GSDM presents State Of The District Address
1 June 2021
Phezukomkhono, the current administration took a decision to transform the programme to ‘Siyathuthuka ’, a Zulu word for “We are developing” or “we are putting development into action” Enterprise Development to align it to the new vision of GSDM.
On 27 May 2021, Gert Sibande District Municiaplity presented the State Of The District Address (SODA), which coincides with Africa Month, under the national theme “The year of Arts, Culture and Heritage: in the year of Charlotte Maxeke”, where democracy and freedom were forged on the shoulders of giants. This year marks the 150th anniversary of struggle icon and human rights campaigner, Charlotte Maxeke. The State of the Gert Sibande District address took place on the 427th day of the national lockdown in South Africa. “Gender Based Violence is still a thorn in our lives. Just this past Saturday, I attended a funeral of a young person, 27 years old who was stabbed to death by someone who was supposed to protect her. She left her small children behind. We strongly condemn such acts. Masibaphathe kahle esizwana nabo. Masingahlukumezi muntu. Masingabulalani. Masithole usizo uma sinenkinga yokuthukuthela ngokweqile. We urge those in abusive relationships, those who fear for their lives to seek help and open cases at the SAPS.” the speaker said.
“The Deputy Minister for Defense and Military Veterans Honourable Thabang Makwetla was appointed as a DDM champion for our District. We wish to take this time and appreciate his unwavering support and involvement in the development of the Gert Sibande district. We also appreciate all stakeholders involved in growing the District such as the sector departments, Local House of Traditional Leaders and various other partners. The Gert Sibande District Municipality (GSDM) is set on growing the district by looking at alternative sources of income and approaches including the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). In this regard, the GSDM is establishing an Aerospace Industrial Hub to be located at the Ermelo Airfield (FAEO), a land the local municipality of Msukaligwa has transferred to the District in support of this vision. This industrial hub is developed to host Aerospace manufacturers, specifically Aeronautics and Space Original Equipment Manufacturers as well as subsystems and component suppliers. Furthermore, the industrial hub will host an Aerospace Institute as well as an Aerospace Technology and Small Medium and Macro Enterprise (SMME) Incubator.
Formerly known as Phezukomkhono, the current administration took a decision to transform the programme to ‘Siyathuthuka ’, a Zulu word for “We are developing” or “we are putting development into action” Enterprise Development to align it to the new vision of GSDM . Siyathuthuka is the district flagship EPWP program established with the objective to reduce unemployment and contribute towards skills development through EPWP implementation and training there by promoting sustainable livelihoods, as well as to contribute to the creation of work opportunities and income, contribute to the creation of work opportunities, and income support to poor and unemployed people. support to poor and unemployed people. This, and many more achievements were highlighted during the SODA.