MMM displays the power of prayer

13 September 2022
The CPF, SAPS & MMM have pledged to continue visiting schools.
Mpumalanga Men's Movement (MMM) and the Road Traffic Infringement Agency home of AARTO, along with both provincial and Msukaligwa traffic departments gathered at the N2 Acacia Crossing recently, to pray against accidents on N2 during this season. This initiative will continue as the local Community Police Forum (CPF), SAPS & MMM have announced a mass prayer day for Ermelo, that will take place on 16 September 2022, at Thuthukani Hall, next to Cebisa Secondary School. This comes as incidents of murder have risen at an alarming rate since 1 September 2022, with at least 5 murder cases that have been opened.
“Special focus is directed to the murder case of Gogo and the young girl at eMadamini, that were brutally killed recently, as well as the stabbing of young man over chips at New Ermelo, Nyibe. This calls for action, and something must be done against these acts. We have invited pastors from all churches, all organizations, and the community at large to join this prayer walk, from Extension 1 hostel, via the municipal chamber intersection, and then off to Thuthukani Hall, where prayer service will continue” MMM said.
The CPF, SAPS & MMM have pledged to continue visiting schools, and have already visited Cebisa Secondary School, Ermelo Combined School, Ithafa and Lindile to search for weapons, drugs and prohibited items on school premises. “This is to motivate them to stay away from gangs and drugs, and to stop bullying, to ensure that learners focus on their studies, free from influence of drugs, or fear of life from fellow learners. Schools should remain a weapon and drug free area, where students should remain sober and safe, by any means necessary,” MMM concluded.
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