Report on alleged racism at Ligbron Academy of Technology

Content Supplied
30 August 2022
We will compile and use reports of learners who were directly involved in order to assist Labour Relations.
Statement - On 24 August 2022 at 13:00 our Deputy Head boy informed me of an alleged racism incident that happened at school. The learners were unhappy about the situation and were planning a mass action in response. Reports of alleged racism were lodged by a group of grade 12 learners. These included complaints related to both verbal and physical assault on learners. The incident took place on 18 August 2022 when a group of grade 12 learners attempted to organise a mass bunk and ran out of the classes, disrupting the school’s programme. Mr. G Pretorius, an HOD at our school, was allegedly involved in the incident when he attempted to restore order and get learners back to class. Actions that were taken: The Circuit manager, Dr. Mango was notified, The SGB was notified. Mr. Phako, a delegate of the District of Gert Sibande and representing the HOD of the province, is assisting us concerning these allegations.
A meeting with learners in Grade 12 was held. Their grievances were lodged and noted. The following concerns were addressed: Language policy, verbal abuse by Mr Pretorius, Code of Conduct and Teachers’ conduct. Actions to be taken: We will relieve the teacher of his duties and responsibilities as head of the RCL. Steps will be taken to defuse the situation by limiting contact with learners where Mr. Pretorius is actively involved with the learners until the investigation is completed. Therefore, Mr. Pretorius will be on leave from the 25 August 2022. The relevant parties will review our Code of Conduct. We will compile and use reports of learners who were directly involved in order to assist Labour Relations. Work sessions, focussing on the awareness of diversity in classrooms, will be held with teachers. The SGB commits to investigating and reporting on this matter. - As received from Ligbron due to demand from parents and learners