID-19, the economy, unemployment, and poverty stands at level five and is still growing in the wrong direction. The president’s call on South Africans to work hard to get the economy up and running again is a direct contradiction of the ANC’s economic policy. Media Statement - The movement of South Africa from level two to level one of the lockdown will bring no substantial change to the economy. It is just the government continuing with their political power play, says TLU SA. “The faster government lifts the limitations and South Africans start taking responsibility for their health, the sooner the mechanisms to have the economy function again, will start up again,” says Mr. Henry Geldenhuys, the president of TLU SA. “TLU SA is still very concerned about the ANC holding on to expropriation without compensation and nationalizing the Reserve Bank,” says Mr. Geldenhuys. “Creating trust with investors to build the economy should take centre-stage, but is an impossible feat if the government sustains this policy. The government has the chance to prove that the future of the country’s residents is a priority,” he says. “Look after the safety of all South Africans and do something to get a handle on crime. Let go of the sinking ideologies of socialism and communism, which always lead to poverty and failure. An economic policy based on the principle of private ownership and the free market will have positive economic results. It is now time to change the general policy.” TLU SA supports the Business for Ending campaign through which various well-known economists, companies and organizations demand ending the lockdown, lifting the state of disaster and converting all regulations to voluntary suggestions. Should a second wave of the pandemic and lockdown hit South Africa, the country cannot handle the resulting economic tidal wave and famine, because of the continued lockdown measures. Even though the country moves to level one in terms of COVID-19, the economy, unemployment, and poverty stands at level five and is still growing in the wrong direction. The president’s call on South Africans to work hard to get the economy up and running again is a direct contradiction of the ANC’s economic policy. This policy of confusion and uncertainty drove the country to junk status even before the onset of COVID-19. Economic growth is the result of trust because the correct financial processes are in place. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ermelo Toyota gholfdag ‘n reuse sukses

    Ermelo Toyota gholfdag ‘n reuse sukses 1/3 Share SM HATTINGH 12 October 2021 Tydens die dag was daar 148 spelers wat deelgeneem het. Daar was heerlik saam gekuier, en die spelers was vermaak deur Jakkie Louw terwyl Buffelsfontein Brandewyn die spelers kom bederf het. Op Vrydag, 8 Oktober het Ermelo Toyota weereens hul jaarlikse korporatiewe gholfdag aangebied. Die dag was ‘n reuse sukses, en die spelers het die dag terdeë geniet. Tydens die dag was daar 148 spelers wat deelgeneem het. Daar was heerlik saam gekuier, en die spelers was vermaak deur Jakkie Louw terwyl Buffelsfontein Brandewyn die spelers kom bederf het. Die wenners van die dag was, in die eerste plek – aka Smoking Tee’s - Deon van Zyl, Johan Du Bruin, Niel Mathiesson en Charl Van Heerden. Tweede plek was DC Swart, Theuns Botha en David Harris en Corrie Swart, en Sheldon Du Preez, Fred Els, Bossie Bosman en Maans Sandenberg in die derde plek. Naaste aan die pen by putjie 6 was Craig Holiday, en by putjie 16 was Greghan Groenewald naaste aan die pen. Die langste dryf by putjie agt was Henro Lewis, en Bennie Kriel putjie 15. Ermelo Toyota wil graag die volgende borge bedank, waarsonder die dag nie so groot sukses gewees het nie: ACSU, AGM2 Trust (AG Muller), Alan's Slaghuis, Aurum Products - Moto Muti, Autopart Centre/Autozone, Budget Insurance, BP Greyling Langfontein Boerdery, Carolina Rollermeule, Chris Rothman - Tent borg, CMR, Christiaan Jacobs, Dalifin Print, Digital Print, Ermelo Abattoir, Ermelo Bearings - Tent opslaan, Ortega, Ermelo Toyota, FNB Comm, FNB Insurance Brokers/ CIB, H2O, Henbase Lodge, Highveld Splendour Boutique Hotel, Highveld Stationery, Hino, Innovation, Kojo Boerdery, Madness, Melrow Pharmacy, Midway Liquors, My-Sure, MFC, Netstar, Oosvaal Landbou, ProShine, Pongola Toyota, Reemar Auto, Ronquest Boerdery, SAVF, SA Oils, Scorekeepers, Team Vibe Customs, TFS, Total, Tribune ePaper, Tuiskoop, Turbo Works, Van der Merwe Boerdery, Wildman, Hunting & Outdoor en Wurth. “Baie dankie ook aan al die spelers wat die dag bygewoon het, en die dag saam met ons geniet het. Sien julle weer volgende jaar!” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Mpumalanga Working on Fire’s Busi Mohlala leads from the front

    Mpumalanga Working on Fire’s Busi Mohlala leads from the front 1/1 Share CONTENT SUPPLIED 25 August 2020 “I had blisters on both feet, and I couldn't walk for two weeks, but with encouragement from my Regional Manager, Vincent Lubisi, and WOF OHS, I kept going, became strong, and continued with the course. It was very difficult for me completing that course because after that, my husband and daughter were involved in a car accident and I couldn't cope, but with the support from WOF, fellow colleagues and friends, I continued and completed it.” Press Release - Ms Busi Mohlala is breaking boundaries, rewriting the script and changing the narrative as a crew leader in Mpumalanga Working in Fire’s Breyten team in the Highveld. In its 17 years of existence, the Working on Fire programme, funded by the Department of Environment, Forestry, and Fisheries, continues to support and promote women leadership and equality with 30 percent of their more than 5 000 firefighters being women, the highest number compared to similar firefighting fraternities worldwide. August is Women’s Month, and the theme this year is “Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights for an Equal Future”, and Ms Mohlala and her counterparts continue to prosper in a male-dominated industry. She joined the WOF programme, as a firefighter, in 2010, having been recruited at the Graskop base and she worked her way through the ranks to become a SHE-rep. Her work ethic was rewarded when she was nominated to go study a Type 2 crew leader course in 2013, which did successfully, and was appointed in that position in the same year. After years as a Type 2, Ms Mohlala got the opportunity to further her career, and WOF gave the chance to study the Type 1 crew leader course, which she successfully completed. Ms Mohlala was appointed crew leader of the Breyten team, based and partnered with Msukaligwa Fire and Rescue, which is under the Msukaligwa Local Municipality. She leads a team of 19 firefighters, who conduct Integrated Fire Management (IFM) services, which include fire management planning, detection, prevention, suppression of runaway veld fires, dispatch and coordination, and community fire awareness activities. A mother to a daughter, Ms Mohlala recalls her best memories within the WOF programme being many and very memorable. “I have had many great moments in my career, however, being awarded best crew leader after completing my Type 2 crew leader course, at Kishugu Training Academy in Nelspruit, remains my favourite,” Ms Mohlala said. With success, challenges are bound to arise, and Ms Mohlala remembers how during her vigorous firefighting training for the Type 1 crew leader, she developed blisters because Personal Protective Clothing (PPC) is required to be worn at all times. “I had blisters on both feet, and I couldn't walk for two weeks, but with encouragement from my Regional Manager, Vincent Lubisi, and WOF OHS, I kept going, became strong, and continued with the course. It was very difficult for me completing that course because after that, my husband and daughter were involved in a car accident and I couldn't cope, but with the support from WOF, fellow colleagues and friends, I continued and completed it.” When asked what she enjoys the most about her job and leading a team in ‘fiery’ situations, Ms Mohlala proudly stated she loves the challenges that always arise on the fireline, and all the new things she learns about her colleagues every day. “The fitness part I love as well, because daily fitness tests keeps me healthy and WOF continues to develop its firefighters,” Ms Mohlala concluded. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • EHS-Musiekproduksie onder leiding van danser, Adèle Grey

    EHS-Musiekproduksie onder leiding van danser, Adèle Grey 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 29 June 2021 Hoërskool Ermelo is opgewonde om, saam met ‘n hele span professionele deskundiges, ‘n suksesvolle produksie op die planke te bring. Wanneer meeste Ermeloërs dink aan ballet of moderne danse, is Adèle Grey die naam wat heel eerste in almal se gedagtes opkom. In die 23 jaar wat Adèle haar dansskool suksesvol bedryf, het sy reeds in menigte kind se lewe ‘n positiewe invloed gehad. Haar liefde vir ballet en besonderse danstalent het egter baie lank voor haar dansskool al gesorg dat die kollig in haar hart haar passie en droom laat vlerke kry. Adèle started ballet at the age of seven in Ermelo. She matriculated from the Pretoria School of Art Ballet and Music. Highlights in her ballet career includes being a member of the NAPAC Dance Company as soloist dancer, Principal Dancer at the Performing Arts Council of Transvaal, leading roles in various productions, including Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Romeo and Juliet, Gizelle, Merry Widow and many more, a Diploma from AIC in Business Management, qualified as an Advanced Registered Teacher in Ballet, Modern and Hip Hop from the Royal Academy of Dance affiliated with the University of Bath, and the association of International Dance Teachers, respectively. Adèle is the owner of the Dance School at Hoërskool Ermelo. Since itsestablishment, her learners have reached great heights both nationally and internationally. She also currently teaches masterclasses for RAD, and acts as adjudicator at various eisteddfods and competitions. Hoërskool Ermelo is in die bevoorregte posisie om Adèle Grey aan die stuur te hê van die komende Rock Musical se choreografie. Die leerders wat deel is van die dansgroepe vir die musiekblyspel, kry dansklasse en professionele onderrig by Adèle om die danse so na as moontlik aan perfek te kry. Vir Adèle is ‘n hoë standaard van kardinale belang, en dit is maar een van die baie redes waarom die Erries dankbaar en geseënd is om haar as deel van ons span te hê. Die musiekblyspel se verwagte datum is vanaf 16 tot 21 Augustus 2021. Hoërskool Ermelo is opgewonde om, saam met ‘n hele span professionele deskundiges, ‘n suksesvolle produksie op die planke te bring. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • No mask, no taxi

    No mask, no taxi 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 26 January 2021 A mask can be a cloth face mask, a homemade item or another appropriate item that covers both the mouth and nose. Amidst the second wave of COVID-19 in the country, taxi associations warned that the public needs to be more vigilant than before. A taxi driver, owner or operator may not allow any commuter not wearing a mask to get into any form of public transport. Some commuters and operators have become complacent with the regulations, allowing all manner of contravention. This has raised serious concerns within taxi associations, as it puts both commuters and drivers in danger of getting exposed to COVID-19. “We have lost some of our members to this virus and we have heard many other families out there losing loved ones. This should be a wake-up call to all of us. This second wave of the virus is dangerous and it is killing people daily. The passengers need to understand they cannot wear a mask while outside the taxi and then take it off when they get in. It is very important that they all follow the regulations all the time. The members of the association can work in unity with the public to fight this. We have WhatsApp groups on which we communicate and share information regarding regulations. We also talk about challenges the taxi operators face while transporting people.” one of the associations stated. According to the Department of Transport’s COVID-19 regulations, a mask can be a cloth face mask, a homemade item or another appropriate item that covers both the mouth and nose. < Previous Article Next Article >

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