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  • Proposed Upgrade to PG Bison's Mkhondo Plant | tribune-newspaper

    Proposed Upgrade to PG Bison's Mkhondo Plant 1/1 Share PAID CONTENT 1 December 2020 Basic Environmental Impact Assessment Process and Variation of Existing Air Emissions Licence (AEL) NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESSES (NEMA & NEM:AQA) Proposed Upgrade to PG Bison's Mkhondo Plant Basic Environmental Impact Assessment Process and Variation of Existing Air Emissions Licence (AEL) PRE-APPLICATION PHASE Notice is hereby given of a Public Participation Process (PPP) in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (No. 107 of 1998, as amended) as well as the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (NEM: AQA) (No. 39 of 2004) and the National Water Act (No. 36 of 1998). Activity Description: PG Bison is proposing to extend their current particle board manufacturing facility in Mkhondo via installation of an additional 35000m²/day MFB press line; and a new MDF processing plant with associated 75MW thermal energy plant. This would trigger the activities listed in terms of the EIA regulations (2014, as amended), including GN R.983 (Listing Notice 1), 9, 12, 19, 27, 28, 32, 34, 51; GN R.985 (Listing Notice 3) Activity 14.NEM:AQA activities for “wood burning, drying and production of manufactured wood products” (Category 9, sub-cat 9.5) and “solid biomass combustion installations” (Cat 1, sub-cat 1.3) are also triggered, requiring variation of the existing AEL. Competent Authorities: Application in terms of NEMA will be made to the Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs (MDARDLEA): Gert Sibande Region. Application in terms of NEM:AQA will be made via SAAELIP to Gert Sibande District Municipality. Copies obtainable via the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP). Notice is also given in terms of NEM:AQA of the intention to vary the AEL (Mkhondo/PGB/0003/2015/F02) for current operations (Cat 9, sub-cat 9.5) to cater for a manufacturer change for the new dryer and to exclude the previously proposed sawmill facility. Opportunity to participate: You are herewith invited to submit your written (fax, letter or email) request to be registered as an Interested and/or Affected Party (including your full name, contact details and interest in the matter) to Zutari by 25 January 2021. Additional information can be requested from Zutari. EAP Contact Details: Kelly Levendal (Zutari), Tel: 041 503 3900, E-mail: Date of Notification: 01 December 2020 < Previous Article Next Article >

  • GSDM welcomes MMC members

    The Gert Sibande District Council has been determined as a category C-municipality with a mayoral executive system. GSDM welcomes MMC members 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 14 December 2021 The Gert Sibande District Council has been determined as a category C-municipality with a mayoral executive system. The Gert Sibande District Municipality (GSDM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Members of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) which will lead seven portfolios within the municipality. The MMC members are full time office bearers and have been appointed by Executive Mayor, Cllr Walter Mngomezulu, in line with Section 80 of the Local Government Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998 as follows: Cllr Flora Maboa-Boltman, Chairperson for Corporate Services Portfolio, Cllr Nomkhosi Zulu, Chairperson for Community and Social Services Portfolio, Cllr Phalaborwa Malatsi, Chairperson for Infrastructure and Technical Services Portfolio, Cllr Bheki Buthelezi, Chairperson for Planning, Economic Development, and Innovation Portfolio, Cllr Bethuel Zunguza, Chairperson for Financial Services Portfolio, Cllr Busisiwe Mkhwanazi, Chairperson for Special Programmes Portfolio and Cllr Banana Mollo, Chairperson for Monitoring and Evaluation Portfolio. The Mayoral Committee is a structure that is aimed at assisting the Executive Mayor by offering advice and taking decisions with regard to designated powers together with the Executive Mayor as the Chairperson of the Mayoral Committee. Nevertheless, final decisions are that of the Executive Mayor. The Gert Sibande District Council has been determined as a category C-municipality with a mayoral executive system. The council of the Gert Sibande District Municipality consist of forty-eight (48) councillors of whom nineteen (19) are proportionally elected councillors. Council has noted the report of the Executive Mayor on the appointment of the Members of the Mayoral Committee tabled during its ordinary sitting held on 9 December 2021 at the municipal offices. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • “Mamma, jy los ‘n groot leemte” | tribune-newspaper

    “Mamma, jy los ‘n groot leemte” 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 29 June 2021 Graag wil ons dankie sê vir Dr. van der Poel, Dr. Olivier, Life Care Response en Avbob vir hul hulp en bystand. Anna-Marie du Plessis, (63) gebore op 14 Mei 1958, is Donderdag, 24 Junie 2021, skielik oorlede as gevolg van komplikasies met COVID-19. Anna-Marie het saam met haar man, Sakkie du Plessis, na Ermelo verhuis in 1987, waar sy werksaam was by Louis Botha Makelaars. Daarna het sy begin as administrasie klerk by Gert Sibande Kollege, en was tot 2017 daar werksaam. Sy het ‘n baie groot vriende kring gehad in Ermelo, wat mekaar altyd bygestaan het deur dik en dun. Haar gesin gee graag die volgende hulde blyk: “Liewe Mamma, daar is nie woorde om ‘n ma te beskryf soos jy. Mamma was altyd daar vir ons deur dik en dun. Mamma het ons bygestaan, en was altyd bereid om te help. Mamma het altyd oorvloei met liefde. Rus nou sag by Jesus se voete, mamma. Gee vir Pa en sus ‘n drukkie van ons af. Ons sê nie totsiens nie, maar tot ons mekaar weer sien. Lief vir Mamma.” Graag wil ons dankie sê vir Dr. van der Poel, Dr. Olivier, Life Care Response en Avbob vir hul hulp en bystand. Anna-Marie word oorleef deur haar twee seuns, Frikkie en Hendrik, skoondogter, Corné, kleindogter Zanlie, en haar skoonseun Corrie, en kleinseun Corrie Jnr. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Keep safe during municipal load shedding | tribune-newspaper

    Keep safe during municipal load shedding 1/0 Share GK CRONJE 11 August 2020 The increased occurrence of load shedding means also that there are more alarm activation signals received by armed response companies than usual. If the alarm is triggered because of a power surge, or because of load shedding, please contact your security company as soon as possible to cancel any false alarms. This helps ensure that armed response officers are allocated to legitimate emergencies. In light of the municipal load shedding, which has been ongoing since May 2020, residents have reported a spike in cases of burglaries, poisoning of animals and suspicious individuals skulking around under the shroud of darkness. With Msukaligwa Local Municipality dragging their feet and offering no reprieve or plan of action, the rotational load shedding can be expected to continue for the foreseeable future. This means that home owners, as well as business owners, need to make sure their alarm and security systems are tested regularly and in a working condition. These tests need to focus in particular on the battery backup systems, to ensure that it will still offer monitoring and protection when the power goes out. Many people are under the incorrect assumption that their alarm system is deactivated when the power supply is interrupted. However, if you have a stable and correctly programmed system, coupled with a battery that is in a good condition, it will continue to protect the premises during a power outage, regardless if the outage is because of load shedding or any other technical problem. The increased occurrence of load shedding means also that there are more alarm activations signals received by armed response companies than usual. If the alarm is triggered because of a power surge, or because of load shedding, please contact your security company as soon as possible to cancel any false alarms. This helps ensure that armed response officers are allocated to legitimate emergencies. This helps to free up call centre staff members to concentrate on legitimate incidents that they need to respond to. The only time any alarm system might not function correctly, is if there is a technical issue or the battery power is low. Most modern alarm systems have a back-up battery pack that activates automatically when there is a power failure. It is recommended to consider an additional battery backup pack, as load shedding puts additional strain on the battery. There are a number of practical steps that can be taken to ensure security is not compromised during any power cuts, which includes always remaining vigilant, and reporting suspicious activity in your ward to the SAPS or security agency, and ensuring that all automated gates and doors are secured. With the added inconvenience of the lights going out at night due to power cuts, candles and touch-lights are handy alternatives. Test the battery backup system, and consider an additional battery pack for standby. Tests of alarm systems should ideally be conducted every six months. Power cuts can impact on fire systems and fire control systems, so these also need to be checked regularly. The best approach is to test your alarm system, for both your home and your business, and to make any fixes that are required as soon as you can. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Errie behaal provinsiale kleure by Talent Africa Nationals 2020

    Sy het twee video’s ingestuur vir die kategorie 15 tot 17 jaar “Backtrack Vocal”, waarvoor sy twee brons medaljes sowel as provinsiale kleure ontvang. Micaela ontvang ook ‘n aanbod van ‘n musiek studio in Johannesburg om ‘n “cover”-album op te neem. Errie behaal provinsiale kleure by Talent Africa Nationals 2020 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 11 Augustus 2020 Sy het twee video’s ingestuur vir die kategorie 15 tot 17 jaar “Backtrack Vocal”, waarvoor sy twee brons medaljes sowel as provinsiale kleure ontvang. Micaela ontvang ook ‘n aanbod van ‘n musiek studio in Johannesburg om ‘n “cover”-album op te neem. Miceala Erasmus, 'n Graad12-leerder van Hoërskool Ermelo, het onlangs aanlyn deelgeneem aan die Talent Africa Nationals 2020 kompetisie. Sy het twee video’s ingestuur vir die kategorie 15 tot 17 jaar “Backtrack Vocal”, waarvoor sy twee brons medaljes sowel as provinsiale kleure ontvang. Micaela ontvang ook ‘n aanbod van ‘n musiek studio in Johannesburg om ‘n “cover”-album op te neem. “Hartlik geluk, Micaela. Die Erries is besonder trots op jou! Mag jou stem vir almal wat dit hoor tot groot seen wees!” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Surprise, surprise... Municipal load reduction is back

    In a feeble attempt to sugarcoat the slew of outages, MLM claims that “load reduction will only commence once the system is strained.” Surprise, surprise... Municipal load reduction is back 1/4 Share GK CRONJE 27 April 2021 In a feeble attempt to sugarcoat the slew of outages, MLM claims that “load reduction will only commence once the system is strained.” In a turn of events that is a shocking revelation to no resident of Ermelo, rotational load shedding, brought to you with compliments from Msukaligwa Local Municipality, has returned. With the air barely chilled, and winter peeking ever so slightly around the corner, Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) has issued their schedules for the rotational load reduction. It was to be expected, as of late Ermelo has seen yet another bout of power outages, attributed to the 88kVA line. The official party line purported by MLM claims that illegal connections are overloading the electrical grid, therefore necessitating rotational load reduction. Oddly, the claimed illegal connections had no impact on the grid for an extended period. More disturbing is the fact that Ermelo’s residents are in the exact same sinking boat as last year, and the year before, where MLM also implemented the rotational load reduction. Over this period, excuses have ranged from vandalism, illegal connections, reduction of supply from Eskom, and every other fathomable excuse in-between. Many residents question the load reduction, and the fact that it is an entire financial year later, and MLM has yet again failed to address the issue that residents face on a daily basis. In their announcement of the rotational load reduction, MLM urged all residents and businesses to switch off electrical appliances during times of outage, to avoid damage from electrical surges when the electricity is restored. In a feeble attempt to sugarcoat the slew of outages, MLM claims that “load reduction will only commence once the system is strained.” It should be noted that MLM has also indicated that technicians may enforce load reduction at any time “to protect the integrity of the grid”, a line leeched directly from Eskom statements, effectively rendering their own published schedule moot. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MLM proposes stiff tariff hikes for services

    The municipality claims that the residents owe R909 557 309 in unpaid services. MLM proposes stiff tariff hikes for services 1/18 Share GK CRONJE 17 May 2022 The municipality claims that the residents owe R909 557 309 in unpaid services. As the infrastructure and overall condition of Msukaligwa declines, and hundreds of residents lament the abysmal failure in service delivery from Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM), the municipality has set forth proposed tariff increases for their services rendered. However, the proposal has not gone down well with residents, who have had it in chunks with the ineptitude from the municipality. The municipality has proposed a 5% (plus 5% rebate covered) increase in property rates, and a section mysteriously named “other” seeing a proposed 6% increase. The comment section of the posted proposed increase is a bloodbath, with angered and frustrated residents having their say. Nearly all residents who commented strongly oppose the increase, stating that the services aren’t even being delivered, yet the municipality looks to increase charges. On the electrical front, a myriad of residents have been, are still are, without electricity in many wards. Wesselton, Everest, Thusiville and Nyibe have sections that have been left weeks without water and electricity. A group of angered community members protested at the municipality recently, after they were left without water for four months due to alleged pump and transformer issues on part of the municipality. Residents in Cassim Park face a daily struggle with electricity, with a large number of wards being left in the dark while MLM drag their feet to restore the supply. De Bruin Park sees outages on a daily basis, and Netherland Park gets the short end of the stick on both fronts, with residents sitting in dark for days on end. The erratic electricity supply in Ermelo East is nothing to write home about either, with a large number of residents left without electricity for 5 days as MLM technicians struggled to power an extensively patched MV cable. This cable was ultimately fully replaced after uproar from frustrated residents. In addition to all the above, the implementation of municipal load reduction puts the icing on the cake, as the municipality is unable to provide sufficient electricity due to notified maximum demand constraints from Eskom. The municipality now proposes to put a 7.47% increase on electricity tariffs in effect, on top of the already loaded electricity prices. The municipality also proposes an expenditure increase of 9.61% for bulk electrical purchases, and a 15% expenditure increase on the interest of late Eskom payments. Msukaligwa Local Municipality is, at this time, R153 719 572 in arrears on their repayment agreement to Eskom. They have been listed by Eskom as one of the municipalities who have defaulted on their repayment agreement with the state utility. The municipality has since washed their hands of the breach of agreement, shifting the blame to the residents of Msukaligwa. The municipality claims that the residents owe R909 557 309 in unpaid services. Residents and businesses are having none of this, however, stating that the “owed” figure from the municipality is fabricated. According to disgruntled business owners, the financial system of the municipality leaves much to be desired, with the finance office simply accepting the estimated figures submitted by departments. It has been proven on several occasions that the wildly inaccurate estimates employed by the municipality is a borderline joke, with laughable amounts being billed to residents and businesses. These fabricated amounts are never rectified on the municipal billing system, and many residents and businesses are forced by the municipality to pay wildly inaccurate bills, only to be “credited” an X amount by the municipality. Not only has it been stated that charging a consumer by estimation being illegal, it also wreaks havoc on the already crippled municipal billing system. The estimates are rarely rectified on utility bills, and the chief financial officer of the municipality merely plods along, robbing Peter to pay Paul. In light of the water supply in Msukaligwa, the situation is equally bleak. Despite a multi-million Rand “infrastructure upgrade” in Breyten, which was announced with a great hoopla, residents still experience water outages for weeks on end. This, after both the municipality and DWS stated that the water woes of residents in the affected area would be at an end. Chrissiesmeer isn’t much better off, with residents sitting without water for weeks upon end, with no explanation from the municipality. Residents in Everest and Thusiville has literally been left without potable water for several months. Ermelo East residents have been with little to no water for more than a month, and residents in Netherland Park also left high and dry, approaching the 30-day mark without a single drop of water on Thursday this week. Despite the municipality being at fault for the outages, for which they can offer no acceptable explanation, residents are charged between R350 and R600 to fill up their JoJo tank, should they have one. The central business district is often left with dry taps, as damaged water pipes, coupled with sluggish response from the municipality, frustrate business owners in the CBD. Residents in Buhrman, Jansen and Smuts Street feel the effects of dry taps, with many residences sitting without water, while adjacent properties inexplicably have water supply. John Vorster Park seems to reportedly have the least issues with the water supply. The municipality has proposed a 6% increase in water tariffs, which has hundreds of residents and business owners hot under the collar. Sewerage services will see a proposed increase of 6%, along with the same being applied to refuse services. The increase is proposed amidst Ermelo and the surrounding areas resembling a veritable pig sty, with uncollected refuse lining the sidewalks of Cassim Park, Netherland Park and the outer edges of the CBD. Wesselton, Everest, Thusi Village and more have resorted to creating their own versions of landfills, as the refuse collection service in these areas are virtually non-existent. Cassim Park has large sections of the wards illegally dumping refuse in nearby fields and the area surrounding the once-beautiful central shopping complex. Ermelo, Wesselton, Breyten and many other areas are rife with sewerage network issues, with overflowing manholes and raw sewage lining the streets being no strange sight to residents. The municipality blames aging pipes being the reason for the hundreds of spillages polluting the environment, coupled with insufficient pipe dimensions attributing to stoppages and overflows. Residents aren’t biting on the story, as many have stated that the municipal town planner should have made providing for the influx of sewerage from living complexes and security villages that have been constructed left and right in recent years. While the population of Ermelo has increased exponentially, no infrastructure provision has been made by the municipality. The tariff increase is also frowned upon due to the fact that the municipality nary addresses the root of the problem of sewerage network issues, and instead opts for shortcuts and blame-shifting. The municipality has, for example, dug trenches in President Fouché Avenue to redirect a years-long sewerage overflow to the middle of the field. This field, which is actually supposed to be protected wetland, then directs kiloliters of raw sewage into the Pet Dam. The teams that have dug the trenches have also completely demolished the sidewalk and several storm drains, which have since collapsed. The clogged storm drainage system will inevitably lead to extensive water drainage issues in this area, which is already plagued by floods and polling water and sewage. The municipality further blames residents for obstructing the sewerage network with a variety of foreign objects. However, hundreds of sewerage line manholes withing the municipality have been left open, either from damage, or from alleged theft of manhole covers. These manhole covers are subsequently never replaced, inviting foreign objects into the network. Lastly, the municipality has proposed various other expenditure increases. These proposed expenditures include employee related costs being increased with 4.90%, councillor remuneration being increased with 4.90%, bulk water inventory being increased with 10%, and contracted services being increased by 4.40%. Repair and maintenance, which is stated as 10% of the municipality’s operating budget, is proposed to be increased by 100%. Lastly, diesel and petrol expenditures are proposed to be increased with 30%, stating the Ukraine conflict as the reason. The infamous “other” expenditures category sees a proposed 4.90% increase. The public is invited to submit their opinions on the proposed increases by sending an e-mail to either , or to . < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Errieraad 2020 open nuwe kafeteria

    Die Errieraad en hul ouers bedank alle borge van die gholfdag, en veral dié betrokke by die plant-fondsinsamelingsprojek. Groot dank gaan aan die Errie Unie vir die borg van die houtdek. Hoërskool Ermelo is vol dankbaarheid vir elke Errieraad-ouer vir hul insette, en harde werk om die 2020-matriekgroep se droom te verwesenlik. Errieraad 2020 open nuwe kafeteria Die binnekant van die kafeteria wat spreek van 'n warm, tuis gevoel. Vosjan Grey en Jana Nel (Errieraad presidente) knip die lint tydens die opening van die kafeteria, 20 TWINTIG. Die binnekant van die kafeteria wat spreek van 'n warm, tuis gevoel. 1/2 Share SH HATTINGH 8 September 2020 Die Errieraad en hul ouers bedank alle borge van die gholfdag, en veral dié betrokke by die plant-fondsinsamelingsprojek. Groot dank gaan aan die Errie Unie vir die borg van die houtdek. Hoërskool Ermelo is vol dankbaarheid vir elke Errieraad-ouer vir hul insette, en harde werk om die 2020-matriekgroep se droom te verwesenlik. Op Dinsdag, 1 September, het die Errieraad van 2020 hulle projek, die Errie kafeteria, amptelik geopen. Die kafeteria se naam is 20 TWINTIG. Dié droom is weens COVID-19 ‘n bietjie vertraag, maar die eindproduk en die wag was sekerlik die moeite werd. Die 2020 Errieraad is trots, en glo dat hierdie nalatenskap waarde sal toevoeg vir elke leerling, ouer en besoeker aan Hoërskool Ermelo. Die kafeteria sal Maandae tot Vrydae, vanaf 8:00-17:00, asook op sportdae en kultuuraande oop wees. Besoek die kafeteria gerus vir heerlike pizzas, burgers, wafels, wraps, pastas, melkskommels, kraakvars slaaie en vele meer. Daar is ook daagliks vars gebakte lekkernye en heerlike cappuccinos. Die kafeteria is geleë in die skoolsaal, langs die Errie Unie Astro en tennisbane. Die Errieraad en hul ouers bedank alle borge van die gholfdag, en veral dié betrokke by die plant-fondsinsamelingsprojek. Groot dank gaan aan die Errie Unie vir die borg van die houtdek. Hoërskool Ermelo is vol dankbaarheid vir elke Errieraad-ouer vir hul insette, en harde werk om die 2020-matriekgroep se droom te verwesenlik. Mnr. Pieter Grobler het tydens die opening gesê: “Ons hoop dat die kafeteria ‘n plek is waar enige iemand gesellig kan verkeer, hegte vriendskappe smee en voortbou op die visie van 2020 se matriekgroep wat berge kan versit.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Afrikaans trippel op Liggie-tonge

    “Baie geluk. Die Liggies is baie trots op julle!” Afrikaans trippel op Liggie-tonge 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 16 March 2021 “Baie geluk. Die Liggies is baie trots op julle!” Daniëlle Filter, Nomfanelo Magagula en Emma Engman het aan die Afrikaanse Olimpiade deelgeneem, en uitstekende punte behaal. “Baie geluk. Die Liggies is baie trots op julle!” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Blou Masjien Rugby - 19 spelers in Puma-spanne

    "What an accomplishment! As soon as rugby may commence, they will play against the Falcons and Limpopo after which the final teams will be announced." Blou Masjien Rugby - 19 spelers in Puma-spanne 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 25 May 2021 "What an accomplishment! As soon as rugby may commence, they will play against the Falcons and Limpopo after which the final teams will be announced." Alhoewel almal hartseer is oor skolesport wat vir eers uitgestel is, het 19 Liggies se harte trots geklop. Dié spelers is in die voorlopige Puma Hoërskole Spanne vir 2021 opgeneem. Sodra ons weer aan kontaksport mag deelneem, gaan die spanne wedstryde teen die Valke en Limpopo speel, waarna die onderskeie spanne (A/B) gefinaliseer sal word. “Baie geluk met julle prestasie!” 19 Ligbron rugby players received the good news that they have been included in the preliminary Puma High school teams for 2021. What an accomplishment! As soon as rugby may commence, they will play against the Falcons and Limpopo after which the final teams will be announced. “Congratulations - hard work was rewarded!” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Liggie krieket spelers verteenwoordig Mpumalanga

    “Baie sterkte vir julle twee, en hou die Liggie naam hoog.” Liggie krieket spelers verteenwoordig Mpumalanga 1/2 Share SH HATTINGH 2 March 2021 “Baie sterkte vir julle twee, en hou die Liggie naam hoog.” Vayda Coetzer en Jacolien du Preez van Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie is gekies om die Mpumalanga Krieket Unie by ‘n provinsiale vroue toernooi, vanaf 1-9 Maart 2021, te verteenwoordig. “Baie sterkte vir julle twee, en hou die Liggie naam hoog.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Liggies neem deel by ASA kampioenskappe

    Kwanele Nkambule het 5de plek in die 200m vir seuns o/20 behaal, met ‘n tyd van 21.88 sekondes. In die 100m was hy 11de, met 11.00 sekondes. Anele Ngwenya seuns 0/16 spog met 4de plek in die hoogspring, met ‘n hoogte van 1.85m. Liggies neem deel by ASA kampioenskappe 1/2 Share SH HATTINGH 13 April 2021 Kwanele Nkambule het 5de plek in die 200m vir seuns o/20 behaal, met ‘n tyd van 21.88 sekondes. In die 100m was hy 11de, met 11.00 sekondes. Anele Ngwenya seuns 0/16 spog met 4de plek in die hoogspring, met ‘n hoogte van 1.85m. Twee van die Liggies se atlete het vanaf 7 tot 10 April 2021 in die Paarl aan die Suid Afrikaanse atletiek kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Kwanele Nkambule het 5de plek in die 200m vir seuns o/20 behaal, met ‘n tyd van 21.88 sekondes. In die 100m was hy 11de, met 11.00 sekondes. Anele Ngwenya seuns 0/16 spog met 4de plek in die hoogspring, met ‘n hoogte van 1.85m. “Baie geluk seuns, die Liggies is trots op julle!” < Previous Article Next Article >


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