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  • Geslagsmisdade bekommer VF Plus

    Geslagsmisdade bekommer VF Plus Geslagsmisdade bekommer VF Plus 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 7 July 2020 Tans is daar 2 797 agterstallige geweldsmisdaad-verwante dossiere in die provinsie, waarvan slegs 46 tot 'n mate ondersoek is. Geen inhegtenisnemings is in verband met die dossiere gemaak nie. Geslagsgeweld en vrouemoord wat vyf keer hoër as die wêreldwye gemiddeld is, is 'n ernstige en wydverspreide probleem in Mpumalanga en het 'n buitensporige traumatiese invloed op vroue en kinders in dié provinsie. Dit getuig van 'n kultuur van geweld en verkragting. Altesame 6.8% van alle vroue in Mpumalanga sê hulle is in hul leeftyd verkrag. Die VF Plus in Mpumalanga is van mening dat die syfers moontlik hoër kan wees omdat slagoffers van geweld dit nie geredelik aanmeld nie aangesien vonnisse onvoldoende is en howe vir seksuele oortredings slagoffers nie genoegsaam beskerm nie. Dié verkragtingskultuur word sodoende genormaliseer en plaas die blaam op vroue en kinders om hulself te beskerm, in stede daarvan om die oortreders vas te vat. Dit raak sodoende sistemies en diep verskans in instellings, kulture en word bykans as tradisie vir sommige beskou. Dit is een van die grootste skending van menseregte wat verreikende maatskaplike en ontwikkelingsgevolge het vir die slagoffers, hul families, gemeenskappe en die groter samelewing. Die polisie moet toesien dat daar voldoende verkragting-toetsstelle by polisiekantore in Mpumalanga is en dat polisielede opgelei moet word oor hoe om slagoffers met die nodige empatie by te staan. Dit sal die opeenhoping van agterstallige gevalle verhinder. Tans is daar 2 797 agterstallige geweldsmisdaad-verwante dossiere in die provinsie, waarvan slegs 46 tot 'n mate ondersoek is. Geen inhegtenisnemings is in verband met die dossiere gemaak nie. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Errie-atlete gekies vir Mpumalanga span

    Errie-atlete gekies vir Mpumalanga span 1/5 Share SH HATTINGH 30 March 2021 Vyf van die Erries is gekies om die Mpumalanga-atletiek span te verteenwoordig by die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskap. Op Saterdag, 27 Maart, het van Hoërskool Ermelo se atlete deelgeneem aan die Mpumalanga-atletiek kampioenskap by die Secunda Atletiek stadion. Vyf van die Erries is gekies om die Mpumalanga-atletiek span te verteenwoordig by die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskap, wat plaasvind vanaf 7 tot 10 April in die Paarl. Die volgende EHS-atlete is vir die Mpumalanga span gekies: Mia Davel (o/16) behaal twee eerste plekke in onderskeidelik hoogspring, met ‘n hoogte van 1,63 meter, asook in die 300m-hekkies, met ‘n tyd van 47,17 sekondes. Mikaela Hand (o/16) behaal tweede plek in skyfwerp, met ‘n afstand van 30,89 meter, en sesde plek in gewigstoot, met ‘n afstand van 10,59 meter. Carla Ferreira (o/18) verower tweede plek in spiesgooi, met ‘n afstand van 39,92 meter. Tyrone Berning (o/16) spog met drie uitstekende eerste plekke. In hoogspring, spring hy 1,92 meter, hy voltooi die 300m-hekkies in 39,02 sekondes, en die 400m in 50,90 sekondes. Ruan du Toit (o/18) behaal tweede plek in die 400m, met ‘n tyd van 48,93 sekondes. Alhoewel die volgende atlete nie gekies is vir die Mpumalnga span nie, presteer hulle nie te min ook uitstekend: Chester Mphahlele (o/17) behaal agtste plek in die 3000m, en BongmusaVilakazi behaal ook agtste plek in die 1500m. Deidre van der Meyden (o/17) behaal tweede en vierde plek in onderskeidelik die 100m en die 200m, Johnke Prinsloo (o/17) behaal tweede plek in die 400m, Mia Steenkamp behaal sewende plek in die 400m-hekkies, Zané du Plessis (o/17) behaal derde plek in hoogspring, asook vierde plek in die 400m-hekkies, en Chantelle Swart (o/19) behaal tweede plek in die 800m. “Baie geluk aan elke Errie wat deelgeneem het, asook dié wat gekies is vir die Mpumalanga span. Die EHS is met reg trots op elkeen se uitsonderlike prestasie.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ligbron onderwyseresse wys hul kreatiwiteit | tribune-newspaper

    Ligbron onderwyseresse wys hul kreatiwiteit 1/0 Share SH HATTINGH 4 Augustus 2020 Die dames het die klas vreeslik baie geniet. Daar was baie gelag, en hulle het gesorg vir ‘n vrolike atmosfeer. Daar was heerlik saam geverf en smaaklike sop en broodjie was voorsien as middag ete. Op Woensdag, 29 Julie, het vyf van Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie se onderwyseresse hul kreatiwiteit kom neer lê op ‘n drommetjie. Die onderwyseresse het elkeen ‘n prentjie gekies waarvan hulle hou, hulle drommetjie geverf en stensel werk gedoen na hul eie smaak. Die dames het die klas vreeslik baie geniet. Daar was baie gelag, en hulle het gesorg vir ‘n vrolike atmosfeer. Daar was heerlik saam geverf en smaaklike sop en broodjie was voorsien as middag ete. Enige persoon wat ook ‘n klas wil loop, kan vir Lynette skakel op 082 542 9592. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MLM rotational load shedding frustrates residents

    MLM rotational load shedding frustrates residents 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 2 June 2020 Feeble excuses such as suspiciously incessant alleged cable faults on the 88kVA line, random system overloads, illegal connections and a myriad of other nonsensical explanations for inefficient service delivery on the part of the municipality only elongates the noose that MLM hands itself. Infuriated residents are left in the dark on a daily basis, since Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) resorted to rotational municipal load shedding. MLM stated that the load shedding is due to the high demand of electricity from residents, and the load shedding is to avoid complete blackout and damage to substations and equipment. While this is all good and well, the fact that electricity is not restored in a timeous manner is the thorn in the side of residents affected. Aggravating the situation even more is the fact that several wards and areas in and around Ermelo has been without water for nearly 48 hours, with no solution or information forthcoming from MLM. The call centre displays their usual sterling inefficiency, and residents are left pondering their fate in darkness. Complaints from residents also includes the fact the schedule posted by MLM are changed without informing the residents, and that the electricity supply is interrupted randomly and in conflict with the scheduled times. The largest influx of complaints are from De Bruin Park residents, where the rotational load shedding has been implemented for more than two weeks in succession, and often during peak times when children needs to bathed, and the time that any normal household would cook food for their families. Several residents have reported being left without electricity for more than 72 hours, and residents of Thusiville bears a large brunt of the outages. Claims have also surfaced that residents who purchase electricity directly from Eskom experience no load shedding at all. Adding fuel to the fire is that the load shedding has been implemented by MLM, with no information or turnaround plan released to the residents affected. Residents in John Vorster Park are left hands in their hair with the daily electricity interruptions, often being left without electricity for up to six hours at a time. Several residents have also stated that wards that experienced no electricity issues for several years are suddenly bearing the brunt of the outages, despite no significant residential development in the area. While MLM blames illegal connections, ageing infrastructure and demand that is too high, the question on everyone’s mind is how long residents will sit without electricity once Eskom implements load shedding on a national scale. Residents in Ermelo and the surrounding areas lament the fact that MLM fails consistently to provide the service that they are paid for providing. One resident highlighted the fact that MLM is quick to disconnect electricity supply to your residence or business should you fall behind on payments, but does not reciprocate by providing basic service delivery. The situation currently experienced by residents in Ermelo is slated as unacceptable, to say the least. At the end of the day, it would seem that MLM plays the blame game instead of accepting responsibility for their poor service delivery. Feeble excuses such as suspiciously incessant alleged cable faults on the 88kVA line, random system overloads, illegal connections and a myriad of other nonsensical explanations for inefficient service delivery on the part of the municipality only elongates the noose that MLM hands itself. The Tribune will submit enquiries to MLM, various political parties and the Ermelo Business Association regarding the issues experienced. Read the various responses in next week’s newspaper. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Danie bedank die gemeenskap | tribune-newspaper

    Danie bedank die gemeenskap 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 20 July 2021 Na afloop van die operasie het die dokters hom ingelig dat hy nie weer sal kan loop nie. Na baie huil en emosies wat hoog loop, kon Danie daarin slaag om ‘n skenking vir ‘n splinternuwe rolstoel te ontvang, asook al die mediese kostes wat afbetaal is. Danie Geel (40) ‘n bekende in die gemeenskap, wil vir elke persoon in die gemeenskap, asook elke boodskap, dankie sê. Hy het aan die einde van 2005 gekla oor rug pyn, en is hospitaal toe waar hy net ‘n inspuiting ontvang het vir pyn. Die volgende oggend het hy wakker geword om te gaan werk, maar hy geen gevoel gehad in sy bene nie. Hy is per ambulans na die hospitaal geneem, is oorgeplaas na Pretoria, en hul het nog dieselfde aand ‘n rug operasie ondergaan. Na afloop van die operasie het die dokters hom ingelig dat hy nie weer sal kan loop nie. Na baie huil en emosies wat hoog loop, kon Danie daarin slaag om ‘n skenking vir ‘n splinternuwe rolstoel te ontvang, asook al die mediese kostes wat afbetaal is. Vrydag, 16 Julie 2021, was die beste dag in Danie se lewe, waar hy sy nuwe rolstoel ontvang he, met sy ouers en suster wat bystaan. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MLM clarifies mining complaints

    MLM clarifies mining complaints 1/2 Share CONTENT SUPPLIED 15 September 2020 "Msukaligwa Local Municipality is currently engaged in the processes of establishing the Local Economic Development Forum. The community and all interested groups are called upon to participate in thus process in order to formalize our economic efforts in a streamlined manner. " Media Statement - The office of the Executive Mayor is inundated with complaints of individuals who falsely use the name of the municipality and/or the Executive Mayor to solicit work at mines or other companies. The responsibility of the municipality is to, inter alia, encourage cordial interaction between employers and job-seekers and other interest groups, within the relevant legislation and policies. The office of the Executive Mayor hereby categorically states that no one was ever mandated to speak on behalf of the municipality outside the Council structures. Msukaligwa Local Municipality is currently engaged in the processes of establishing the Local Economic Development Forum. The community and all interested groups are called upon to participate in thus process in order to formalize our economic efforts in a streamlined manner. Once established, the LED Forum will be the appropriate platform to discuss economic development issues that are mutually beneficial to all. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Erries presteer weer op atletiekbaan

    Erries presteer weer op atletiekbaan 1/2 Share SH HATTINGH 16 March 2021 “Baie geluk aan die twee dogters met die prestasies. EHS is trots op julle.” Op Saterdag, 6 Maart, het twee Erries aan die Athletics Vaal Triangle liga-byeenkoms deelgeneem. Carla Ferreira (o/17) behaal vierde plek in spiesgooi, met ‘n afstand van 38 meter. Michaela Hand (o/14) wen die gewigstoot met ‘n afstand van 10,62 meter. Sy behaal ook derde plek in skyfwerp, met ‘n afstand van 28,58 meter. “Baie geluk aan die twee dogters met die prestasies. EHS is trots op julle.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Allegations of abuse surface at Expropriation Bill public hearing | tribune-newspaper

    Allegations of abuse surface at Expropriation Bill public hearing 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 20 April 2021 The claims of ill treatment of farm dwellers and farm workers dominated the committee’s public hearings in Ermelo, and participants expressed their support to the bill, as farm dwellers told the committee about their severe living conditions on the farms. On Saturday, the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure hosted a public hearing at the Ella de Bruin Hall in Ermelo in light of the implementation of the Expropriation Bill. The Expropriation Bill repeals the existing Expropriation Act of 1975 to provide a common framework in line with the Constitution, to guide the processes and procedures for the expropriation of property by organs of state, and to provide for certain instances where expropriation with nil compensation may be appropriate in the public interest. The meeting in Ermelo also shifted focus to allegations of human rights abuse against farm dwellers, which will be referred to the relevant committees in Parliament. The claims of ill treatment of farm dwellers and farm workers dominated the committee’s public hearings in Ermelo, and participants expressed their support to the bill, as farm dwellers told the committee about their severe living conditions on the farms. They added that they hoped the legislation will rescue them from aleged abuse by land owners. The public hearing in Ermelo formed part of a four-day consultation programme in Mpumalanga. . < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Water wastage in Mpumalanga raises eyebrows | tribune-newspaper

    Water wastage in Mpumalanga raises eyebrows 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 6 April 2021 Albert Luthuli Local Municipality’s water loss increased from 15% to a whopping 51% in the 2018/19 financial year. For several years, Mpumalanga’s municipalities have been affected by old and dilapidated water infrastructure, which in turn affects the provision of water, as is the case in Lekwa and Thaba Chweu local municipalities. The Democratic Alliance (DA) have written to the Premier, asking her to ensure that the 2% which is ringfenced from all of the Department's budgets for maintenance of existing infrastructure, is used to deal with the issues of old and dilapidated water infrastructure in municipalities. Having access to a stable water supply plays a pivotal role in our daily lives. Having stable access to a water source drives the agricultural sectors, abattoirs, food processing plants and supports heavy industries in our province. The distribution of water in Mpumalanga is also hampered further by debt which is owed to external entities such as Rand Water. Rand Water, in turn, implement water throttling and water pressure reductions for outstanding amounts. In Lekwa Local Municipality, the inability to provide a stable water source affected companies such as Astral Foods. In the case of Astral Foods, the shortage of water cost the company close to R100 million, and threatens the job security of the workers. Water losses through leaks and old dilapidated infrastructure caused Lekwa Local Municipality to lose 83% of the total water that was purchased in the 2018/19 financial year. Thaba Chweu Local Municipality’s water losses increased from 66% in 2017/18, to 69% in the 2018/19 financial year. Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Municipality increased from losing 29% of the total water purchased in 2017/18, to a worrying 61% in the 2018/19 financial year, and Albert Luthuli Local Municipality’s water loss increased from 15% in the 2017/18 financial year, to a whopping 51% in the 2018/19 financial year. The DA’s COGTA representative will also investigate water outages and wastage in Msukaligwa Local Municipality. Residents in Ermelo, Breyten, Chrissiesmeer and surroundings are urged to report their water issues, be it wastage or water outages, by sending a WhatsApp to 071 885 2505, or by sending an e-mail to . If possible, these reports may include photos, and an exact address or area where the issue is experienced must be included. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ermelo Community Police Forum new committee | tribune-newspaper

    Ermelo Community Police Forum new committee 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 22 February 2022 On Saturday, 19 February 2022, the community of Ermelo were invited to attend the Community Police Forum (CPF) meeting. On Saturday, 19 February 2022, the community of Ermelo were invited to attend the Community Police Forum (CPF) meeting. During the meeting, community members were able to talk about their concerns inside Ermelo, as well as the rural areas. The biggest concern from all the people of the community were the crime that takes place during the day, as well as at night, and all the people that walk so freely in town and injecting each other with the same needles, coupled with all the drug use. During the meeting there was an election for a new committee that wil assist the community and SAPS for the next 5 years. The Chairperson is Raphael Mthetwa, Deputy Chairperson is Jaco Kirk, Secretary is Sweetness Thela, Deputy Secretary is Sesi Msibi, Treasurer is Jenny Venter, P.R.O is Rulph Basson, Co-ordinator is Sue-Marie Hattingh. The following are the three additional members - Dumisani Mkhabela, Priscilla Nkosi and Themba Vilakazi. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Apply for a bursary through Shoprite | tribune-newspaper

    Apply for a bursary through Shoprite 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 16 March 2021 Registered university students with a 65% aggregate or higher are encouraged to apply. The Shoprite Group offers bursaries for the 2022 academic year in accounting and IT, and applications for the Shoprite Group’s bursary programme are now open for the 2022 academic year. The bursaries offer students in the fields of accounting and information technology an unparalleled opportunity to further their studies - and then go on to work for Africa’s largest retailer. The Shoprite Group has thousands of stores under various brands in more than a dozen countries, and its employees are at the forefront of one of the continent’s most fast-paced and technologically advanced retail organisations. IT and accounting are two key elements that help power the Group, and its bursary programme has several benefits for students of both disciplines. Upon graduation, accounting clerks will join a small, hands-on articles programme, where students can expect to receive individual attention, have a say in their rotation plan and exposure to many different fields, including buying, logistics, or IT. Article clerks also have the option to complete up to three electives, and may even work closely with the Group’s CFO. Importantly, the Group consistently achieves a high Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) pass rate. IT students will benefit from working within a highly innovative team - in recent years the Shoprite Group has implemented and pioneered various initiatives in the retail space. These include virtual vouchers, Xtra Savings - South Africa’s fastest growing loyalty programme - and the hugely popular Sixty60 on-demand grocery delivery service. The practical experience gained through these work-back agreements is invaluable in an increasingly competitive work environment. Registered university students with a 65% aggregate or higher are encouraged to apply for the Group’s bursary programme by visiting the Bursary and Graduate Opportunities page on . Applications for IT and Accounting bursaries are open from 1 March to 30 April 2021. Appearing on the photo is (f.l.t.r): Qayiya Kobese, Eslje De Wet, Dzhavhelo Mudau, Kayla Matthews and Mpilo Sicwebu. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • 'n Seder het geval | tribune-newspaper

    'n Seder het geval 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 2 February 2021 Mr Roodt had the honor to be the first principal of NPSS before his retirement. Dit is met groot leedwese dat Ligbron van mnr Herman Roodt se afsterwe kennis neem. Mnr. Roodt en sy vrou, Anita, was vir jare 'n integrale deel van die Liggies en ook die Ermelo gemeenskap. Mnr Roodt het as personeellid en adjunkhoof diep spore in Ligbron getrap, en dié egpaar se uitstaande "musicals" was alombekend. Mnr Roodt se skerp humorsin, en sy besondere bemoeienis met personeel en leerders se probleme sal die Liggies altyd bybly. Mr Roodt was promoted, and had the honor to be the first principal of NPSS before his retirement. Ligbron wishes to convey their heartfelt condolences to his children and loved ones. “Thinking of you, and wishing you moments of peace and comfort as you remember a father and friend who was so close to you.” Op verskeie sosiale media bladsye is daar boodskappe gelos, hier is ‘n boodskap wat uit die diepte van die skrywer se hart geskryf is, “n Legende is hemel toe vandag - Dankie is so klein woord as dit kom by die man. Iets in my weet hoe skaterlag hy en juffrou, en al die ander vandag daar bo. Om onder hom as hoof te werk was niks minder as uitdagend op die beste manier nie. Niks minder verwag op my eerste dag by die werk as om in ‘n personeelkamer in te stap en reg langs die hoof te moes gaan sit, en van daar al uitgehaal te word oor goed wat hy kon onthou van ‘n sang naweek van jare terug waar hy my leer sing het. Hy was die koning van siel uittrek, en het hy jou gereeld op jou tone gehou, want iewers tussen al die grappies en uithaal moes jy raai wanneer hy wel ernstig was by die werk, en dan nogsteeds was daar altyd tyd vir n storie en grappie of drie. Ek kan getuig van sy wysheid oor God, en dat hy God geken het en dat hy dit oorgedra het op elke geleentheid wat hy kon. Sy hart was 100% vir die skool se kinders, en dit was ‘n eer om deel te kon wees van mnr se droom met NPSS, en dat ek so baie kon leer van onderwys en die lewe sommer as geheel, deur wie en wat mnr was. Hier is baie seer harte vandag met die nuus, maar ek weet dat talle nes ek miljoene staaltjies het vandag om aan terug te dink saam Mnr, rus sag, saam tannie A... Ons sien julle eendag weer. Leclough Roodt en familie, hoe blessed was julle met die twee legendes as ouers, vriende en voorbeeld. Ons bid vir julle en dra saam julle aan die seer vandag.”. < Previous Article Next Article >

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