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Change the policy, not the level, says TLU SA


6 October 2020

Even though the country moves to level one in terms of COVID-19, the economy, unemployment, and poverty stands at level five and is still growing in the wrong direction. The president’s call on South Africans to work hard to get the economy up and running again is a direct contradiction of the ANC’s economic policy.

Suzuki Ermelo (WEB) 22 September

Media Statement - The movement of South Africa from level two to level one of the lockdown will bring no substantial change to the economy. It is just the government continuing with their political power play, says TLU SA. “The faster government lifts the limitations and South Africans start taking responsibility for their health, the sooner the mechanisms to have the economy function again, will start up again,” says Mr. Henry Geldenhuys, the president of TLU SA. “TLU SA is still very concerned about the ANC holding on to expropriation without compensation and nationalizing the Reserve Bank,” says Mr. Geldenhuys. “Creating trust with investors to build the economy should take centre-stage, but is an impossible feat if the government sustains this policy. The government has the chance to prove that the future of the country’s residents is a priority,” he says.

“Look after the safety of all South Africans and do something to get a handle on crime. Let go of the sinking ideologies of socialism and communism, which always lead to poverty and failure. An economic policy based on the principle of private ownership and the free market will have positive economic results. It is now time to change the general policy.” TLU SA supports the Business for Ending campaign through which various well-known economists, companies and organizations demand ending the lockdown, lifting the state of disaster and converting all regulations to voluntary suggestions. Should a second wave of the pandemic and lockdown hit South Africa, the country cannot handle the resulting economic tidal wave and famine, because of the continued lockdown measures.

Even though the country moves to level one in terms of COVID-19, the economy, unemployment, and poverty stands at level five and is still growing in the wrong direction. The president’s call on South Africans to work hard to get the economy up and running again is a direct contradiction of the ANC’s economic policy. This policy of confusion and uncertainty drove the country to junk status even before the onset of COVID-19. Economic growth is the result of trust because the correct financial processes are in place.


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