Breyten water outage update
2 March 2021
Refurbishment and upgrade of the Breyten Water Treatment Works to the tune of R6.6 million.
Media Statement - Breyten / KwaZanele and Chressiesmeer / KwaChibikhulu obtains water from the Torbanite Dam, which is also supplied with water from the Usutu-Transfer Pipeline line via the Upper Komati Pipeline from Camden power station at 1.43 Ml/d. The Water Treatment Works has a capacity and/or purify 3ML per day. The current demand of the area fluctuates according to the season, and is between 7ML per day during high season, and drops to 5,3ML per day during the winter months. The Water Treatment Works supplies water to the following reservoirs namely Tower (0.75ML), Breyten (0.75Ml), Chaina (1Ml), KwaZanele (5Ml) and Chrissiesmeer Reservoir (0.75ML) Steel. Breyten Reservoir supplies Breyten town, Chaina Reservoir supplies Chaina / Thabo., KwaZanele Reservoir supplies the whole of KwaZanele location, and Chrissiesmeer Reservoir supplies Chrissiesmeer and KwaChibikhulu.
Due to the topology of the area and insufficient existing storage facilities, the high lying areas experienced low water pressure or no water from time to time. In resolving the above, Msukaligwa Local Municipality appointed a contractor for the refurbishment and upgrade of the Breyten Water Treatment Works to the tune of R6.6 million. The site was handed over on 31 August 2020. The work commenced on 1 September 2020. The specific scope of work during the shutdown included inter alia the following: De-slugging of the sedimentation tank and inlet channel to filters, replacement of the 3 (three) de-slugging values and placement of filter media in filter three. Installation of telemetric system and construction of the plinth and clearview fence around the generator. Installing of standby pump in the Torbanite dam and refurbishment of pumps at the Torbanite pump room. Installation of generator at Breyten WTW.
Installation of an elevated steel tank. The de-slugging will optimize supply of water to the Water Treatment Works, and as results alleviate the intermittent water interruptions in Breyten and KwaZanele. During this period the affected areas / high lying area is supplied with water through water tankers. Communities are urged not to pay water from water tanks, as this water is for free. If they are made to pay for the water, they must report this to their councillors. The municipality appeals to all affected people to bear with us during period.
The project overall progress is at 96%. The outstanding is to testing, commissioning and the handing over of the site back to the municipality. On 3 February 2021 and/or early hours of 4 February 2021, the municipality discovered that the pump at the treatment work vandalized, which exacerbated the situation in the areas. Msukaligwa Local Municipality is committed in supplying potable and drinkable water to all its licensed areas in an equitable and sustainable manner.