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My hart klop tjoklits vir hokkie


23 March 2021

We hope you've enjoyed every minute of the clinic and we look forward to hear about your successes during the season.

Die klap van hokkiestokke het die afgelope naweek oor Ligbron se astro weergalm tydens die Princess Dutch hokkiekliniek. Kyle Marks en Kavesh het kragte saamgespan met die Liggie-afrigters om 'n uitstekende wegspringplek vir passievolle hokkiespelers te bied. Top coaches shared their elite hockey knowledge and the latest skills in hockey. We hope you've enjoyed every minute of the clinic and we look forward to hear about your successes during the season. Op die foto verskyn die leerlinge wat die Princess Dutch hokkie kliniek bygewoon het.

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