AfriForum to investigate sewage pollution in Oosthuizen Street

6 October 2020
The spillage, which has been ongoing since 2016, have to date, seen no tangible action from authorities, and have been polluting the environment on a unprecedented scale for four consecutive years. The blockage and overflow was initially brought to the attention of Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) in mid-2016.
The ongoing sewage spillage in Oosthuizen Street, Ermelo, has also been acknowledged and placed under investigation by the AfriForum regional branch. The spillage, which has been ongoing since 2016, have to date, seen no tangible action from authorities, and have been polluting the environment on a unprecedented scale for four consecutive years. The blockage and overflow was initially brought to the attention of Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) in mid-2016.
To date, the spillage has been left to be, much to the dismay of surrounding businesses, who suffer on a daily basis with immense stench. Birds, other wildlife and stray cattle feasts on the daily smorgasbord of excrement gushing from the sewerage lines, and cattle herders plod through the soggy marsh of sewage. The large-scale environmental contamination holds immense health risks to animals, and especially residents, facing the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a developing story, and updates from AfriForum’s team will be published as it becomes available.