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  • Sprankelende Tersia laat reuse leemte | tribune-newspaper

    Sprankelende Tersia laat reuse leemte 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 28 September 2021 “Tersia, ons mis jou reeds, maar ons weet jy kyk af na ons met ‘n glimlag op jou gesig. Weet ons sal jou sprankelende persoonlikheid en jou glimlag altyd saam met ons dra.” Tersia Oosthuizen (56) het op Vrydag, 24 September haar engel vlerkies gekry. Sy was ‘n welbekende in die omgewing, en het altyd reg gestaan vir raad, ‘n geselsie en ‘n glasie wyn. Sy was baie geliefd in die gemeenskap, en het gelewe vir haar kinders, familie, diere en dan ook haar vriend, Flip Venter. Tersia was werksaam by De Wit Motors in Ermelo vir die afgelope dertien jaar. Tersia het in die laaste jaar vir Flip ontmoet, vir wie sy werklik baie lief was, en saam wie sy weer kon glo in liefde. Die paartjie het elke kans gebruik wat hul saam kon wees om mekaar se geselskap te kon geniet, en het altyd heerlik saam gedans. “Haar skielike afsterwe was vir ons almal ‘n groot skok, maar ons almal weet sy is nou op ‘n baie beter plek”, het haar kinders en Flip aan die Tribune gesê. Tersia se Facebook blad kan getuig hoe geliefd sy was, hoe baie mense werklik vir haar om gegee het, en in wie se lewens sy verskille gemaak het. Tersia was vreeslik lief vir haar huis en haar diere, en oor ‘n naweek sou jy altyd vir Tersia by die huis gekry het waar sy in haar tuin gewerk het en altyd gesorg het dat daar nuwe blommetjies geplant word. Sy was baie lief vir die buite lewe, en het die see vreeslik geniet. “Tersia, ons mis jou reeds, maar ons weet jy kyk af na ons met ‘n glimlag op jou gesig. Weet ons sal jou sprankelende persoonlikheid en jou glimlag altyd saam met ons dra.” Tersia word oorleef deur haar twee sussies, Lizette Joubert en Alta Lombard, haar drie kinders, Rynhard, Andrè en Liezl, en dan ook haar vriend, Flip Venter. Die familie wil net graag die gemeenskap bedank vir elke oproep, boodskap en vinnige inloer en al die ondersteuning. “Rus sag by Liewe Jesus se voete.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MBCF vorder met hofsaak teen MLM en Eskom

    MBCF vorder met hofsaak teen MLM en Eskom Die Msukaligwa Bussiness & Community Forum (MBCF) span. Die Msukaligwa Bussiness & Community Forum (MBCF) span. 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 20 October 2020 MLM bestuur het egter die Tribune op verskeie geleenthede valslik verseker dat die NMD nie verminder is nie, en dat die kragonderbrekings te danke is aan verouderde infrastruktuur. Dit is egter te verwagte dat die NMD verminder is, siende dat MLM meer as R170 miljoen aan Eskom skuld. Die Msukaligwa Bussiness & Community Forum (MBCF) 'n nie-winsgewende organisasie In Ermelo, dra die belange van Ermelo inwoners op die hart, en is besig om vinnige vordering te maak. Die forum het reeds ‘n reuse sosiale media volging, en nooi alle inwoners om aan te sluit by die forum. Besighede en inwoners kan by die MBCF aansluit teen 'n minimum bedrag van R300 per jaar vir 'n huishouding, en R1200 per jaar vir 'n onderneming. Die MBCF sal alle klagtes wat lede indien rakende water, elektrisiteit of dienslewering vanaf Msukaligwa Plaaslike Munisipaliteit (MLM), insluit in die hofsaak. Hierdie groep individue lê hul tyd en kundigheid volledig vrywillig neer. Die regspan het op Maandag, 12 Oktober, 'n tweedelige aansoek aan Eskom, MLM, die nasionale energiereguleerder van Suid-Afrika (NERSA), die premier van Mpumalanga, en die minister van minerale bronne en energie gerig. Hierdie aansoek, wat tans in die Noord-Gautengse hooggeregshof hangend is, sal dien om Eskom te verbied om die ladeningsvermindering, of “notified maximum demand” (NMD) te implementeer. Die NMD wat tans in werking is, verhoed dat Eskom die nodige elektrisiteitstoevoer aan MLM verskaf, en is die rede vir die daaglikse kragonderbrekings wat inwoners ondervind. MLM bestuur het egter die Tribune op verskeie geleenthede valslik verseker dat die NMD nie verminder is nie, en dat die kragonderbrekings te danke is aan verouderde infrastruktuur. Dit is egter te verwagte dat die NMD verminder is, siende dat MLM meer as R170 miljoen aan Eskom skuld. MLM se wanbetaling was sedert 2011 verskeie kere in die kalklig, met Eskom wat menigte male gedreig het om die elektrisiteitstoevoer totaal en al af te sny. Dit is egter kommerwekkend dat MLM bestuur inwoners en besighede ‘n rat voor die oë gedraai het, en die infame “Kabel 88" blameer het vir die onderbrekings. Volgens die MBCF, staan Eskom Deel A, die aansoek, teë. Deel B van die aansoek is 'n hersiening van Eskom se besluit om NMD toe te pas, wat 'n irrasionele besluit is, gebaseer op die skending van grondwetlike regte van betalende inwoners en sakeondernemings. Dié word tans deur die hof hersien, en sal hopelik tersyde gestel word. Die MBCF maak egter staat op die finansiële bydraes van inwoners en besighede om hierdie wettige veldtog suksesvol aan te dryf, om 'n beter en welvarende dorp vir almal te verseker. Aansoekvorms om ‘n lid te word van die MBCF is beskikbaar vir belangstellendes. Twee van die MBCF verteenwoordigers het ook onlangs met hul regspan, Andreas Peens. en advokaat Danie Wijnbeek vergader, en was baie beïndruk met die hoeveelheid navorsing en werk wat reeds gedoen was, en die manier waarop hulle van plan is om die saak te dryf. Inwoners en sake eienaars wat intussen tot die regskoste wil bydra, kan dit doen deur 'n inbetaling in die trustrekening van die MBCF prokureur, Andreas Peens, te maak. Die bankrekening besonderhede is as volg: Andreas Peens Prokureurs, ABSA lopende rekening, 409 642 0347, takkode 632005. Inwoners wat bydraes maak, moet asseblief die verwysing AP792MBCF gebruik met die inbetaling. Belangstellendes wat navrae het oor die MBCF, en die saak wat hul ter harte dra, kan 072 401 1449 kontak. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Unmatched response from ER24 - Real help, real fast | tribune-newspaper

    Unmatched response from ER24 - Real help, real fast 1/11 Share GK CRONJE 6 April 2022 Adeel comforted the boy with words of encouragement while they waited for the parents to arrive. On Friday, 1 April 2022, a young cyclist was hit by a Toyota Quantum at the Church- and Voortrekker Streets intersection, and sustained light injuries. The driver of the vehicle told the Tribune that the traffic light was green for oncoming traffic, when the boy came across the road in the direction of McDonalds. Luckily, two bystanders rushed to the boy’s aid, and kept him calm until EMS arrived. ER24 stalwarts, Adeel Vorajee and Sandile Mthupha were on scene in a matter of minutes, where they tended to the injured boy. Sandile assisted in redirecting the traffic flow and assessing the scene, while Adeel comforted the boy with words of encouragement while they waited for the parents to arrive. The youngster had to be taken to hospital to assess the extent of injuries to his left leg and ankle. The injuries has since been deemed as light, according to available information. A special word of thanks is also extended the Transport Inspectorate officer for tending the scene and directing traffic, while they waited for SAPS to arrive. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Shock as pedestrian leaps into oncoming traffic

    Shock as pedestrian leaps into oncoming traffic Shock as pedestrian leaps into oncoming traffic 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 8 June 2021 According to bystanders, the deceased has been know to repeatedly ignore oncoming traffic, and has had several narrow brushes with motorists who were caught off guard by his strange behavior. On Thursday, 3 June, at approximately 18:30, a pedestrian has lost his life after allegedly jumping in front of oncoming traffic on the Amersfoort road, opposite Winkelhaak. Emergency services rushed to the scene, and the pedestrian was pronounced DOA. According to bystanders, the deceased has been know to repeatedly ignore oncoming traffic, and has had several narrow brushes with motorists who were caught off guard by his strange behavior. An SAPS investigation is underway. Motorists are urged to be vigilant when driving at night, and to try and anticipate any obstacles that may present itself. Traffic flow was disrupted for an extended period of time as the scene was assessed and investigated. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Rietspruit housing development taking shape | tribune-newspaper

    Rietspruit housing development taking shape 1/4 Share GK CRONJE 6 April 2021 Residential, retail and parks were touted as the main attraction, and water, sewage and roads infrastructure will be made available by DOHS. After years of allegations of corruption, arrests of officials, and land invasions from irate residents, Rietspruit Farm, also known as Extension 44, had finally been allocated by the Department of Human Settlements (DOHS) to house nearly 5 000 housing units. This flagship project was recently officiated last year by Msukaligwa Local Municipality’s executive mayor, Cllr. Mkhaliphi, is showing progress and much promise. Gert Sibande District Municipality regional planning unveiled that a reported 5 760 stands had been made available, with an estimated 4 000 mixed housing opportunities. Plans for more than 600 rental units were also mentioned. Residential, retail and parks were touted as the main attraction, and water, sewage and roads infrastructure will be made available by DOHS. - Photos sourced. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • WOF Mpumalanga assists in 63 fires during July | tribune-newspaper

    WOF Mpumalanga assists in 63 fires during July 1/3 Share GK CRONJE 17 August 2021 The Winter Fire Season officially began on 1 June 2021, and WOF Mpumalanga has recorded a total of 128 fires thus far. “We urge the community at large to practice caution and not start unnecessary fires as we are expecting windy and dry weather conditions, which fuel a runaway veld or forest fire,” Mthembu added. The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Working on Fire Mpumalanga teams and the Forest Support Programme (FSP) teams assisted partners in combating numerous fires during July, while navigating the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Injaka FSP team was the busiest team in July, and was dispatched numerous times to the fireline to assist the Lowveld Escarpment Fire Protection Association (LEFPA). The Ermelo team, who are partnered with Msukaligwa Local Municipality, were deployed several times and in one call out, the team lived up to WOF objectives of Saving Lives when they managed to prevent housing structures from catching flames at an informal settlement in their region. The month of July saw an increase in fires due to extreme weather conditions, which contributed to the high Fire Danger Index (FDI). A total of 63 fires were recorded, and no injuries were reported. According to Working on Fire Mpumalanga Provincial Coordinator, Gert van der Westhuizen, this is an increase from June, where teams assisted in 43 fires. “WOF Mpumalanga and FSP teams remain on high alert, because we are approaching the halfway mark of the fire season. We are expecting a lot of teams to be dispatched to assist partners in August because it is a windy month,” said WOF Mpumalanga Communication Officer, Amanda Mthembu. Besides fire suppression operations, WOF Mpumalanga and FSP teams are also hard at work conducting various Integrated Fire Management Services (IFMS), which include Prescribed Burns and raising awareness in their communities with Fire Awareness educational workshops and door-to-door campaigns. The Winter Fire Season officially began on 1 June 2021, and WOF Mpumalanga has recorded a total of 128 fires thus far. “We urge the community at large to practice caution and not start unnecessary fires as we are expecting windy and dry weather conditions, which fuel a runaway veld or forest fire,” Mthembu added. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Grusame botsing eis vier lewens, vrou skenk geboorte

    Grusame botsing eis vier lewens, vrou skenk geboorte Grusame botsing eis vier lewens, vrou skenk geboorte 1/6 Share SH HATTINGH 13 April 2021 Die tweede ongeluk het op die Morgenzon pad plaasgevind, ongeveer 10 kilometer buite die dorp, tussen ‘n klein voertuig en ‘n SUV. Tydens die ongeluk was daar geen ernstige beserings opgedoen nie. Op Woensdag, 7 April, ongeveer 16:30, het ‘n grusame botsing tussen ‘n BMW en ‘n Toyota Corolla op die N17 plaasgevind, ongeveer 10 kilometer vanaf die tolhek. Die BMW was ‘n familie van vier insittendes, asook dié in die Corolla. Met die aankoms op die toneel het een insittende van die Corolla in die pad uitgeslinger, terwyl die ander insittendes binne in die kar vasgevang was. Die insittendes van die BMW was binne-in die voertuig. Alle mediese dienste was spoedig op die toneel om mediese hulp aan die pasiënte te skenk, asook met die beheer van die verkeer. Drie persone is dood verklaar op die toneel. Hannes en Vusi van ER24 het mediese behandeling op een pasiënt toegepas, en hy is dadelik na die Provinsiale Hospitaal vervoer. Die pasiënt is ongelukkig later in die hospitaal oorlede. Igagu Emergency Services het die twee kinders, saam met hulle ma wat in die BMW was, vervoer na die Ermelo Provinsiale Hospitaal vir mediese behandeling. Die gesin het ligte beserings opgedoen. Ongeveer 15 minute later is ER24 weer terug op die toneel, waar daar ‘n vrou in ‘n taxi was, wat vasgevang was in die verkeer. Die pad was gesluit as gevolg van die ongeluk, en sy het in kraam in gegaan. Die vrou is deur ER24 vervoer na die hospitaal, waar sy nog voor die hospitaal binne-in die ambulans gekraam het. ER24, Msukaligwa Fire and Rescue, Van Wettens Insleep Dienste, Davel en Ermelo Polisie en die Provinsiale Ambulaans Dienste, asook Igagu, was op die toneel. In ‘n tweede geval op Vrydag, 9 April, het daar twee botsings plaasgevind. Die eerste ongeluk het ongeveer 17:00 gebeur, op die hoek van Voortrekker- en Kerk Straat, tussen ‘n Ford Ranger en ‘n Mitsubishi Pajero Sport. Niemand is beseer tydens die ongeluk nie. Die tweede ongeluk het op die Morgenzon pad plaasgevind, ongeveer 10 kilometer buite die dorp, tussen ‘n klein voertuig en ‘n SUV. Tydens die ongeluk was daar geen ernstige beserings opgedoen nie. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Bongo brothers out on bail

    Bongo brothers out on bail Bongo brothers out on bail Bongani Bongo, one of the Bongo brothers, amongst 11 arrested for fraud. Rietspruit Farm, just outside Ermelo. Bongani Bongo, one of the Bongo brothers, amongst 11 arrested for fraud. 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 29 October 2020 Rietspruit Farm was sold back to DOHS for R32 million. The farms fell out of the Spatial Development Plan for the municipality, and therefore not categorized for human settlement. To date it has not been proclaimed as township. Former Minister of State Security, Bongani Thomas Bongo, and ten others appeared briefly in the Nelspruit Magistrates’ Court on charges of corruption, fraud, theft, money laundering and contravention of the Public Finance Management Act. Robert Burwise, Patrick Donald Chirwa, Harrington Sizwakhendaba Dhlamini, Blessing Mduduzi Singwane, David Boy Dube, Sipho Joel Bongo, Vusi Willem Magagula, Bongani Louis Henry Sibiya, Elmon Lawrence Mdaka, and Sibongile Mercy Mdaka were reported to the DPCI investigating team and were charged earlier this morning together with four companies and face 69 counts. The companies implicated are The Little River Trading 156 (Pty) Ltd, Broad Market Trading 204 (Pty) Ltd, Bongiveli CC, and Pfuka Afrika CC. The allegations are in connection with the R37.5 million sale and purchase of a farm Naauwpoort at Emalahleni by the Mpumalanga Department of Human Settlement (DoHS) ostensibly on behalf of eMalahleni Municipality. Some of the accused, acting in common concert and with common purpose, exploited the normal phenomenon of purchase of land by government by misrepresenting facts to the DOHS regarding ownership and true sale price of the farm Naauwpoort. The real owner of the farm, Petrus Johannes Van Tonder, was paid only R15 million for the farm from the R37.5 million. The money was paid into the trust account of Singwane Attorneys, in their capacity as conveyancer appointed by the department. Van Tonder paid R1.5 million commission to Pam Golding as estate agents for the transaction. Singwane, not instructed by the department, paid R22.5 million to Little River Trading, which enabled the accused to successfully steal the money. In another transaction, Bongiveli entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Fremax Farms for a portion of Rietspruit Farm for an amount of R10.5 million. However, Msukaligwa Local Municipality's valuation of the portion of the Rietspruit farm was valued at R1.6 million. Little River paid R1.5 million as deposit for the farm, and Bongiveli had to deliver a guarantee issued by a bank or financial institution for payment of the balance of the purchase price on or before 31 May 2011. In turn, some of the accused, as members of Pfuka Afrika CC, received commission of R4.5 million. In March 2011 the DOHS, Msukaligwa Local Municipality and Bongiveli entered into a sale and purchase agreement for Rietspruit Farm. When the said sale and purchase agreement was signed, Bongiveli was not the owner of the farm, and there was no approval of the departmental to purchase the farm. Msukaligwa Local Municipality's valuation of the portion of the Rietspruit Farm was valued at R1.6 million. In March 2011, the DOHS paid an R52 884 384.00 to Singwane. Subsequently, the law firm furnished Freemax with a guarantee of R15 661 018.59. The property was then transferred to Bongiveli from Msugalikwa Local Municipality, and the company became the owner of the farm. The farm was sold back to DOHS for R32 million. The farms fell out of the Spatial Development Plan for the municipality, and therefore not categorized for human settlement. To date it has not been proclaimed as township. It is alleged that some of the accused received kickbacks of cash and cars, among others, from some of the entities involved in the transactions. The two Bongo brothers were released on R10 000 bail and they were warned to appear 4 March 2021. The court will resume shortly to hear the bail applications of the rest of the accused < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MEC’s visit Cebisa following fatal stabbing | tribune-newspaper

    MEC’s visit Cebisa following fatal stabbing 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 23 August 2022 Gangs are often connected to organized crime, violence and drugs. Following the gang-related fatal stabbing of a student at Cebisa Secondary School in Wesselton on Tuesday, 16 August 2022, the eyes of the country are on the government to take action. Mpumalanga education MEC, Bonakele Majuba, condemned the incident, and also conveyed his condolences to the family. “Regrettably, the stabbed learner succumbed to his injuries at Ermelo Provincial Hospital. It is alleged that the learners belonged to different troublesome gangs in the township,” the department said in a statement. The suspect is a fellow student, and has since been arrested on a farm between Ermelo and Breyten. MEC Majuba visited the school on this morning, together with Mpumalanga Community Safety and Security MEC, Vusi Shongwe, and other officials, who rendered psychosocial assistance to all who are affected by the incident. The two MECs also visited Laerskool Ermelo, where a meeting took place between the principals and student governing bodies of all schools in the area to discuss the way forward. During the visit, it was also announced that an imbizo will be hosted at the Wesselton Stadium on 28 August 2022. The imbizo will commence at 11:00. The imbizo will be led by MEC Shongwe, where gang violence and school safety will be discussed. Youth Gang Violence (YGV) is on the rise in South Africa, and this situation has led to increased fears about safety and security in and around schools. The increasing number of high school learners getting involved in gang activities raises a major concern regarding the impact of their involvement on their educational attainment, and lives in general. Young boys start associating with gangs very early, when they are still at primary school level, between the ages of 5 to 12-years-old. Other learners join youth gangs when in high school and beyond, between the ages of 14 and 21-years-old. The crimes and violence committed by the latter age group are of greater significance, and of a more serious nature. Gang involvement leads to many negative outcomes, such as incarceration, drug and alcohol use, injury and death. Gangs may also serve as a protective influence, and offer many benefits that are unmet in their homes, schools and neighborhoods to those who join them. Risk factors include poor attachment to school, attention and learning problems at school, and dropping out of school, whilst gangsterism that emanate from the family include poor attachment to the parents, delinquent siblings, and violent parents and gangster family members. Gangs are often connected to organized crime and drugs, while other gangs are more about identity, and their gang fights are about claiming their space and their identity within these communities. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Anke mag maar dans

    Anke mag maar dans 1/1 Share SM HATTINGH 1 June 2021 “Ons is super trots op jou Anke. Ons skool hou jou dop en weet jy leef jou droom.” Anke Swart, ‘n leerling van Morgenzon Landbou Akademie, het gedans teen al die akrobate klubs in Mpumalanga en na 2 maande se harde werk, baie oefening en uithou het sy haar Mpumalanga kleure verwerf met 'n punt van 9.033 uit 9.8. Sy dring deur na die Interprovinsiale kampioenskappe, waar sy Mpumalanga gaan verteenwoordig en gaan dans vir 'n plek in die SA span. “Ons is super trots op jou Anke. Ons skool hou jou dop en weet jy leef jou droom.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Errie-atlete presteer tydens landloop byeenkoms

    Errie-atlete presteer tydens landloop byeenkoms 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 31 August 2021 “Baie geluk aan bovermelde atlete, en baie sterkte met jul voorbereiding vir toekomstige byeenkomste. Die Erries hou julle flinke tred met groot belangstelling dop!” Op 18 Augustus het die Erries se landloop atlete aan 'n landloop byeenkoms te Hoërskool Hertzog deelgeneem. Daar was slegs een byeenkoms vir 2021, en die Erries het hul uitstekend van hul taak gekwyt. Die volgende atlete verdien besondere vermelding: BongmusaVilakazi eindig eerste (seuns o/16), Chester Mpahlele behaal derde plek (seuns o/16), Nicolas Steyn vierde plek (seuns o/14), Mia Steenkamp eerste plek (dogters o/16) en Zané du Plessis tweede plek in dieselfde ouderdomsgroep. Caylin Loock eindig eerste in die afdeling vir dogters o/17. “Baie geluk aan bovermelde atlete, en baie sterkte met jul voorbereiding vir toekomstige byeenkomste. Die Erries hou julle flinke tred met groot belangstelling dop!” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ongeluk eis 2 lewens

    Ongeluk eis 2 lewens Ongeluk eis 2 lewens 1/2 Share SH HATTINGH 24 November 2020 Die SAPD van Davel wil graag ‘n versoek doen op al die padverbruikers om die verkeersreëls te gehoorsaam, en veilig te wees op die paaie tydens die feesseisoen. Op Vrydag, 20 November, ongeveer 12:30 het daar ‘n grusame ongeluk plaasgevind op die N17 tussen Ermelo en Bethal. Tydens die ongeluk was daar drie voertuie betrokke, ‘n wit BMW, silver Isuzu bakkie en ‘n wit Chevrolet bakkie. Die pad was vir ongeveer 3 ure gesluit weens die terwyl nood- en opruimdienste rondgeskarrel het. Volgens Konstabel Portia van Davel SAPD is die oorsaak van die ongeluk weens die bestuurder van die BMW wat ander voertuie verby gesteek het op ‘n dubbel sperstreep, waarna hy beheer verloor het oor sy voertuig en met die Chevrolet gebots het. Twee persone is tydens die ongeluk op die toneel oorlede, waar een ernstig beseer is en na Trichardt Medi-Clinic geneem is vir mediese behandeling. Die SAPD van Davel wil graag ‘n versoek doen op al die padverbruikers om die verkeersreëls te gehoorsaam, en veilig te wees op die paaie tydens die feesseisoen. < Previous Article Next Article >

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