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- 'n Seder het geval | tribune-newspaper
'n Seder het geval 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 2 February 2021 Mr Roodt had the honor to be the first principal of NPSS before his retirement. Dit is met groot leedwese dat Ligbron van mnr Herman Roodt se afsterwe kennis neem. Mnr. Roodt en sy vrou, Anita, was vir jare 'n integrale deel van die Liggies en ook die Ermelo gemeenskap. Mnr Roodt het as personeellid en adjunkhoof diep spore in Ligbron getrap, en dié egpaar se uitstaande "musicals" was alombekend. Mnr Roodt se skerp humorsin, en sy besondere bemoeienis met personeel en leerders se probleme sal die Liggies altyd bybly. Mr Roodt was promoted, and had the honor to be the first principal of NPSS before his retirement. Ligbron wishes to convey their heartfelt condolences to his children and loved ones. “Thinking of you, and wishing you moments of peace and comfort as you remember a father and friend who was so close to you.” Op verskeie sosiale media bladsye is daar boodskappe gelos, hier is ‘n boodskap wat uit die diepte van die skrywer se hart geskryf is, “n Legende is hemel toe vandag - Dankie is so klein woord as dit kom by die man. Iets in my weet hoe skaterlag hy en juffrou, en al die ander vandag daar bo. Om onder hom as hoof te werk was niks minder as uitdagend op die beste manier nie. Niks minder verwag op my eerste dag by die werk as om in ‘n personeelkamer in te stap en reg langs die hoof te moes gaan sit, en van daar al uitgehaal te word oor goed wat hy kon onthou van ‘n sang naweek van jare terug waar hy my leer sing het. Hy was die koning van siel uittrek, en het hy jou gereeld op jou tone gehou, want iewers tussen al die grappies en uithaal moes jy raai wanneer hy wel ernstig was by die werk, en dan nogsteeds was daar altyd tyd vir n storie en grappie of drie. Ek kan getuig van sy wysheid oor God, en dat hy God geken het en dat hy dit oorgedra het op elke geleentheid wat hy kon. Sy hart was 100% vir die skool se kinders, en dit was ‘n eer om deel te kon wees van mnr se droom met NPSS, en dat ek so baie kon leer van onderwys en die lewe sommer as geheel, deur wie en wat mnr was. Hier is baie seer harte vandag met die nuus, maar ek weet dat talle nes ek miljoene staaltjies het vandag om aan terug te dink saam Mnr, rus sag, saam tannie A... Ons sien julle eendag weer. Leclough Roodt en familie, hoe blessed was julle met die twee legendes as ouers, vriende en voorbeeld. Ons bid vir julle en dra saam julle aan die seer vandag.”. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Ermelo businessman imprisoned for fraud
Ermelo businessman imprisoned for fraud Ermelo businessman imprisoned for fraud 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 24 August 2021 Mphethi submitted duplicate claims to the DOE, where he changed the invoice numbers and the dates when submitting the claims. The department suffered a loss of R830 000 on the first entity, and R1997 964 on the second one. Senyane Alton Seropane Mphethi (55), a former president of a political party an a prominent and influential businessman in Mpumalanga, allegedly lost his presidency status after he was arrested and sentenced to eight years imprisonment for defeating the course of justice on a murder case where he was sentenced for being an accomplice. The accused had a contract with the Mpumalanga Department of Education (DOE), to transport school children in Gert Sibande District Municipality. Mphethi submitted duplicate claims to the DOE, where he changed the invoice numbers and the dates when submitting the claims. The department suffered a loss of R830 000 on the first entity, and R1997 964 on the second one. The matter was reported to the Hawks, and Mphethi was arrested by the Mpumalanga Serious Commercial Crime Investigation team in 2015. He was convicted on 31 July 2021 on 34 counts of fraud by the Ermelo Regional Court. On 20 August 2021, Mphethi was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, wholly suspended for five years on condition that he repays R3 million, with the first installment of R50 000 on or before 30 August 2021. His two companies, Ngwato and Barudi, were fined R100 000 each. Asset Forfeiture Unit was involved on the sentence proceedings < Previous Article Next Article >
- SAPD slaan toe op R135K dagga
SAPD slaan toe op R135K dagga SAPD slaan toe op R135K dagga 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 7 September 2021 Die dagga wat gevind is, is 90kg, met ‘n straatwaarde van R135 000.00. Speurders van SAPD Ermelo het op Donderdag, 2 September, twee persone gearresteer vir handel in dagga. Die lede was besig om na 'n verdagte voertuig te soek. 'n Soortgelyke voertuig is by 'n motorwas fasiliteit opgemerk. Die lede het die voertuig deursoek, en dagga binne die voertuig gevind. Die dagga wat gevind is, is 90kg, met ‘n straatwaarde van R135 000.00. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Hooggeregshof gee winkelsentrum-teenstander ‘n bloedneus | tribune-newspaper
Hooggeregshof gee winkelsentrum-teenstander ‘n bloedneus 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 18 May 2021 Laastens het Regter Mankge bevestig dat II8 gefaal het om ‘n daadwerklike saak te bou, en dat hul papierwer, aansoeke en beëdigde verklarings in menigte gevalle in konflik is met die drie pilare benodig. In die lig van die gevraagde uitspraak wat deur die Tribune ePaper aangevra is, is daar goeie nuus vir die inwoners van Ermelo en die mliggende omgewing. Na ‘n struweling en talle hofsake wat vanaf ongeveer 2015 voordwoed, het eerbare Regter AJ Mankge, waarnemende regter van die hooggeregshof van Suid Afrika, die finale uitspraak gelewer rakende dié kwessie. Vroeg in 2015 het inwoners met groot opgewondenheid verneem van 'n beplande winkelsentrum, Plateau Mall (voortaan bekend as Merino Mall), wat gebou sou word in Voortrekkerlaan, waar die Ermelo Skougronde tans geleë is. Die projek word bestuur deur die Moolman Group, 'n bekende ontwikkelaar met talle suksesvolle projekte en ontwikkelings op hul kerfstok. Hierdie vlagskip-konstruksieprojek, wat as 'n ontwikkeling van 30,000 m² beskou word, sou 'n voltooiingsdatum van April 2020 hê, en menigte nuwe kettingwinkels sou huisves, het onmiddellik 'n groot plons in die gemeenskap gemaak. Ongelukkig het die opgewondenheid mettertyd in onsekerheid verander nadat geen aanduiding van enige bouproses sigbaar was nie. Die gemeenskap het gewoeker, en doen steeds, met gerugte oor beweerde politieke invloed wat 'n rol in die besware gespeel het. Die konstruksie van die sentrum is telkens vertraag deur beswaar wat aangeteken was deur Ilangabi Investments 8 (PTY) Ltd (II8), wat ook verbind word met Samuel "Dube" Democracy Zwane. Alhoewel die Moolman Groep (MG) en Msukaligwa Plaaslike Munisipaliteit (MLM) tot ooreenkoms gekom het rakende die konstruksie, en alle bouplanne en nodige aansoek en papierwerk die groen lig ontvang het, het Ilangabi Investments 8 keer op keer ‘n stokkie probeer steek voor die konstruksie van die winkelsentrum. Die regspan van II8 het aangevoer dat die aansoek deur die MG van die hand gewys moet word, en deur ‘n munisipale beplanningstribunaal by MLM hersien moes word. II8 het op verskeie geleenthede die aansoek deur die MG teengestaan, met besware wat telkens van geen toepassing op die winkelsentrum se aansoek gehad het nie. Die regter het dit bekend gemaak dat volgens II8 se stigtingspapiere, besit hul ongeveer 22ha ontwikkelingsgrond in Wesselston, uitbreiding 8, waar hul beweer om regte te hou vir ‘n konstruksieplan vir ‘n winkelsentrum. Die MG was regte toegestaan vir konstruksie te Ermelo, uitbreiding 47 (skougronde). Ter aansoek deur die MG, was die ontwikkeling deur die MLM stadsbeplanning aangeraai vir goedkeuring. MLM het egter in April 2018 hul deuntjie verander, en aangekondig dat die bogenoemde aansoek van die hand gewys gaan word. Die MG het egter appél aangeteken, wat toegestaan is aan die MG. II8 het egter weereens beswaar aangeteken, en beweer dat hul belange beïnvloed word deur die Merino Mall se ontwikkeling. Regter Mankge het egter aangedui dat dié belange van so aard moet wees dat dit nie te abstrak of akademies moet wees nie, en dat die belange aktueel moet wees. Die regter het egter beslis dat II8 geensins genoegsame bewyse voorgelê het dat hul belange in aktualiteit beïnvloed word nie. Die regter het ook beslis dat II8 nie aan die drie pilare van ‘n waterdigte saak voldoen het nie, wat insluit dat die aansoeker ‘n eienaaar van die grond en belastingbetaler is, dat die aansoeker goedgekeurde ontwikkelingsplanne het, en dat die aansoeker bevordering van administratiewe geregtigheid (PAJA) se terme nie verontagsaam word nie. II8 het dus ook met alle mag probeer om die ontwikkeling teen te staan deur Seksie 33 van die grondwet holrug te ry, wat kortliks dui dat enige persoon mag beswaar aanteken teen onwettige gebeurtenisse. Verder het Regter Mankge aangedui dat II8 geensins deel was van die aanvanklike besprekings tussen die MG en MLM nie, en ook nie deel was van die besprekings wat die appèlowerheid ingesluit het nie. Die regter het ‘n bloedneus toegedien aan II8 deur te beslis dat hul belange geensins beïnvloed sal word deur die MG nie, dat II8 gediskwalifiseer word in terme van PAJA siende hul nie genoegsame bewyse kon voorsien nie, en dat II8 nie meer die eienaar is van die ontwikkelingsgrond soos aangedui in hul appél nie. Die regter het beslis dat II8 se saak verbrokkel het deur die feit dat hul regte verval het in Oktober 2020. II8 het egter gefaal om genoegsame bewyse te lewer dat daar in enige opsig inbraak gemaak word op hul belange. Regter Mankge het ook verwarring getoon deur die skielike aanslag deur II8 op die MG in 2020, maar vanaf 2016 gesloer het met die saak nie. Die saak was verder vererg deur ‘n appél wat II8 aangeteken het in Maart 2021, waar hul hulsef gedui het as grondeienaars van hulle beweerde ontwikkeling, maar hul het egter die grond geregistreer aan ‘n verskillende eienaar in Desember 2020. Laastens het Regter Mankge bevestig dat II8 gefaal het om ‘n daadwerklike saak te bou, en dat hul papierwer, aansoeke en beëdigde verklarings in menigte gevalle in konflik is met die drie pilare benodig. Die beslissing is aangekondig dat II8 se vermorsing van die hof se tyd nie genoegsaam was om ‘n boete op te lê nie. Regter Mankge het wel beslis dat II8 verantwoordelik gehou word vir die regskostes aangegaan deur die MG groep, insluitend die indiensneming van twee advokate, waar van toepassing. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Road spikes a cause for concern in MPU
Road spikes a cause for concern in MPU Road spikes a cause for concern in MPU 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 1 June 2021 If you are stopped by a traffic officer, demand to see their appointment certificate to verify if such an officer is employed by the relevant traffic authority. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is concerned that the Mpumalanga provincial government is too silent as an armed gang is causing havoc on the N4 and N12 highways by spiking vehicles where victims are robbed of valuables. More than 24 incidents of spiking were reported in Mpumalanga between 1 April and 18 May 2021. The police have also warned that these incidents happen especially on Friday evenings and throughout the weekend between 18:00 and 04:00 in the morning. Mpumalanga residents are mostly the victims of the vehicle spiking incidents, so the DA calls on the provincial MEC of Community Safety, Security and Liaison, Vusi Shongwe, to engage with the South African Police Service (SAPS) to deploy additional officers to help the Highway Patrol Unit on the routes identified as hotspots. Phola/Ogies on the N12 near Arbor off-ramp, Delmas along the N12, Bronkorstspruit towards Witbank along the N4 highway, Belfast on the N4 next to Wonderfontein and Acornhoek in Matsikitsane area, Witbank on Dellville Street, Verena Road and the R555 Old Ogies Road, Calcutta area, the R40 around Marite area and the N4 highway in Middelburg, Bethal and Kendall have been identified as hotspots for the spiking activities. It has been reported that the spiking gang is using two vehicles. One of the vehicles is used to follow around victims who do not stop after hitting the spikes. Of late, residents in the approximate area have also been warned of road spikes, most notably roads leading to Breyten, Piet Retief, Amersfoort and Chrissiesmeer. The N17 towards Bethal has also been identified as concerning. Never stop your vehicle if you had a puncture while spiked, instead drive slowly to the nearest garage while contacting the SAPS. If you are stopped by a traffic officer, demand to see their appointment certificate to verify if such an officer is employed by the relevant traffic authority. In case the officer fails to produce his or her appointment certificate, take down the registration number of the patrol vehicle and report them immediately to the nearest police station. If your vehicle has had a complete break down on the road, remain in the vehicle with your doors locked while seeking assistance. Do not allow any person to tow your vehicle without written permission. Should you realize that another motorist has been spiked in your presence, kindly stop and give the necessary assistance. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Rietspruit housing development taking shape | tribune-newspaper
Rietspruit housing development taking shape 1/4 Share GK CRONJE 6 April 2021 Residential, retail and parks were touted as the main attraction, and water, sewage and roads infrastructure will be made available by DOHS. After years of allegations of corruption, arrests of officials, and land invasions from irate residents, Rietspruit Farm, also known as Extension 44, had finally been allocated by the Department of Human Settlements (DOHS) to house nearly 5 000 housing units. This flagship project was recently officiated last year by Msukaligwa Local Municipality’s executive mayor, Cllr. Mkhaliphi, is showing progress and much promise. Gert Sibande District Municipality regional planning unveiled that a reported 5 760 stands had been made available, with an estimated 4 000 mixed housing opportunities. Plans for more than 600 rental units were also mentioned. Residential, retail and parks were touted as the main attraction, and water, sewage and roads infrastructure will be made available by DOHS. - Photos sourced. < Previous Article Next Article >
- SC President Ismail Joosub’s message to the youth | tribune-newspaper
SC President Ismail Joosub’s message to the youth 1/1 Share Supplied Content 14 June 2022 With Youth Day soon approaching, African Union SC President Ismail Joosub had a message for the youth of Africa. The African Union Student Commission, a subsidiary of the African Union, is an organisation dedicated to the betterment of the African Continent and the aspirations and ambitions of the peoples of Africa. Guided by the visions and ideals of the African Union, the African Union SC is intent on contributing towards the achievement of a United Africa that is peaceful, progressive and productive. The African Union SC was invited, last week, by the Thabo Mbeki Foundation to attend a conference hosted by the former President on the topic of “The 20th Anniversary of the African Union”. There, much discussion was had as to the future of the Continent, with a particular emphasis on the role that the Youth can play in Africa’s Renaissance. With Youth Day soon approaching, African Union SC President Ismail Joosub had a message for the youth of Africa. Joosub says “My friends, we live in turbulent and tempestuous times. While modern technology brings men and nations closer together, with the concerns of one inevitably becoming the concerns of all, there still exists the dark and poisoning superstitions embodied by some that the common humanity of man is limited to the tight circle of those who share the same town, the same views, or the same skin colour. It is our job – the task of the youth in this continent – to tear down those last remnants of that ancient belief from the civilization of man. The African Union SC, indeed, understands that each nation has different challenges and different goals, that are all shaped by the vagaries of histories and happenings. But I should say, as I talk to the young people in Africa, that I am impressed not by the diversity, but by the closeness of their goals, their desires, their concerns and their hopes for the future. While the difficulties of the day reflect the imperfections of human justice, the inadequacy of human compassion, or the defectiveness and inefficiency of productivity, these challenges call upon our common qualities of conscience – and upon our shared determination – to work together towards a future of which we can all be proud. It is these qualities which make of the youth today the only true international community, which give the continent hope, which declare that the youth shall not yield to obsolete dogmas and outworn slogans. It is these qualities which qualifies ‘youth’ not as a time of life, but as a state of mind, a temper of the will, an appetite for imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, that enable the youth to tear down even the mightiest walls that might stand in our way. Soon, on National Youth Day, we celebrate the potential and power of young people to shape the future of our increasingly interconnected world, cognizant of the fact that a more peaceful and prosperous Africa can only be achieved through UNITY. Only by working together, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, as one people can we extinguish the errors of bygone eras and move forward towards a brighter future. It begins with us, the YOUTH, to build on the legacies of our forefathers and usher in a new era of endless possibilities.” - Ismail Joosub, President - African Union Student Commission < Previous Article Next Article >
- Erries gee terug aan gemeenskap | tribune-newspaper
Erries gee terug aan gemeenskap 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH Na aanleiding hiervan, het die Presidente, Arend Fourie en Anke de Kock, namens die Erries broodnodige produkte aan die SAVF Ouetehuis Ermelo oorhandig. Die gemeenskap is vir die Erries uiters belangrik, daarom was dit die keuse van die 2021 Errie-Raad om aan die gemeenskap iets terug te gee. Na aanleiding hiervan, het die Presidente, Arend Fourie en Anke de Kock, namens die Erries broodnodige produkte aan die SAVF Ouetehuis Ermelo oorhandig. Op so ‘n manier bewys die Erries dat hulle omgee wyd en ver strek. Die bejaardes het hulle met hartlikheid en dankbaarheid ontvang. < Previous Article Next Article >
- Lizelle Lee is a cricketing powerhouse | tribune-newspaper
Lizelle Lee is a cricketing powerhouse 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 15 March 2022 Cricket is a simple sport at its core. A ball is delivered. Someone with a bat 20.12m away has to hit it... and few hit it harder than Lee. South Africa’s Proteas find themselves in an unfamiliar position heading into the 50-over World Cup in New Zealand. For the first time in 14 global tournaments, they harbour realistic ambitions of lifting the trophy. “We wouldn’t be going if we didn’t all believe we could actually do it,” says Lizelle Lee, the team’s destructive opening batter who was recently recognized as the best 50-over player in the world by the International Cricket Council (ICC). “We spoke about this in camp. We all agreed that there was no point in going if we didn’t intend to come back as champions. We know it’s never been done before, but we want to make history as the first South African team to win a World Cup.” South Africans have conquered the world before. The men’s Under-19 team, captained by Aiden Markram and coached by Ray Jennings, in 2014 became the first side to win a major final. But no senior squad has done it. This group is unburdened by a history of failing when it mattered. The South African women’s side, under-resourced in every metric compared with their male counterparts, have long fought for equality in the country’s third most popular sport. All too often they’ve been regarded as an afterthought, contesting untelevised games in near-empty stadiums. “When I was growing up, I didn’t even know there was a South African women’s team,” says Lee, who grew up in Ermelo, and will be turning 30-years-old in April. “It just wasn’t something I was conscious of and I know a lot of other girls will tell you the same thing. It wasn’t on TV. You didn’t see games advertised. I played because I loved the game. I didn’t play for fame or money or recognition.” The dial shifted in 2013 when insurance firm Momentum joined as a title sponsor and helped Cricket South Africa (CSA) fund full-time contracts for six players. That number increased over the years, there are currently 15 centrally contracted players with CSA, but changes in other facets have been slow. The team was constantly playing catch-up with the more advanced cricket ecosystems in Australia and England, which together have won 16 of the 18 global showpieces since 1973. “Those countries are so far ahead,” says Lee, who has been a mainstay in the Australian Women’s Big Bash League, and has played for Somerset and Surrey in England. “Women players are given a much bigger platform there. I’m more recognised when I walk around there than I am in South Africa. But it is changing.” Lee credits CSA for ‘promoting the women’s game’ but the players have advanced their own cause on the field. By the time the T20 World Cup in Australia came into focus in January 2020, Lee could look around a dressing room studded with match-winners. “It’s not that it happened all of a sudden, because we’d been working hard for a few years,” she says. “But now we have superstars all around, genuine world-class players.” By winning the ICC ODI’s Women’s Cricketer of the Year award for 2021, she joins an elite list that includes all-time greats Stefanie Taylor of the West Indies, England’s Sarah Taylor, New Zealand’s Suzie Bates and Australian duo Meg Lanning and Ellyse Perry. That’s easy enough to understand. Cricket is a simple sport at its core. A ball is delivered. Someone with a bat 20.12m away has to hit it... and few hit it harder than Lee. She’s officially the best woman in 50-over cricket. And if she can hit enough balls with enough force, she may also be a World Cup champion. - Daniel Gallan, New Frame < Previous Article Next Article >
- Sprankelende Tersia laat reuse leemte | tribune-newspaper
Sprankelende Tersia laat reuse leemte 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 28 September 2021 “Tersia, ons mis jou reeds, maar ons weet jy kyk af na ons met ‘n glimlag op jou gesig. Weet ons sal jou sprankelende persoonlikheid en jou glimlag altyd saam met ons dra.” Tersia Oosthuizen (56) het op Vrydag, 24 September haar engel vlerkies gekry. Sy was ‘n welbekende in die omgewing, en het altyd reg gestaan vir raad, ‘n geselsie en ‘n glasie wyn. Sy was baie geliefd in die gemeenskap, en het gelewe vir haar kinders, familie, diere en dan ook haar vriend, Flip Venter. Tersia was werksaam by De Wit Motors in Ermelo vir die afgelope dertien jaar. Tersia het in die laaste jaar vir Flip ontmoet, vir wie sy werklik baie lief was, en saam wie sy weer kon glo in liefde. Die paartjie het elke kans gebruik wat hul saam kon wees om mekaar se geselskap te kon geniet, en het altyd heerlik saam gedans. “Haar skielike afsterwe was vir ons almal ‘n groot skok, maar ons almal weet sy is nou op ‘n baie beter plek”, het haar kinders en Flip aan die Tribune gesê. Tersia se Facebook blad kan getuig hoe geliefd sy was, hoe baie mense werklik vir haar om gegee het, en in wie se lewens sy verskille gemaak het. Tersia was vreeslik lief vir haar huis en haar diere, en oor ‘n naweek sou jy altyd vir Tersia by die huis gekry het waar sy in haar tuin gewerk het en altyd gesorg het dat daar nuwe blommetjies geplant word. Sy was baie lief vir die buite lewe, en het die see vreeslik geniet. “Tersia, ons mis jou reeds, maar ons weet jy kyk af na ons met ‘n glimlag op jou gesig. Weet ons sal jou sprankelende persoonlikheid en jou glimlag altyd saam met ons dra.” Tersia word oorleef deur haar twee sussies, Lizette Joubert en Alta Lombard, haar drie kinders, Rynhard, Andrè en Liezl, en dan ook haar vriend, Flip Venter. Die familie wil net graag die gemeenskap bedank vir elke oproep, boodskap en vinnige inloer en al die ondersteuning. “Rus sag by Liewe Jesus se voete.” < Previous Article Next Article >
- Dr. Bhoola se vermeende moordenaars vasgetrek
Dr. Bhoola se vermeende moordenaars vasgetrek Dr. Bhoola se vermeende moordenaars vasgetrek Lethukuthula Makepeace Davide Shakwane. Senzo Thamsanqa Dube. 1/3 Share SH HATTINGH 20 April 2021 Die verdagtes het Dr. Bhoola se hande en voete vasgebind, en ‘n verband gebruik om hom te verwurg. Wyle Dr. Yasvantray Bhoola (75), wat op 10 Maart 2019 wreed vermoor in sy huis in Cassim Park, se twee vermeende moordenaars is gearresteer. Senzo Thamsanqa Dube (34) is op 9 April 2021 vasgetrek, en Lethukuthula Makepeace Davide Shakwane (39) is op 10 April 2021 gearresteer in Nelspruit. Die twee verdagtes het reeds op Maandag, 12 April 2021, in die hof verskyn, waar die saak uitgestel is na 16 April toe vir verdere ondersoek. Die verdagtes het toegang deur die motorhuis verkry, waar hulle voorgegee het dat hulle mediese behandeling nodig het. Toe die verdagtes ingelaat was, het hulle Dr. Bhoola na die hoof slaapkamer gedwing, waar daar ‘n kluis was met kontant was. Die verdagtes kon egter nie daarin slaag om die kluis oop te kry nie. Die verdagtes het toe Dr. Bhoola se hande en voete vasgebind, en ‘n verband gebruik om hom te verwurg. Sy lewelose liggaam is later gevind in dieselfde kamer. Tydens die aanval was daar ‘n iPhone 7 en iPhone 8, ‘n skootrekenaar, CCTV kameras met die CCTV rugsteun hardeskyf, asook ‘n BMW 7Series voertuig gesteel. Die voertuig is later die aand terug gevind in Suluma Straat, langs Lindiwe Skool in Wesselton, waar die voertuig se sleutel nog binne-in die voertuig was. DNA toetse wat gedoen was in die BMW om die verdagtes te help vastrek. Dube is deur ‘n speurder gekontak om DNA toetse te laat doen, en die DNA toetse wat in die voertuig gedoen was, het ooreengestem met Dube se DNA. Die DNA monsters was verkry deur sweet wat op die rathefboom, asook die deur se handvatsel om die voertuig te open, gevind was. Die speurder het tydens die hofsaak op Vrydag gesê dat daar wel vingerafdrukke geneem was op die aand, in beide die voertuig en in die huis, maar dat daar geen vingerafdrukke gekry was nie. Hul is van mening dat die verdagtes handskoene gedra het tydens die moord. Tydens ‘n ondervraging Shakwane, het hy aan die SAPD gesê dat hy die toneel sal gaan uitwys en kan bevestig waar die insident plaasgevind het. Die twee verdagtes bly in aanhouding, en die saak is uitgestel tot 26 April vir verdere ondersoek. < Previous Article Next Article >