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SAPS issues hijack warning

SAPS issues hijack warning


8 December 2020

If you are stopped by SAPS or traffic officials, and you feel unsafe or threatened, switch on your hazard lights and slowly drive to the nearest police station.

Traveling motorists are urged to exercise caution when stopping next to the road, or when ordered to stop by other motorists, as they could be potential hijackers. Motorists are requested to exercise caution when stopped by unknown persons, and to report such incidents to the nearest police station. If you are stopped by SAPS or traffic officials, and you feel unsafe or threatened, switch on your hazard lights and slowly drive to the nearest police station. Never offer a lift to a hitchhiker, and do not stop next to the road, except in the case of an emergency.

People stopping to relieve themselves have also fallen victim to highjackers. As part of curbing highjacking incidents, motorists are requested to take heed of their surroundings. A well-maintained vehicle is less likely to break down and leave you vulnerable. When traveling long distances, plan your route and let someone know what your route is, and when to expect you at your destination. Avoid driving with your windows open, keep the vehicle’s doors locked, and put all valuables out of sight. If you suspect you are being followed, drive to your nearest police station, or a busy public area. When approaching a red traffic light, slow down so that you only reach it when it turns green, especially when driving at night.

When stopping behind another vehicle, leave half a vehicle length in front so you can make an emergency escape if necessary Drive in the centre lane away from pedestrians where possible, and be wary of staged minor accidents, such as your vehicle being lightly bumped from behind without causing significant structural damage. If you do not feel comfortable with the individual involved in the situation, indicate that they must follow you, and drive to the nearest SAPS, or busy area for assistance.

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