Water contamination rumors unfounded
26 November 2020
According to allegations doing the rounds on social media, the local hospital has issued a notice that the water supply has been “poisoned” with a chemical that affects the lungs.
According to allegations doing the rounds on social media, the local hospital has issued a notice that the water supply has been “poisoned” with a chemical that affects the lungs, feigning COVID-19 symptoms. The chain message states that residents should boil the tap water before consuming, as to ensure safety.
Speaking to Gert Sibande District Municipality (GSDM), Ms. Dube investigated the allegations, and confirmed that the chain message is a hoax. Ms. Dube has spoken to the Head of Scientific Services, who, who assists with water testing. According to GSDM, the water tests conducted this month, no alarming or poisonous chemicals have been noted. She also stated that Msukaligwa Local Municipality is not aware of any reports indicating that the water has been contaminated, as no reports from the Department of Health have been received in relation to the allegations.
Residents are urged to confirm the validity of such allegations and dubious chain messages before forwarding them to friends and family, causing unnecessary panic.