Unmatched response from ER24 - Real help, real fast
6 April 2022
Adeel comforted the boy with words of encouragement while they waited for the parents to arrive.
On Friday, 1 April 2022, a young cyclist was hit by a Toyota Quantum at the Church- and Voortrekker Streets intersection, and sustained light injuries. The driver of the vehicle told the Tribune that the traffic light was green for oncoming traffic, when the boy came across the road in the direction of McDonalds. Luckily, two bystanders rushed to the boy’s aid, and kept him calm until EMS arrived. ER24 stalwarts, Adeel Vorajee and Sandile Mthupha were on scene in a matter of minutes, where they tended to the injured boy.
Sandile assisted in redirecting the traffic flow and assessing the scene, while Adeel comforted the boy with words of encouragement while they waited for the parents to arrive. The youngster had to be taken to hospital to assess the extent of injuries to his left leg and ankle. The injuries has since been deemed as light, according to available information. A special word of thanks is also extended the Transport Inspectorate officer for tending the scene and directing traffic, while they waited for SAPS to arrive.