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  • COVID-19 kry nie JJ Leiers onder nie

    COVID-19 kry nie JJ Leiers onder nie Die 2021 JJ Leiers Die 2021 JJ Leiers 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 22 September 2020 “Into the Unknown”. Die liedjie het net bevestig dat die groep kinders kans sien vir dit wat op hulle wag. “BELIEVE in YOURSELF and you will be UNSTOPPABLE...even in the UNKNOWN!” Die 2020 Leiers van Laerskool JJ vd Merwe het besluit om die beste te maak van die COVID-19 pandemie. Hulle het die COVID-19 regulasies gekombineer met ‘n kleurvolle dans op die liedjie “Into the Unknown”. Die liedjie het net bevestig dat die groep kinders kans sien vir dit wat op hulle wag. “BELIEVE in YOURSELF and you will be UNSTOPPABLE...even in the UNKNOWN!” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Hof staan borgaansoek toe na fratsongeluk | tribune-newspaper

    Hof staan borgaansoek toe na fratsongeluk 1/5 Share SM HATTINGH 26 July 2022 Tydens hof was daar verskeie kere breek geneem oor die mediese verslae wat nog nie beskikbaar was nie. Vrydag, 15 Julie 2022, wat ‘n gewone werksdag sou wees vir ‘n plaasboer, het egter ontaard in ‘n groot ongeluk. Mnr. Louis Grobler (41) ‘n welbekende plaasboer wat op die Ermelo-Lothair pad boer, het die afgelope ruk groot skade gely as gevolg van diefstal op sy plaas. Louis het vanaf 2000 die boerdery oorgeneem om na sy moeder (71) en suster om te sien, asook na sy vrou en twee kinders. Louis het op dié Vrydag, tussen 12:00 en 14:00, gegaan na die landerye, waar daar beweer was dat van sy mielies gesteel word. Met aankoms by die landery het drie minderjarige kinders, onderskeidelik 10, 11 en 13 jaar oud, uit die mielieland gehardloop. Hy het remme geslaan toe hy die kinders gewaar, maar weens die mielie blare wat in die lande gelê het, het die bakkie begin gly, en twee van die kinders is deur die bakkie gestamp. Louis het dadelik uit sy voertuig gespring om die kinders te help, en het ook dadelik vir Mnr. Lion du Plessis gekontak om hom te vertel van die ongeluk en om vir Louis te kom bystand gee. Hulle het dadelik die SAPD gekontak, asook mediese dienste vir die kinders. Na ongeveer ‘n uur was die SAPD steeds nie op die toneel gewees nie, waarna hul weer gekontak was. Louis het aan die SAPD verduidelik wat gebeur het, en hy is dadelik gearresteer. Hy staar nou twee aanklagtes van poging tot moord, en ‘n aanklagte van aanranding met die doel om ernstig te beseer in die oë. Tydens die gebeure was daar geen oog getuies op die toneel, behalwe Louis en die drie kinders nie. Hy het sy eerste verskyning in Ermelo Hof gemaak op Maandag, 18 Julie 2022, waarna die saak uitgestel was na Woensdag, 20 Julie 2022. Op Woensdag, tydens sy tweede verskyning, was die straat voor die hof gepak met verskeie politieke partye, waar daar gesing en gedans was. Elke persoon het ‘n plakaat gehad met verskeie spreuke soos “We want the dog behind the cell, no bail” en “All white dogs must fall”. Op Woensdag het Mnr. Mario Jungbluth aan die hof gesê dat Louis nie ‘n vlug risiko is nie, dat hy bereid is om sy paspoort in te handig, en dat hy glad nie sal inmeng met die ondersoeke nie en die plaaslike SAPD sal los om hul werk te doen. Hy het geen familie of enige bates buite die grense van Suid-Afrika nie. Mnr. Jungbluth het ook aan die hof gesê dat op die dag van die ongeluk, het Louis nie die toneel verlaat of weg gehardloop nie. Hy was inteendeel die een wat die SAPD, asook die mediese personeel dadelik gekontak het. Op Woensdag is die saak uitgestel na Vrydag, 22 Julie 2022. Vrydag was die straat voor die hof afgespêr deur die SAPD sodat geen voertuie daar kan beweeg nie, en die verskeie politieke partye was weer van vroeg oggend af besig om te dans en sing. Mnr. Werner Jungbluth, Louis se advokaat, was Vrydag in die hof, waar hy verskeie ander sake as voorbeelde gebruik het, soos die geval in Piet Retief van Pampoenkraal, asook ‘n saak in Groblersdal. Mnr. Jungbluth het in die hof gesê dat daar Woensdag in die hof gesê was dat minderjarige kinders nie weet wat reg en verkeerd is nie, waarop hy gevra het, “sal minderjarige kinders dan weet wat is die verskil tussen ‘n leun en die waarheid?” Daar is ook gerugte wat die rondte doen oor omkopery vanaf Mr. Saaiman, waarna Advokaat Jungbluth gesê het “indien dit die waarheid is, hoekom het die SAPD nie Saaiman gearresteer nie, en hoekom is daar nie ‘n saak geopen of gesê dat SAPD besig is met ondersoeke oor die gerugte nie?” Vrydag was ‘n baie moeilike en emosionele dag vir familie en vriende in die hof gewees. LUR Vusi Shongwe het ook Vrydag sy verskyning buite die hof gemaak. Die LUR het in sy toespraak aan die verskeie media huise gesê dat die plaaseienaar, plaaswerkers en plaasbewoners moet kan saam werk, en dat die plaaswerkers en plaasbewoners dadelik die plaaseienaar moet inlig indien hul sien of hoor van vreemde optrede, of indien iets fout is. Verskeie lede van die gemeenskap van Ermelo, asook vriende van Louis, het aan die Tribune gesê dat Louis nie in die tronk hoort nie, dat hy glad nie ‘n rassis is nie, en dat hy altyd daar is om te help, en sal altyd luister en raad gee. Op 10 Januarie het ‘n plaaswerker ‘n oproep gekry terwyl hy op die trekker gery het, dat sy kind weg was, en dat hul nie die kind kon vind nie. Die plaaswerkers het Louis dadelik ingelig, en toe Louis by die plaasdam kom, het hy sy lewe gewaag om ‘n kind se lewe te red. Hy het so ver gegaan om vir die kind mond-tot-mond asemhaling te gee, net om die kind te red. Nou staan die vraag, sal ‘n rassis ‘n swart kind mond-tot-mond asemhaling gee? Die man wat ‘n rassis genoem word, het vir die kind, wat ongelukkig later oorlede is, se begrafnis betaal, want die ouers het nie die finansies gehad nie. Louis maak altyd seker dat sy plaaswerkers net die beste het, en hy doen alles in sy vermoë om mooi en goed om te sien na sy plaaswerkers. Net soos wat hulle afhanklik is van Louis, net so afhanklik is hy van hulle. Tydens hof was daar verskeie kere breek geneem oor die mediese verslae wat nog nie beskikbaar was nie. Ten tye wat die verslae onder oë was deur beide partye, het die magistraat, Mnr. Motsepe, geen borgtog aan Louis toe gestaan nie, en was die saak uitgestel na, Dinsdag, 26 Julie 2022. Louis het intussen borgtog verkry, en is voorwaardelik vrygelaat. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Tegnologie vir die toekoms

    Tegnologie vir die toekoms 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 4 May 2021 He’s the co-founder of “The Deep Learning Indaba”, an organisation whose mission is to strengthen Machine Learning & Artificial intelligence in Africa. Ulrich Paquet, oud- Ermeloër, het ‘n baie insiggewende gesprek met die Graad 11' s en 12's gehad oor sy interessante vakgebied, en wenke met hulle gedeel wat hulle kan help op hul pad na sukses. Ulrich Paquet is a South African Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning veteran, with over 10 years experience and service. He took some time to talk to the Grade 11 and 12 learners about his interesting area of expertise. He’s the co-founder of “The Deep Learning Indaba”, an organisation whose mission is to strengthen Machine Learning & Artificial intelligence in Africa. Ulrich holds a PhD in Machine Learning from the University of Cambridge’s Computer Laboratory, and had worked at several tech companies such as Microsoft, where he developed the core of Microsoft recommender system, managed a team at VocallQ which was later acquired by Apple, and recommender team for XBOX (a definite highlight; the XBOX One launch). He is now a research scientist at Deepmind, the world’s leading centre for research in artificial intelligence. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • No light at the end of the load reduction tunnel

    No light at the end of the load reduction tunnel 1/4 Share GK CRONJE 21 July 2020 According to MLM, higher demand due to the winter cold, coupled with illegal connections leads to load reduction implementation. This is also the root of the unexpected outages, according to MLM. Several enquiries as to what the long term plan for the recovery of the system is, remains a mystery, and replies from MLM circumvents direct answer relating to an employable plan of action. MLM states that theft and vandalism is also a major contributor to unplanned outages. Much to the frustration and pure irritation of residents of Ermelo and the surroundings, Msukaligwa Local Municipality has implemented daily load reductions since middle May 2020, with no end in sight, as the infrastructure regresses toward oblivion. According to MLM spokesman, Mr. Zwane, MLM emphasizes that residents should use electricity sparingly to avoid overloading of the 88kV-substation by switching of all non-essential electric appliances from 17:00 to 21:00. Scores of residents have scoffed at this notion, as to many it appears to be an illogical request to expect residents to switch off appliances during peak time. Many have also questioned the fact that the apparently serenely constrained electrical network miraculously recovers after the “peak times” stated by MLM. According to MLM, higher demand due to the winter cold, coupled with illegal connections leads to load reduction implementation. This is also the root of the unexpected outages, according to MLM. Several enquiries as to what the long term plan for the recovery of the system is, remains a mystery, and replies from MLM circumvents direct answer relating to an employable plan of action. MLM states that theft and vandalism is also a major contributor to unplanned outages. However, the state of the substations and mini-subs in Ermelo tells a different story. Whereas MLM claims that vandalism and similar crimes play a major role in the regression of the electrical infrastructure, poor and non-existent maintenance on the electrical structures tells a different tale. A vast majority of the substations are rusting, eroding, and without doors or covers. With the rain season coming, these substations and their electrical components need to be protected from moisture, and without doors and covers this will not be the case. With the challenges currently faced by MLM, it would be reasonable to expect that preventative maintenance and measures employed now, would save the municipality a large amount of time, money and effort, should they have to replace melted components and cables should substations flashes. It would be logical to assume that if the substation and mini-substation doors were locked, as required by law, the theft, tampering and vandalims would be less of an issue. At this point there have been substations and mini-subs in Ermelo that has been left without covers for a year or more, without maintenance or repair. A resident in Chris de Villiers Street has explicitly stated that she has contacted the municipal call centre on several occasions regarding the state of the subs in this area, but to no avail, and the call centre failing to provide a reference number for tracking. The call centre operators allegedly state that “the issue will be reported to the electrical team”, and then, seemingly, gets lost in translation. At this point in time, resident have to grin and bear the load reductions employed by the municipality, was now states that residents should switch off electrical appliances during load reduction, as failure to do so may lead to transformer trips, which will result in damage to household appliances upon supply restoration. An enquiry submitted regarding the maintenance issues were ignored by Msukaligwa Local Municipality. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • GMM municipal manager’s appointment snuffed out

    GMM municipal manager’s appointment snuffed out Mr. Mndebele, appointed in 2018, was suspended with immediate effect during a virtual council meeting. The GMM executive mayor, Ms Ngxonono. Mr. Mndebele, appointed in 2018, was suspended with immediate effect during a virtual council meeting. 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 8 September 2020 After the failed submission, Mr. Mndebele, appointed in 2018, was suspended with immediate effect during a virtual council meeting. He was suspended with full salary. The director for community service, Ms. Tshabalala, has been pointed as acting municipal manager. The embattled Govan Mbeki Municipality (GMM) has once again stepped on toes, and now has even more fires to put out. The municipality has been bent to breaking point due to maladaministration, claims of cadre employment, financial mismanagement and gross negligence of service delivery, coupled with a staggeringly high amount of Eskom debt and failure to honor repayment agreements with electrical giant. This has led to a drastic reduction of the NMD to the municipality, with residents and business suffering the consequences with extended rational load shedding from the municipality. GMM has now missed the deadline for the submission of the Annual Financial Statements (AFS) to the National Treasury and Auditor General. This after it was granted extension to get its affairs in order. The GMM executive mayor, Ms Ngxonono, had called on the municipal manager at the time, Mr. Mndebele, to intensify service delivery in the area, and has called on the MM and his administration to ensure that the issue of the AFS is sorted out. The Democratic Alliance has expressed its disappointment that Ms. Ngxonono could not give a date when the municipality will finally submit the outstanding 2018/19 AFS to the National Treasury and the Auditor General. After the failed submission, Mr. Mndebele, appointed in 2018, was suspended with immediate effect during a virtual council meeting. He was suspended with full salary. The director for community service, Ms. Tshabalala, has been pointed as acting municipal manager. However, the woes experienced by the failing municipality is far from over, as more institution and residents are rising up and taking a stand against the daily deterioration of service delivery, especially in Bethal and eMbalenhle. Constant power cuts and waste collection are at the heart of the qualms, and numerous new organizations have started mobilizing against the municipality. Calls for the municipality to be placed under administration have been voiced, coupled with several pending court cases. The GMM Joint Civil Movement is one of the institutions ate the forefront of the rise, claiming that constitutional rights are being viciously attacked by the ineptitude of GMM. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Inwoner ly reuse skade nadat woonhuis vlamvat | tribune-newspaper

    Inwoner ly reuse skade nadat woonhuis vlamvat 1/3 Share GK CRONJE 9 March 2021 Nooddienste het ook gespartel, want die brand het ontstaan tydens 'n watertekort in Ermelo as gevolg van herstelwerk aan die toevoer. 'n Inwoner van Bothma Straat het op Donderdag reuse skade gely nadat ‘n brand onstaan het in haar woonhuis. Bure, bystaanders en inwoners het almal gehelp waar hul kon, en reddingsdienste was spoedig op die toneel. Die brandende woonhuis het ‘n groot skare gelok, wat in skok gekyk het hoe nooddienste spook om die vlamme onder beheer te kry. Nooddienste het ook gespartel, want die brand het ontstaan tydens 'n watertekort in Ermelo as gevolg van herstelwerk aan die toevoer. Op die stadium is daar geen ernstige beserings aangemeld nie. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • EHS-dogtershokkie neem voortou in Mpumalanga-uitspele

    EHS-dogtershokkie neem voortou in Mpumalanga-uitspele 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 10 August 2022 Die eersteplek in Mpumalanga word gedeel deur EHS en NHS. Op Vrydag en Saterdag 22 en 23 Julie het EHS se A-dogtershokkiespanne deelgeneem aan die Mpumalanga-uitspele. Die dogters het uitsonderlike hokkie gespeel en die tellings getuig van uitstaande hokkietalent waarop EHS trots is: Die o/14A-span wen Hoërskool Volksrust in die kwartfinaal met 4-0 en wen Hoërskool Hoogenhout in die semi-finaal met 2-1. Tydens die finaal teen Hoërskool Middelburg het die Erries weereens koning gekraai en stap as oorwinnaars van die veld af met ’n telling van 4-0. Hoërskool Ermelo se o/14A-span word gekroon as Mpumalanga-wenners! EHS se o/15A-span kom teen Hoërskool Secunda te staan in die kwart-finaal en wen met 2-0. In die semi-finaal wen EHS Hoërskool Nelspruit met twee doele teenoor een. Die finaal was teen Curro Nelspruit en dié klop die Erries met twee doele teenoor een. Die o/15A-span is naaswenners van Mpumalanga! Die o/16A’s het uitstekende groepwedstryde gespeel en deurgedring na die kwart-finaal. Hier het hulle ongelukkig vasgeval teen Hoërskool Middelburg met ’n telling van 0-4. Die Hoërskool Ermelo KS Clothing Eerstespan hokkkiedogters se spel was voorwaar ’n plesier om te aanskou en hul oorwinnings was welverdiend. Hierdie span wen teen Hoërskool Hoogenhout met ses doele teenoor nul en wen ook teen Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie met ’n telling van 8-0. Die Erries speel teen Hoërskool Nelspruit in die finaal en die wedstryd eindig gelykop met een doel elk. Die eersteplek in Mpumalanga word gedeel deur EHS en NHS. Die Erries gaan egter deur na Noordvaal as nommer een, aangesien die EHS tydens die 8-sekonde-lopies met ’n telling van 5-4 gewen het. Dankie aan elke hokkie-afrigter van die Erries vir ‘n uitstekende seisoen en baie sterkte aan elke span wat EHS gaan verteenwoordig by Noordvaal. Hoërskool Ermelo is met reg trots op die dogtershokkie! (EHS) < Previous Article Next Article >

  • SLP initiative relieves inventory strain

    SLP initiative relieves inventory strain Appearing on the photo (f.l.t.r): Gabriel Diedericks, chief safety officer, Eric Mosums, mine overseer, Aaron Tsotetsi, mine manager, Anatjie Meiring, finance manager, Gugu Buthelezi, municipal technical manager, and Nkitseni Moleki, planning and economic development. Appearing on the photo (f.l.t.r): Gabriel Diedericks, chief safety officer, Eric Mosums, mine overseer, Aaron Tsotetsi, mine manager, Anatjie Meiring, finance manager, Gugu Buthelezi, municipal technical manager, and Nkitseni Moleki, planning and economic development. 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 17 May 2022 The municipality requests the community to protect electrical cables from cable thieves. Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) recently received a delivery of electrical cable for the replacement of 1000 meters of MV cable (95mm² XLPE) valued at R1.4 million, from Mooiplaats Colliery. This was made possible through the Social and Labour Plan (SLP). This project was the third bout of cable delivery, which is aimed at stabilizing the electrical infrastructure within the municipality. The projects were supplied through the agreed SLP, which covered the period from 2018-2022. The total amount spent by the mine on these projects amount to R2.9 million. MLM covers a vast area, in which the infrastructure is aged and vulnerable, according to the municipality. The assistance from Mooiplaats Colliery has brought about stabilization to the areas that have been attended to, according to MLM’s technical manager, Gugu Buthelezi. “Furthermore, the assistance is highly appreciated, and the municipality certainly hopes that there will be more projects of this nature to help improve and ascertain its consumers of a more stable and reliable power supply.” Mooiplaats Colliery delivered on the cables as per the commitments made in 2020 with the municipality. It is however very sad to indicate that the mine has completely ceased to operate in December 2021 due to reaching end of life. “The municipality is thankful to the mine in honoring these commitments, even though they have stopped operating in the area. Additionally, the municipality requests the community to protect electrical cables from cable thieves.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Hoërskool Ermelo Top Tien aangekondig

    Hoërskool Ermelo Top Tien aangekondig 1/3 Share SM HATTINGH 17 August 2021 “Baie geluk aan dié Erries, en dankie aan elkeen van EHS se leerders wat hard bly werk. Julle deursettingsvermoë word raak gesien en EHS is trots op die prestasies behaal.” Afgesien van sovéél wat daagliks verander en onseker is, bly akademie EHS se hoogste prioriteit. Juis hieroor is Hoërskool Ermelo besonder trots op die Top tien-leerders wat aangekondig is na aanleiding van die afgelope eksamen. Graad 12 (vanaf nommer een tot tien): Leandri Viviers (96,29%), Michaela van Rensburg (92,36%), Lana Herholdt (92,29%), Anke de Kock (90,91%), Eunika Snyman (90,48%), Margha Greyling, Jolindi Annandale, Lethu Dlamini, GJ Swanepoel en Chané Bester. Graad 11 (vanaf nommer een tot tien): Lood Geldenhuys (90,56%), Danél Olivier (87,31%), Elandri Swart (86,59%), Spesihle Maseko (86,23%), Dirk Maritz (84,64%), Ilandri Nel, Tobie Leibbrandt, Carla Ferreira, Pieter Leibbrandt en Frané Swart. Graad 10 (vanaf nommer een tot tien): Raees Tikly (93,16%), Altus Boshoff (92,22%), Isabelle Moussier (90,35%), Johan Strauss (88,38%), Otto van Schalkwyk (85,64%), Ronique Botha, Zané du Plessis, Nqobile Zwane, Inge Greyling en Yoliswa Ndlangamandla. Graad 9 (vanaf nommer een tot tien): JF Möller (93,78%), Helené Lotz (92,72%), Kayleigh Moore (92,32%), Lariné Strydom (90,48%), Riël Hugo (90,43%), Sulicé Geldenhuys, Mia Davel, Hayley van der Walt, Duan Hugo en Katelyn Potgieter. Graad 8 (vanaf nommer een tot tien): Tharina Viljoen (94,35%), Wianke Cloete (92,39%), Lindi du Plessis (92,21%), Megan McDermid (91,80%), Esmari Kloppers (89,66%), Maret Maritz, Ulric Badenhorst, Wilné Geldenhuys, De La Rey Hattingh en Amori Prinsloo. “Baie geluk aan dié Erries, en dankie aan elkeen van EHS se leerders wat hard bly werk. Julle deursettingsvermoë word raak gesien en EHS is trots op die prestasies behaal.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Carnage ensues as rainy weather hits

    Carnage ensues as rainy weather hits Carnage ensues as rainy weather hits 1/4 Share GK CRONJE 8 June 2021 With winter being on our doorstep, fog will also become a major issue, and restrict visibility of motorists while driving. During the course of last week, the rainy weather made life extremely difficult for EMS and traffic personnel, as a slew of collisions were reported. According to available information, a total of five lives were lost, and several motorists and passengers were injured. The traffic department would like to urge motorists to drive carefully, especially in rainy weather. With winter being on our doorstep, fog will also become a major issue, and restrict visibility of motorists while driving. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Lucky escape for family after shack fire

    Lucky escape for family after shack fire Lucky escape for family after shack fire 1/3 Share GK CRONJE 18 May 2021 Residents are warned to be vigilant during the winter season, where dry grass and shrubbery can easily catch fire and cause exponential damage to property, as well as loss of human and animal life. Sunday, 16 May 2021, proved to be a day of fortune for a family living at the Mabuza Farm informal settlement, after their shack was decimated by a fire. In a stroke of luck, no injuries or fatalities were reported. According to the Msukaligwa Local Municipality spokesman, Mandla Zwane, the cause of the blaze was determined to be a nearby veld fire, which in turn caused significant damage to the family’s home. Msukaligwa Fire & Rescue were on scene to extinguish the blaze. Residents are warned to be vigilant during the winter season, where dry grass and shrubbery can easily catch fire and cause exponential damage to property, as well as loss of human and animal life. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Be wary of faux Eskom phone calls

    Be wary of faux Eskom phone calls Be wary of faux Eskom phone calls 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 6 April 2021 Customers are warned not to fall victim to criminals who ask for cash, money transferred into a bank account, Money Market, eWallet or any other money transaction outlet. Eskom would like to warn its customers against individuals and groups of people who are posing as Eskom employees in order to steal money from customers. These criminals call unsuspecting customers, and demand cash in order for the customer to avoid their electricity being cut due to non-payment of accounts, or cash in return for supply reconnection and services such as replacement of equipment. Eskom has stated that no individual, Eskom employee or contractor is allowed to receive cash payment from customers, as that is illegal and fraudulent. Customers are warned not to fall victim to criminals who ask for cash, money transferred into a bank account, Money Market, eWallet or any other money transaction outlet. Customers are urged to anonymously report all acts that seek to get cash in exchange for a reconnection or to avoid a disconnection to 0800 11 27 22. This is a toll-free number. < Previous Article Next Article >

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