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  • Liggies vereer by Msukaligwa 1 prysuitdeling

    Liggies vereer by Msukaligwa 1 prysuitdeling 1/2 Share SH HATTINGH 27 April 2021 Ligbron is ook aangewys onder die Top 2 skole algeheel, in Msukaligwa 1. Alle vakke wat 100% slaagsyfer verwerf het, het ‘n sertifikaat ontvang. Op Vrydag, 16 April, het Msukaligwa 1 ‘n prysuitdelingsgeleentheid aangebied om skole te vereer vir hulle goeie matriekuitslae van 2020. Ligbron het by hierdie aangeleentheid die volgende toekennings ontvang: Beste Wiskunde (Me Elsa van Zyl en Me Lenie van Zyl) en Wetenskap (Me Magdeli Bosman) prestasie in Msukaligwa 1. Ligbron is ook aangewys onder die Top 2 skole algeheel, in Msukaligwa 1. Alle vakke wat 100% slaagsyfer verwerf het, het ‘n sertifikaat ontvang. Hierdie vakke sluit in: Afrikaans FAL (Me Edith Hattingh) , Engels HL en FAL (Me Mari Bosman, Me Caroline de Wet, Me Margaret van Helsdingen, Me Magda Smit en Me Talita Coetzer), Lewensoriëntering, Wiskunde (Me Lenie van Zyl en Me Elsa van Zyl), Wiskundige Geletterdheid (Me Frankie Nell), Fisiese Wetenskappe (Me Magdeli Bosman), Tegniese Fisiese Wetenskappe (Me Marelize Delport en Me Lizmari van Eeden), Rekeningkunde (Me Elsa vander Schyff), Toerisme (Me Erika Brand en Me Carinche Pretorius), Inligtingstegnologie (Mnr Gerhard Prinsloo), Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie (Mnr Pierre van Wyngaard), Elektriese Tegnologie (Mnr Scholly Johannes, Mnr Christiaan van Greunen en Mnr Jacques Snyman), Meganiese Tegnologie (Mnr Jan Bosman en Mnr Gerhard Ebersohn), Siviele Tegnologie (Mnr Andrew Els) en Ingenieursgrafika en –ontwerp (Mnr Arrie Lombard). Ammaarah Arbee achieved outstanding results in the Grade 12 2020 final exam! Not only is she Ligbron's Top Achiever with a percentage of 94.43 %, but also the top achiever in the region. Ammaarah received a trophy, certificate and bag. “Baie geluk aan elke onderwyser en leerder. Dankie vir julle toewyding en harde werk. Facta non Verba!” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Unsung hero changes lives in Davel | tribune-newspaper

    Unsung hero changes lives in Davel 1/5 Share GK CRONJE 27 April 2021 “I thank God for being with me, and making my dream came true. I like to thank the school principal and the staff members for giving me the opportunity to do so, and my friends and family for supporting me.” A rolemodel and hero to many, Bongani Jonas Mokoena celebrated his 29th birthday with an amazing act of charity. Bongani decided to open his heart, and to celebrate his birthday in a different manner, by donating school uniforms to learners in need at Umfudlana Combined School in the Davel area. This is the same school he attended from Grade R until his matric year in 2011. “I thank God for being with me, and making my dream came true. I like to thank the school principal and the staff members for giving me the opportunity to do so, and my friends and family for supporting me.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Lyfstraf saak weereens uitgestel

    Lyfstraf saak weereens uitgestel Lyfstraf saak weereens uitgestel 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 6 Oktober 2020 ie departement van onderwys gaan ook teen die drie onderwysers optree. Woordvoerder van die departement, Jasper Zwane, sê die voorval is uiters teleurstellend. Die drie verdagtes, Mxolisi Mdakane, Tau Nkosi en Mamatjie Zitha (skoolhoof) staan tereg op aanklagte van aanranding met die doel om ernstig te beseer, sowel as gewone aanranding. Die skoolhoof en twee onderwysers van die Masizakhe Secondary School, het in die landdroshof in Ermelo verskyn omdat hulle na bewering lyfstraf aan vier leerders toegedien het. Hulle is in hegtenis geneem nadat die ouers die saak by die polisie aangemeld het. Brigadier Leonard Hlathi, woordvoerder van die polisie in Mpumalanga, het onderwysers gewaarsku om hulself te weerhou van lyfstraf, omdat dit in die land afgeskaf is. “Dit het tot lig gekom dat die drie betrokke was by lyfstraf van hierdie kinders, nadat hulle nie hul skoolwerk gedoen het nie.” Die departement van onderwys gaan ook teen die drie onderwysers optree. Woordvoerder van die departement, Jasper Zwane, sê die voorval is uiters teleurstellend. Die drie verdagtes, Mxolisi Mdakane, Tau Nkosi en Mamatjie Zitha (skoolhoof) staan tereg op aanklagte van aanranding met die doel om ernstig te beseer, sowel as gewone aanranding. Die drie het op 2 September 2020 in die hof verskyn, waar borgtog op R1 000 vasgestel is. Hul saak was tot 18 September in die landdroshof in Breyten uitgestel, en weerends uitgestel na 20 November 2020 vir verdere ondersoek. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Errie raadskamp berei leiers voor vir 2021

    Errie raadskamp berei leiers voor vir 2021 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 13 October 2020 Die lesings oor onder andere konflik hantering en spanbou-aktiwiteite wat spanwerk bevorder het, en talle ander uitdagings wat die leerders geforseer het om kreatief te dink, het die raad bemagtig om as ‘n groen eenheid te funksioneer. Hoërskool Ermelo het vanaf 23 tot 26 September weereens‘n insiggewende en suksesvolle Errieraadskamp te u-Bhetyan-o-Africa aangebied. Die lesings oor onder andere konflik hantering en spanbou-aktiwiteite wat spanwerk bevorder het, en talle ander uitdagings wat die leerders geforseer het om kreatief te dink, het die raad bemagtig om as ‘n groen eenheid te funksioneer. Die Errieraad is slag gereed vir 2021, asook om met trots vertoon vensters van Hoërskool Ermelo te wees. Hou die Errieraad van 2021 gerus dop, hulle het baie om te bied vir die Erries. ‘n Toespraak van Margha Greyling, een van volgende jaar se leiers, het die visie van die nuwe raad so mooi opgesom: “Tradition is tending the flame, not worshiping the ashes. According to the Oxford dictionary, tradition is a long established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another. Maar, sonder‘n brandende hart vol passie, is tradisie maar net gebare teen‘n muur. ‘n Errie se hart is een van die mooiste harte wat enigeiemand ooit sal teëkom. Hy lewer die mooiste produk wat nog ooit tersprake was: opregtheid, eerlikheid, respek, lojaliteit en passie. Hierdie produk is meer werd as ‘n Opperman-Blou-Diamant. Die produk van hierdie vurige hart maak jou wie jy is. Dit is soos die goue randjie om jou groen skoolbaadjie. Dit is soos die eksotiese lente bloeisels na‘n snerpende winter. Dit is die somer son wat weer sy verskyning maak na ‘n lang, vaal nag. Hierdie produk maak alles beter. Mense bewonder ons. Hulle bewonder ons menswees. Hulle bewonder ons optrede. ‘n Ware Errie praat met wysheid, luister met respek en leer met geduld. Cultures grow on the vine of tradition. Tradition is the one thing that binds us all together as one, no matter what culture you may follow.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • DWS besoek Rietspruit Crushers | tribune-newspaper

    DWS besoek Rietspruit Crushers 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 29 March 2022 Beide partye se regspanne is tans besig om te onderhandel. Na afloop van die Tribune se uitgawe van 22 Maart 2022, rakende die dispuut tussen Rietspruit Crushers en Oubaas de Jager Familie Trust, het dit gelyk of daar lig in die tonnel is. Die dispuut handel oor Rietspruit Crushers, wat vanaf 2017 geen vergoeding betaal het aan die Oubaas de Jager Familie Trust vir die area van die plaas wat hul tans gebruik nie, en dat daar ook tans geen huur ooreenkoms in plek is nie. Tydens ondersoeke is daar ondervind dat Rietspruit wel ‘n wettige myn lisensie het wat in 2025 verval, maar die groot vraag is... Sal die verhuurder weer die area aan die huurder verhuur, omdat Rietspruit Crushers reeds onder sakeredding geplaas is? In Junie 2021 het die huurooreenkoms reeds verval tussen die partye, waar daar nog nooit weer ‘n nuwe huur ooreenkoms in plek gesit is nie. Na ondersoeke is daar aan die Tribune gesê dat die Departement van Water en Sanitasie op Donderdag, 24 Maart 2022, hul verskyning in Ermelo gemaak het. Die lede van die Departement het ‘n besoek gaan aflê by Rietspruit Crushers, waar hul die water lisensie aangevra het. Tydens die besoek kon daar egter geen water lisensie gewys word aan die Departement nie, wat gelei het dat Rietspruit Crushers dadelik beveel is om alle myn aktiwiteite te staak. Nou lê die vraag weer, indien Rietspruit Crushers hul hekke sou moet sluit, hoe groot sal die ekonomiese impak in Ermelo en omliggende omgewing wees? Daar word tans die Merino Mall gebou, asook die infame “ring road” wat gebou gaan word... Waar gaan die verskeie instansies hul materiaal kan kry? Die arbitrasie saak wat tans tussen die partye is, is nou oorgeskakel na mediasie. Met die plasing in die vorige uitgawe van die Tribune, het verskeie mense kontak gemaak waar hulle kommer uitgespreek het rondom die situasie dat Rietspruit Crushers dalk sal moet toemaak. Verskeie maatskappye het ook laat hoor dat hul in die verlede ook skade gely het oor kontrakte wat in plek was, maar wat nie na gekom is soos ooreengekom was nie. Beide partye se regspanne is besig om te onderhandel, en te kyk of daar nie so spoedig as moontlik tot ‘n beslissing kan kom met die huurooreenkoms, asook al die uitstaande dokumentasie wat Rietspruit Crushers tans nie in hul besit het nie. Sou alles in plek val, sal Rietspruit Crushers steeds materiale kan produseer. Daar was ‘n koop ooreenkoms, asook ‘n huur ooreenkoms, wat stipuleer dat die Oubaas de Jager Familie Trust vergoed was, welke dan nie meer verder vergoed is vanaf 2017 nie, en dat daarna gewys word as verlies van inkomste. Die Oubaas de Jager Familie Trust oorweeg dit om moontlik die hele plaas te verkoop, omrede dit deel was van die koop ooreenkoms van 2013 vanaf die vorige eienaar, waarvan die geregistreerde huur ooreenkoms by die akte kantoor geregistreer was. Dié sou ‘n inkomste verseker vir die Oubaas de Jager Familie Trust. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Erries gee terug aan gemeenskap | tribune-newspaper

    Erries gee terug aan gemeenskap 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH ​ Na aanleiding hiervan, het die Presidente, Arend Fourie en Anke de Kock, namens die Erries broodnodige produkte aan die SAVF Ouetehuis Ermelo oorhandig. Die gemeenskap is vir die Erries uiters belangrik, daarom was dit die keuse van die 2021 Errie-Raad om aan die gemeenskap iets terug te gee. Na aanleiding hiervan, het die Presidente, Arend Fourie en Anke de Kock, namens die Erries broodnodige produkte aan die SAVF Ouetehuis Ermelo oorhandig. Op so ‘n manier bewys die Erries dat hulle omgee wyd en ver strek. Die bejaardes het hulle met hartlikheid en dankbaarheid ontvang. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Needless violence from protestors plague N2

    Needless violence from protestors plague N2 Needless violence from protestors plague N2 1/7 Share GK CRONJE 10 August 2021 Five people were arrested in connection with the violence and arson of the vehicles. The probe continues, and residents with information pertaining to the incident are urged to come forward. As the Merino Mall’s construction is progressing swiftly, senseless acts of violence and intimidation seem to be the order of the day from residents in Ermelo and the surrounding informal settlements. Several serious allegations have surfaced, ranging from incitement of violence from prominent business men in the area, to death threats, and threats of a complete shutdown of Ermelo if inane demands aren’t adhered to. On Wednesday, 4 August 2021, various reports were received from residents marching through Ermelo, armed with knives, pangas, sticks and pipes. Authorities responded swiftly, and dispersed the crowds. According to available information, infighting between residents residing in opposing informal settlements over employment opportunities at the Merino Mall construction site was the cause of the ruckus. Although the crowds dispersed, later the same evening all hell broke loose on the N2 Acacia crossing, which is notorious for the senseless acts of violence from the residents in the area. Three trucks and a light vehicle were set alight in an apparent act of protest, while two other trucks were damaged by suspects. In an act of mindlessness, one of the drivers of the heavy vehicles was also severely beaten by protestors. The sudden surge of violence prompted police and the SANDF to maintain heightened visibility for several days after the fact. The police in Ermelo called, and still calls, on members of the public with information on the whereabouts of the suspects who set the vehicles alight. The probe continues, and residents with information pertaining to the incident are urged to come forward. Five people were arrested in connection with the violence and arson of the vehicles. The five suspects that were arrested are aged between 30 to 58-years old. The suspects are expected to appear in the Ermelo Magistrate's Court on Tuesday, 10 August 2021. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Pollution on the daily irks business owners | tribune-newspaper

    Pollution on the daily irks business owners 1/4 Share GK CRONJE 19 April 2022 "And it’s not just here. Look around Ermelo, there’s refuse lining every street.” Business owners in Ennis Street are having a hard time with pollution of all kinds right on their shopfront’s doorsteps. Near-daily gatherings of individuals in this area cause the roadway, sidewalks and parking areas of surrounding businesses to become the ultimate party site. Large pile of glass bottles have been spotted on the sidewalk, with the refuse bin, ironically, being nearly empty. The roadway, sidewalks and parking area of the surrounding businesses are littered with a myriad of empty liquor bottles, food containers and shards of glass from bottles being shattered in drunken stupor. “It’s really troubling to see that this issue is ongoing, with no reprieve from authorities or law enforcement. My shopfront and parking area is littered daily with bottles, glass shards, other refuse, and even human feaces. I have to clean this area, and I don’t even sell liquor,” an irate business owner told the Tribune. “I’m not the only one. Look at the entire area here. It’s unacceptable. My customers have to drive on eggs when visiting my shop to avoid the shards of glass slicing their tyres. It’s making everything more difficult than it needs to be. And it’s not just here. Look around Ermelo, there’s refuse lining every street.” While on scene, the Tribune noticed two municipal employees gingerly cleaning the shard-strewn road, and picking up a large amount of liquor bottles lining the street and sidewalk. An enquiry will be sent to Msukaligwa Local Municipality, and the response published in the next publication. See more photos on our Facebook page, Tribune Ermelo. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • No respite from stray cattle as another collision occurs

    No respite from stray cattle as another collision occurs 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 26 July 2022 The injured animal caused extensive damaged to the bewildered driver. Over the course of several years, cattle owners have systematically circumvented the by-laws of Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) with regards to the care, control and branding of cattle and other stray animals. These individuals have also taken advantage of MLM’s lax attitude and have erected pens and makeshift shelters for farm animals in several wards. Despite the municipality’s by-laws stating that no person may keep farm animals in an enclosure or stable within 15 meters of any boundary of any land, dwelling, building or any structure used for human habitation, or 50 meters of any water resource or water supply intended or used for human consumption, transgressors live their best lives without consequence. The unenforced by-laws are wholly ignored, creating a vicious cycle of frustration, property damage and danger for motorists and residents. Various residents have reported that their dogs get uncontrollably riled up by stray livestock roaming the residential wards, most notably in the De Bruin Park area. Although it is mandated by the Animal Identification Act, Act 6 of 2000, a large percentage of the stray animals roaming the CBD, roadways, wards and surrounding areas are unmarked and unbranded. The fact that there are no longer pounding services offered by local companies makes life extremely difficult for residents and road users alike. Stray animals and cattle impede the flow of traffic, and have been the cause of many an accident in the vicinity of Ermelo. In rare cases, a cattle herder can be seen lazily coaxing the animals through residential areas, but in the majority of instances these animals are left to their own devices. The inherent danger of stray cattle is especially notable on the N11 Ermelo-Hendrina road, where several serious collisions have been caused by these nuisance strays. These animals are also becoming a nuisance on the N17 and N2, where several instances of collisions with stray cattle have been reported. Due to the municipalitys complete and utter disregard of by-law enforcement, stray cattle issues are expanding deeper into the residential wards, and have also become a nuisance in the CBD, where these animal blindly lumber over busy roadways, oblivious to traffic. In addition to this, stray cattle and animals within wards demolish gardens, tear open refuse bags and unnecessarily rile up neighborhood dogs. On previous occasions, MLM stated that residents should contact the call centre to report such incidents. However, the complete inefficiency of the call centre, coupled with the complete lack of response from municipal departments have made this statement all but redundant. Although the municipal by-laws grants the municipality the power to rapidly fill their coffers by impounding and selling stray animals if they are not collected by their owners, the motivation seems to be lacking for unknown reasons. Despite several previous enquiries, MLM have, to date, failed to step up with a response and solution. The stray livestock have become so used to residential traffic and scolds from angry residents, that not even car horns spook these cattle when they loaf about the streets. Unfortunately, in Ermelo, a blind eye is turned to the issue, which have, and will again, result in a loss of life as motorists collide with these stray animals. A prime example of this is a motorist who collided with a stray animal in Church Street on Saturday, 23 July 2022. The injured animal caused extensive damaged to the bewildered driver. The animal was also the cause of another near-miss, as it bucked into oncoming traffic in shock. Luckily, the oncoming vehicle managed to avoid colliding with the animal. On the accident scene, a group of stray cattle could be noted grazing on the sidewalk, with their owner being blissfully unaware of the danger and damage these animals caused. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Service delivery failure steals renaming spotlight

    Service delivery failure steals renaming spotlight 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 2 February 2021 MLM announced the submitted proposals, but was met with a scourge of dismay and irritation from the majority of residents. The embattled Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) recently requested proposals for name changes to several council owned buildings, which includes the Ella de Bruin Halls, Ermelo Civic Centre, Sports Inn, Cassim Park Library and various other buildings in Breyten and Davel. MLM announced the submitted proposals, but was met with a scourge of dismay and irritation from the majority of residents. Dissatisfaction has been displayed regarding the service delivery within Msukaligwa, questioning the logic behind the renaming of these buildings. While some names make sense, one resident jokingly commented, asking is Andrew Mlangeni even knew about Ermelo. This light-hearted banter is overshadowed by negative feedback, with complaints including non-working street lights, which have been left for years on end, the dismal state of the roads in Ermelo, Wesselton, Sun City and Breyten. However, the star of the show is the infamous 88kVA line, which, according to MLM, is at the root of the daily electrical issues in De Bruin Park, Nederland Park, Cassim Park, John Vorster Park and parts of the business district. Conflicting reports from MLM regarding this cable has seen the light, with one department claiming that the cable isn’t under pressure, whilst other departments claim that the cable and substation are being overloaded, thus causing the rolling blackouts and electrical failures. The Tribune has sent an enquiry to MLM regarding these issues. At the time press, MLM ignored the lodged enquiry. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Nuwe verwikkelinge rakende Groen Lisensies | tribune-newspaper

    Nuwe verwikkelinge rakende Groen Lisensies 1/3 Share INHOUD VERSKAF 15 September 2020 Die Raad van SA Jagters verwag al `n geruime tyd reeds dat die Polisie hierdie interdik wil herroep en die Vereniging het sy lede oor die afgelope twee maande hieroor ingelig en aangeraai om intussen hul bevoegdheid in plek te kry sodat hulle vir nuwe lisensies kan aansoek doen om die ou groen lisensies te vervang. Persverklaring - SA Jagters het laatmiddag op 8 September 2020, ’n skrywe ontvang van die staatsprokureur waarin hy ons inlig oor die staat se voorneme om die hofinterdik van Junie 2009 wat die ou groen lisensies geld gehou het, te laat herroep. Die staatsprokureur is van mening dat vuurwapeneienaars met ou groen lisensies meer as genoeg geleentheid gehad om hul lisensie te hernu gedurende drie geleenthede waar amnestie aangebied is. Die huidige amnestietydperk is die laaste van die drie waarna hy verwys. Verder stel die staatsprokureur voor dat SA Jagters die hoofaansoek van 2009 onttrek (wat nooit verder geneem is nie) en instem om die interdik van 2009 te herroep. Die Minister van Polisie sal dan nie ’n kostebevel teen SA Jagters versoek nie. Indien SA Jagters nie instem tot hierdie versoek nie, sal die staatsprokureur voortgaan met ’n hofaansoek om die 2009 interdik te herroep en om ’n strafkostebevel teen SA Jagters ook aansoek doen. Die Raad van SA Jagters verwag al `n geruime tyd reeds dat die Polisie hierdie interdik wil herroep en die Vereniging het sy lede oor die afgelope twee maande hieroor ingelig en aangeraai om intussen hul bevoegdheid in plek te kry sodat hulle vir nuwe lisensies kan aansoek doen om die ou groen lisensies te vervang. Daar is uiteraard ook lede van die publiek wat steeds staatmaak op die ou groen lisensies en wat in presies dieselfde omstandighede as lede van SA Jagters sal wees met hierdie stap van die polisie. Die Raad van SA Jagters is tans in gesprek oor hoe om dié saak vorentoe te bestuur. ’n Raadsvergadering is vir 17 September 2020 beplan wanneer ons verder met die regspan sal beraadslaag, waarna die Raad `n standpunt sal formuleer om aan die staatsprokureur sal oordra. Uiteraard sal die Raad ook besluit op die gepaste verdere aksie. Na die beste inligting beskikbaar is daar ongeveer 670 000 ou groen lisensies wat nog geldig kan wees. SA Jagters dink nie dit is haalbaar om die huidige amnestie te gebruik om hierdie wapens in te handig en vir nuwe lisensies aansoek te doen nie. Ons sal ’n ander werkbare oplossing moet vind. SA Jagters sal saam met ander belangegroepe in die vuurwapeneienaargemeenskap werk en waar nodig met ander groepe en individue konsulteer om oplossings te vind. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • All systems go for municipal elections | tribune-newspaper

    All systems go for municipal elections 1/7 Share GK CRONJE 2 November 2021 Once the voting officer is satisfied that you have the correct ID, that you are a registered voter and have not already voted, your name is marked off the roll, your ID is stamped, and your thumbnail is inked. South Africa's municipal elections were held on 1 November 2021, to elect councils for all district, metropolitan and local municipalities in each of the country's nine provinces. Ermelo saw a marked turnout of voters, and grandstanding of the various political parties involved. The day was declared a public holiday by President Ramaphosa. Municipal elections sees residents voting for a political party and a ward councillor, a mixed system of PR and a ward constituency system, to get seats at the municipal level. During national and provincial elections, you can vote at any station countrywide, but if you vote at a station outside the province in which you're registered, you can only vote in the national election. In order to cast a vote, you will be instructed to present your green, bar-coded, South African ID book or a temporary identification certificate to the voting officer. The voting officer checks that your name appears on the voters' roll. Once the voting officer is satisfied that you have the correct ID, that you are a registered voter and have not already voted, your name is marked off the roll, your ID is stamped, and your thumbnail is inked. You are then given a stamped official ballot paper/s. Residents who are physically disabled or visually impaired, could choose that someone assist at the voting station. < Previous Article Next Article >

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