Wiskunde en Wetenskap vang gees

9 March 2021
In the Science department, 28 of the 68 learners scored above 70% which include 9 A's.
Die Wiskunde en Wetenskap departemente spog met nuwe hempies en uitstaande uitslae in die Gr 12 2020 eksamen. Wiskunde vier die 17de jaar van 100% slaagsyfer met 21 onderskeidings en 20 B-simbole. Die Top 5 leerders spog boonop almal met n gemiddeld bo 90%. Die Wetenskap uitslae staan ook nie terug nie en 28 van die 68 leerders slaag met n persentasie bo 70% waarvan 9 onderskeidings is. Die top 5 leerders in die vak het ook almal bo 90%! Math and Science - hard work with a smile! The Math and Science departments proudly display their new shirts as well as their excellent results during the 2020 exam. The Math department completed the 17th year with a 100% pass rate, 21 A's and 20 B's in the bag. The top 5 learners in the subject all scored above 90%. In the Science department, 28 of the 68 learners scored above 70% which include 9 A's! The top 5 learners in the subject all scored above 90%!